Impossible gaming for solo queue
Once upon a time I could play this game solo and have a great mix of good and bad games, even without being able to communicate. Now, I can't survive a single game in over 10 matches for tunneling, proxy camping hooks, lethal pursuer, increased hit box, and an inability to communicate with anyone in game. My friends used to play but they refuse to play anymore because of the same reasons.
Once upon a time this game went both ways. Now we are nothing but helpless and loosing faith in game that used to be a lot of fun to win and lose.
If devi could just design a version where survivors actually get to fight back that'd be great.
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Average solo queue escape rate is 40%. If you’re consistently escaping at a far lower rate, then you should be focusing on improving your own skills rather than demand that survivors be buffed/and or killers be nerfed.
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The skills are there. Been practicing heavily. For hours and hours. But when killers slug and camp and tunnel there isn't much you can do.
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Im not entirely blaming the killers. It's the devs who have determined this layout. Once upon a time I recall killers complaining that it was all survivors fault.....
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I don’t know what else to tell you. The stats are the stats (assuming they are still true - BHVR rarely updates them). I can tell you that personally I can escape around 40% of the time if I have semi-competent teammates that at least try and don’t intentionally throw the game or go next. And I’m a pretty casual player - definitely not a pro by any means. There’s no data to show that there is a major balance issue with solo queue for the player population as a whole.
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That's one of the other unfortunate issues too. Teammates without a clue, a care, a concern for what is happening around them. Im not the best looper and I know that but I do my part, I crank gens during chase, I'll take protection hits, I'll cleanse hex totems, I do the things. Then I'll run a loop for 2 -3 minutes and it's like nothing has been done in the time.
Then I get tunneled for looping and teammates won't protect. And now we have all the killers that can teleport or have 2 bodies to work with or an assistant to help them catch you.
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And again I prove myself right. Move to play killer and I have to TRY to not win. It's so easy to win as killer
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Soloq is ridiculous to play today, 2 or 3 years ago was much better, my escape rate is around 30% but, i cant enjoy matches anymore because every single match u are discouraged for killer perk and teammates and u knows u match will be boring and terrible after literally less than 1 minute from begin. SWF is fine, killer is fine, but soloQ is terrible to play, and devs or anyone could be tell the escape rate from soloq is 40% or more and for me this is just a lie, SWF have a escape rate around 50%, soloq is much worse than this, soloq escape rate probably is around 30% or less and give up on first hook is so much higher than 2% BHVR said last year.
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The kill rates say that current freddy & pig are top 5. I think it's safe to say that the statistics is not telling the full story or any story.
Hatch escapes hardly feel like a win and DC's game are thrown out the window. They don't want to include disconnects games for balancing reasons which is understandable. However they should show us the DC's rates for survivor/killer. As of right now players think you going to go into solo queue and go four and six...
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The kill rates say that current freddy & pig are top 5. I think it's safe to say that the statistics is not telling the full story or any story. (ty @solarjin1 )
Stats and DBD are like oil and water. But it is always good to work on improving.
Anyway, OP. This is a common issue at the moment and BHVR is diligently working on it*!
*: I hope
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teammates going next on hook.
Matchmaking teaming you up with 10h players.
Teammates being allergic to gens and just playing for the sake of challenges.
Teammates making the most ridiculous macro mistakes that put their team into huge disadvantage.
But somehow, killer is the one to blame? Well, you see, as long as you keep basically ignoring behavior of your soloQ teammates and putting the blame onto killer, your average soloQ teammate will never be aware nor feel remorse when they play in any way that puts their team at disadvantage. They will be like "ohh, my behavior will just go unnoticed since killer will always be the one to blame" and will just continue with this pattern of gameplay.
SoloQ has literally reached the state it is in rn exactly because of this. And it will keep getting worse because of this.
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yeah it nothing u really can do but try to improve in weaker areas. It not like the matchmaking gonna get any better magically. It's up to you to pick up the dead weight of the team but unfortunately in solo queue that pretty tall task
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40% average escaperate means your mmr drops on average and you get matched with worse teammates and your escape rate drops even further because a single survivor can't turn the match around.
I don't even want to start talking about the lack of fun losing more than winning.
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I just had a mate with 6k hours who ######### up an unhook. Literally played like it was his first game.
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You'll find i made a later comment about teammates behavior. But again, it comes down to how the devs have lead the design of the game lately.
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This means nothing. A solo player can be as good as they want to be but if the other survivors are hiding and doing nothing like they always seem to do, then you cannot do 5 gens alone. This is happening way too much and it begs the question as to why queue as a survivor if all you're doing is nothing at all. Sure you can "report" it for not participating, but BHVR does NOTHING to enforce this.
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If the average escape rate is 40% and the player falls directly in that, then their MMR is still going down. MMR goes down with each death. MMR goes up with each exit gate escape. Hatch escape has no effect on MMR. So, even if the person is escaping 40% of the time, they lose more than escape on average, and hatch escapes are neutral rather than positive so those don't even help balance it out.
It's a bit more complex than that because order of death matters, but unless each exit gate escape boosts MMR by an unexpectedly large amount, the game is designed so that the average survivor suffers.
it begs the question as to why queue as a survivor if all you're doing is nothing at all
I ask this every time I play survivor. In what game is "doing nothing" a valid and acceptable playstyle? And how does anyone consider it fun??
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I mean really what it comes down too is the fact there is 0 match making. As an example, my swf has over 20k hours of dbd gameplay and play in comp yet somehow we literally get sub 100 hour killers sometimes. What that means for solo que is you cannot depend on your teammates to have any amount of knowledge in the game. There is no real point to playing a team game where nobody on the team is similar skill levels.
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ok, well that kind of stuff is probably happening in the 60% of matches in which you don’t escape. It doesn’t happen every match, otherwise the solo queue average escape rate would be 0%. Not sure what your point is here
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Soloq has always been bad, but in several years I've played - this is the worst.
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You're ignoring that DC's don't count in stats and the majority of SoloQ games have DC's. So really that 40% is an inflated stat of the best SoloQ players, not reflective of the actual player base.
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you are ignoring that going next on hook counts towards stats, and going next on hook is way, way more common in soloQ than DCing because people want a free card out of the match asap, but with 0 punishments
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And your gen efficiency is good?
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I crank gens
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this is a very good point. Survivors going next is way more common than DC’s, which actually inflates the kills rates. Escape rates in “normal matches” where there are no DC’s or survivors giving up is actually higher than 40%.
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This is an odd thing I've noticed as well. If I play with my usual 4 man, we get wildly overmatched killers. We've had multiple games in a row where killers get 0-3 hooks total. None of us have played comp since 2021 and we're running meme perks like Red Herring half the time.
If we play solo queue individually, we get the sweatiest killers of all time with teammates who often don't have their monitors turned on.
I know what the stats say about escape rates for solo queue. But it doesn't feel like I myself through my own merits am escaping 40% of the time. It feels like I'm escaping in the games that SBMM has decided I should escape to meet a quota, and I'm dying in the others because SBMM thinks there's also a death quota. Very rarely do the games feel like an organic back and forth between evenly matched opponents.
And we haven't had any communication about matchmaking in years, so I have little hope of this ever improving.
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Have you considered it's because SWF is overpowered in this game and Killers can barely keep up, meanwhile SoloQ is a nightmarish hellscape of Killers releasing their losing SWF game frustrations out on SoloQ? Probably not lol
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I really agree, I am not sure how the data was produced, but I mean weve gone on winstreaks over 100 games in our swf. Being as humble as I can and trying to throw ego to the side as much as I can I really do believe we are much better than the average player and I really don't think I survive 40% of solo que games.