How has Onryu not been nerfed?
I get that she is weak, and she was buffed for good reason. And a lot of the time, she's okay to play against. But there is zero penalty for her to just spam teleport to mori survivors early. Its like Tombstone Michael, but far worse, because at least Michael has to do a boat load of stalking to unlock his power. I just had yet another Onryu match where the killer with a Midwich offering just spammed TP until she got a mori at 4 gens. I was playing solo, and post match the other random survivors thought maybe hacking, but I'm not sure.
Condemn should work the way Michael's Tombstone does. It shouldn't be possible to just delete survivors early in match.
If you take tape from tv next to you, you will be fine. I never got mori'ed by this killer. The mori happens when survivors ignore tvs.
24 -
That's her game. Spamming teleport vs turning off TVs. Just two days ago someone made a thread from the opposite side survivors face no consequence for turning off TVs which makes me sad because I can't teleport.
Your mistake was not dodging the Midwich offering.
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Nerfed? She's a noob stomper, but so are all macro killers... she's struggling quite a bit, and doesn't need nerfing more.
A lot of people want the original version of sadako, but I'm less inclined to believe that will ever happen after the Freddy rework (and I like the Freddy rework, but still).
I also rather like a number of aspects of modern Sadako (however there are still issues)... So sticking with modern Sadako, I still maintain her 3.0 version should: -
- Give 0.5 stacks globally for survivors within range of a powered TV when Sadako teleports.
- Give 0.5-0.75 additional stacks for survivors within range of the TV Sadako teleports to.
- Picking up a tape passively builds condemn at a rate of 1 stack every ~45 seconds or so.
- Half the condemn on different elevations to address the issues on Midwich and the Game.
- Proper add-on pass...
This would make mindlessly spamming TP about half as effective, and not really worth the shut off of TVs. It rewards Sadako for making good reads and using her TPs optimally. It also means that at higher levels, shutting down her TVs immediately to deny her TPs comes with a condemn penalty that Sadako can capitalise on if the survivors ignore it too long, especially with the lock in mechanic, giving her an actual functional slowdown.
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Midwich is the only two maps where Onryo works properly. it is one of her best maps if not the best map. Outside of the two maps, she is not good. whenever I play Onryo, i only play on Midwich.
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Onryo design is plain bad. it needs revisions. spam TV mindlessly shouldn't be the main gameplay for her success. her success should be based off smart macro play and manipulation of tapes.
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Nah….. But you know my take already.
Please dont ever suggest anything like this every again.
+1 with one exception.
Just rework Gideon. The map is horribly balanced and can either make specific killers and perks completely busted (Doctor, Sadako, surge) or completely useless (Bubba, Demo) The map should be reworked in size, and loops should be made more interactive. Nobody wants to play pallet - break simulator and nobody wants to get constantly hit by surge.
5 -
What specifically do you find boring and unfun about her? A killer should be oppressive. Thats literally in their job description.
Edit: if you say: "playing against her on Gideon meat plant". Then thats absolutely valid to find boring. That however is more of a map-problem than a Sadako-problem.
4 -
I already did, you didnt clarify, that you share their sentiment. Different people like and dislike different aspects you know?
So I take from that reply, that you dislike her fast teleporting that can result in an early mori?
Then let me ask you a different question. What do you want her to be?
6 -
List of killers that are considered unfun, oppressive or boring to play against:
Trapper, Wraith, Huntress, Nurse, Blight, Spirit, Xeno, Billy, Trickster, Houndmaster, Freddy, Clown, Demogorgon, Dracula, Singularity, Doctor, Chucky, Wesker, Nemesis, Myers, Hag, Plague, Bubba, Pig, Legion, Ghostface, Oni, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Pinhead, Twins, Artist, Sadako, Dredge, Knight, Skull Merchant, Unknown and Vecna.
If you can't tell, that's 38/38 killers. You will always find people that hate to play against a killer. Name a killer you like to play against and there will still be others that hate it. By that logic we would need to nerf every killer to the ground. We can definitely do that but it would undeniably result in the game dying. If all killers were bad that means all killers would get bullied again just like in the good old days… We saw how long survivor queues took back then.
We need to find a way for killers to be strong and fun to play against. That however isn't an easy task. Some survivor players like playing against very chase oriented killers, others don't like being chased as much, so they would want something completely different.
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the player isn't complaining about gideon. they're complaining about Midwich Elementary school. your refusing to read anything. Dev will not rework Gideon's. there is not anything functionally wrong with the map.
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This is a video that explains the problem pretty well.
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I read. Thx. Midwich is her second best map. I read your reply and you said: "Midwich is the only two maps where Onryo works properly."
To that I say, that she works on many more maps. You might just play her the wrong way. She generally works great on any indoor map. They tend to be either small or have multiple floors. Both aspects heavily favour condemned. On top of that, the nature of them being indoor maps favours them as well due to her being a stealth killer.
So here is a ranking of her best indoor maps:
- 1) Gideon
- 2) Midwich, Rpd (both)
- 3) Lery's, Hawkins
She also works on many other maps that are generally not too pallet heavy like Wreckers yard.
I said whats awful about Gideon meat plant. Maybe you should consider reading more thouroughly? Gideon meat plant is the single most horribly designed map in dbd. Its either a free win for the killer if their equipped properly, or a free win for the survivors if the killer isnt. As explained earlier, the map makes some killers and perks exponentially stronger. Way stronger than they have any right to be. This makes balancing them really hard.
If you cant see that than I genuinelly dont know what to tell you.
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If you dont like her, then you must like something else. What is that?
1 -
I haven't had that good of a laugh in a long time. Thanks.
After all, youtube videos are known to contain malware all the time. 😉
13 -
the map is not free win for survivor nor killer. Onryo's current power design is flawed. 1.0 and 2.0 were superior designs for different reasons. The effort to debate or argue in relationship to this killer is not worth my time with you.
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Have you seen those Gordon Ramsay AI - videos? Thats some scary stuff I tell you. Wouldnt be suprised if that hacked your PC…
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And it isnt worth my time either.
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Just wanna point out dude... the video is embedded, which means its properly supported by the forums via an appropriate official plugin, in this case, youtube... you can play it without leaving the website at all...
Also would like to mention fun is subjective. I actually found playing vs. Sadako 3.0 quite fun myself, since I know how condemn works and use proper counterplay... but most survivors don't and get run over.
With good survivors Sadako is quite toothless, but that is somewhat tempered by the fact a lot of survivors suck, so usually the challenge is maintained. When I go up against a Sadako that really knows what they're doing and they hit me with a God Bloody Fingernails read or a perfect demanifest mind game, I often get legit hyped out of respect for the play.
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You dont have to answer, no. What I want to point towards is, that Sadako is a more strategic killer. She requires to be played and played against with a lot of game sense and strategy. Not many people like to play this way in dbd. I understand that. I, on the other hand, love to play that way. My mains are Pig and Sadako for a good reason.
People enjoy and dislike different things. What you might find awful to play against might be what someone else really enjoys to play against.
I personally smile whenever I see a Tv at the start of the trial and hope that the player knows how to play her well.
Sadako, just like good Piggy offers a different style of gameplay than killers that are generally chase oriented. Thats not something bad. Thats something good. Variety is good.
Edit: if you want clarification, I know an IT specialist very well. Can ask them about the video if you want to.
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Sluzzy, is that you? Genuinely curious because I get the vibes here.
6 -
So you accuse @Xernoton of having hacked to forums to put malware here specifically for you?
You do know how that sounds, right?
4 -
Sluzzy is neither imaginary nor would I say I'm friends with them. Though their posts are entertaining.
Thinking about your theory of me hacking the forums… I would have needed to find a way to embed a video that isn't actually on a supported platform on the forums and then also make it look like it's youtube video, while somehow tracking your IP or installing malware on your device without you ever leaving this site. I'm not even sure, if that is possible.
Thanks for the compliment though. I must be pretty smart to do that.
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Just deactivate the TVs by stealing the tapes and then get rid of your condemn by insert it in the yellow TV.
The counterplay is so simple.2 -
Pay 2 Win
0 -
2 -
Ahahahahahaha, you are quite a good troll... I took you seriously for a brief time... that's on me.
Well done 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Sluzzy's 3rd coming. 😂
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Getting condemn in mainly under the control of the survivor. Greeting gens is what get survivors kill against sadako most of the times.
TS peice is broken it's no comparison.
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She is a noob stomper, like a lot of macro killers are. If there is one weak link in the team i can usually force the 4 man mori. However against swf who actually spread and control the tapes, you are gonna struggle
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Sluzzy actually put effort into their bits. These posts are nothin compared to the legend
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I seem to be one of the few who wasn't a fan of Sluzzy but I have to agree this person pales in comparison.
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Sadako doesn't usually get to mori like that unless you ignore the condemn and TV mechanics. I highly suggest picking a tape and depositing it quite often to avoid being moriable by her.
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"Weak" by which metric? Weak does not mean powerless.
Sadako requires a lot of practice and effort to use her, and some strong mindgame skills. She's not as braindead as she was when she was hyperbuffed into A tier.
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Like Chucky, she was fine at launch. Both should’ve never been touched.
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You are gonna have to explain this one:
" How has she not been nerfed " and "I get that she is weak" do not make sense, either she is weak, or she needs to be nerfed, you don't get to have it both ways.
Literally, just pick up a tape, as soon as they become available. There is no penalty to holding a tape anymore.
2 -
Really they just need to punish HOLDING the tape for long periods of time. There is no downside to holding it. I think something like, she needs 7 stacks of condemned to kill right? But we don't want to punish picking up a tape and running to a tv to put it in or being chased. So make it work like deep wounds.
If the survivor is running with the tape, nothing bad happens, but if they don't run, they gain 1 stack every 15 seconds. That way survivors can still grab a tape, hold it, and do half a gen before they get into the danger territory, but they can't just grab a tape and hold it forever. But if the killer is chasing someone with a tape, or the survivor is running to a TV, then they aren't punished for being chased by the killer, or for trying to do the tape.
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You seriously want my main to get the skull merchant treatment? No thank you
Yes, new players will struggle, but experience players can out right avoid getting condemn kills, just like any other macro killers
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there is punishment for holding the tape. you gain 1 stack per hook if sadako has ring drawing. the issue is survivors turning off TV→Turn off your power. there is no flexibility for killer player to be successful. only flexibility for survivor to be successful at deleting the ability. the older versions fixed this problem by allowing sadako to slug in first iteration giving killer some opportunity to express skill and than this was removed version 2 but they allowed killer to express skill using the tapes. As a result of these two mechanics being in killer control, survivor could never completely deleted her power entirely like it is now.
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That's actually a pretty cool/interesting idea... 😅
I like that idea a lot… are you suggesting this instead of the global condemn or in addendum to global condemn? Cause this sounds like it might be a little oppressive with global condemn, sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don't kinda deal...
But would be nice with OG Sadako I feel in conjunction with the TV timer switch around changes and the condemn lock in changes.
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I would say like, current sadako, but with this feature. Current sadako is fine if survivors don't HOLD tapes (obviously they need to collect them) but if you have 4 survivors who all immediately grab a tape there's not much you can do, a bunch of your tvs are off, you can't teleport around and you can't add condemn. From there maybe they could look at reducing the time tvs stay off, but basically yeah.
You can't hold a tape forever to prevent getting condemn unless you are actively running, which means you are getting chased, and that's fine. The problem is a survivor grabbing a tape, which turns off a tv, and makes them immune to condemn and then just doing a gen.
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I have not seen an on you in months even weird that she's the one that you want nerfed
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She's not difficult to counter. All you have to do is take tapes and turn off TVs, they stay off for a long time. If you're going to do a gen, turn off the TV near it first. Even if you pick up 1 condemned stack for turning it off, that's well worth it compared to leaving it on and letting her build condemned on you for free every time she teleports.
As long as you remain diligent about using tapes and shutting TVs off you will massively slow down her condemn pressure and significantly hamper her mobility from teleporting.
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she was buffed for good reason
😂. She didn’t get buffed tho. Both of her former versions were superior to what we have now.
She is only good against survivors, who ignore her power. I give you the point that she has a terrible design, which only punishes unexperienced players, but she really isn’t good. Nerfing her would be beyond reason.
Her only power is basically survivors messing up and you or your team did like it sounds.
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Like many in this thread stated, just take a tape from the nearest tv. Youre safe from condemn as long as you arent near a tv thats on. Spamming tp is a tech that utilizes her power to maximum effiency and denying counterplay. Always pick up a tape as soon as the tvs turn on. Its not an option like how current freddys power is.
Shes not a strong killer. She has no gen pressure, mid chase pressure, and shes an m1 killer. Imo, shes one of the hardest killers to maximize her power because its so easy to deny her power. Just like its easy to stack her condemn if she spams. Vice versa.
As to the map offering, i cant blame an onryo that burns midwich offering. That is one of her strongest maps. Easily, the funnest map you can play her on cause of the tv spawns and floors.
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Wasn't the counter just taking a tape and you're safe from stacking the points up? I don't remember which version of her that was, but I think this one xD
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The Onion isn't the problem. It's a lack of knowledge of how she plays, combined with solo queue's inability to communicate with each other.
I feel like BHVR needs to find some way of giving survivors enough information, so that even solo queue players can piece things together and form a strategy mid-match. Basic things like coordinating against a gen patrol Doctor is painful in solo, let alone other killers like Larry.
Gives survivors more info, so killers can have more interesting kits, whilst not creating killers that exclusively stomp solo players.
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Onryo sucks in 90% of circumstances. Terrible chase with an unreliable and inconsistent power that isn't in her control. Even the reduced map sizes have done nothing for her, which tells you how bad she actually is.
She isn't F-tier, but is pretty darn close. Bottom of D-tier at best.
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no always. i played a game where i did like 50 tape runs and still got moried. if the killer knows what theyre doing it's GGs. she shouldn't be nerfed tho