
This game is so survivor sided man I feel like the only possible balance would be to make the survivors one hit downs. That my only solution
That would not be balanced at all.
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B iased take
A ccount created today
I nciteful language
T hree posts on record
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Possibly but then again there are a lot of people I've seen with takes like this and are 100% serious.
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Guys it was a joke lol
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its just a joke lol
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Post bait.
Get called out.
"I was just kidding lol"
To be fair, this is so low effort I might actually believe it.
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This has got to be a troll post. This games so killer sided that beginners can beat a swf.
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Like I wrote not always easy to tell. without context it's hard to know. Just read the chat of certain streamers (won't name them here) and you'll see plenty of people asking for this and being 100% serious. Hell, I think I recall it being mentioned around here and it wasn't a joke.
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You know what? I'm tired of fighting these takes, and to be honest, nowadays I don't play survivor nearly as much anyway because it's miserable, so…
Sure, might as well. Bring the insta-downcalypsis. Whatever makes me go through event tomes faster.
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Agree that this post is bad bait, but so is your take that "beginners can beat a SWF". Care to post some proof that you can easily beat good SWF survivor teams?