Bring back the <1 minute wait time matchmaking!

GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

I'd rather have the previous screwed up matchmaking giving me red rank killers than WAITING IN A LOBBY for 30+ minutes! I don't care what rank killer I get... I just want to play! Even when im killing, i don't care what rank survivors I'm getting. Take rank out all together if you can't give us the better match finding algorithm until you "fix" this properly.

I feel the need to specify that i am waiting in a lobby 30+ minutes BY MYSELF... so its not swf.


  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited March 2019

    I agree. Now as a Rank 19 killer on PC I'm back to not getting matches at all. I'm just playing lobby simulator again. The exact reason I left shortly after buying the game last summer. I came back due to the new system, and was loving it. I was getting matches within 3-4 minutes even at 1:30am in the morning.

    Yeah, I was Rank 19-20 facing Rank 13-11 Survivors, but I didn't care. I had fun and still managed to get a 2k-4k each match. I was in it to earn the bloodpoints to grind out Killer levels for Teachables.

    Now, I get to sit in the lobby. And sit . . . and sit . . . and sit.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yeah I played 3 games in the last 2 hours. Back to Sekiro. Not playing lobby simulator rn. Will play tomorow during peak and hope for the better lol.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited March 2019

    I don't even have the patience with Behavior to risk playing more Lobby Simulator tomorrow. Not to mention, their peak hours on SteamCharts are usually around noon until 3pm, east coast time. I'm working then. I can only play in the evenings, when the count has already dropped quite a bit from that peak.

    I'm just glad I checked the forums before I dropped the money on the Legion and Plague DLCs that I'd planned to buy tonight. As it stands, looks like it's back to Overwatch, Apex Legends, and Realm Royale. Maybe (and I stress that word) in a couple of months Behavior will have their crap sorted out enough where it's worth me putting DbD back into rotation and to consider spending money on it again.

    As it stands right now with how they've handled this entire fiasco, I have zero confidence in them as a studio at the present time, and especially zero confidence in Matt's ability to lead the game going forward.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Well they messed up by doing two major things at once when they should of rolled one out at a time and apparently never thought out/correctly tested/or listened to anything reported during the PTB. They changed the requirements to pip with the emblem system and created a matchmaking system that disregards region and ranks. It also did what I said months ago that their matchmaking 'fix' would do - average out the wait times for killers to get a game between those who got instant lobbies and those that waited ungodly amounts of time. It looks like it averaged out to about 5 minutes.

    Reverting back to the old matchmaking is worse now because many people have just shelved the game, like some people on this thread are talking about doing. That is if steam charts for the PC is any indication of the trend.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited March 2019

    I've had the best time since them reverting the matchmaking on PS4. Pretty fast queue times, superb matching myself with people actually around my Rank and no unstable matches...which I kept getting. Everyone I guess gets different millage...but things are dramatically better with me playing all day..

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    The majority of players didn't come to the forums to praise the new system. Most people who come to the forums are here because they want something fixed, not made worse. People don't generally have anything to say when they're content with the way things are. They reverted the system because the people who hated it came here to complain.

  • LilBit
    LilBit Member Posts: 60

    Let's see...I have had time to make dinner for a family of four, eat and washes dishes all while waiting for a match. I sit down and my heart fills with glee as I get into the killers lobby, all four survivors ready up...and then...disconnect..or we get disconnected as soon as we load into the match itself. I love wasting my time.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    @Nikkiwhat this is one of those 3 games. As a solo. Ranks arent exactly balanced correctly either. Theyve made a mess.

    also, NO idea why he would dc. One was hooked and I was asleep.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Lobbies have been quick, the issue has been only 3 people loading in and killers going full tryhard/camping 1 of the 3 on hook. Then you also get the jerks that close the client as soon as they see a BPS and double depip everyone.

    No it isn't a visual bug either it's an actual double depip and as I was writing this my next game the killer rage quit as soon as the map loaded. Also no it wasn't Coldwind either and another depip.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    I was getting so close to stop playing this game until the matchmaking system kept me playing. Now it's back to where it was. I'd rather play something else to get my times worth of playing than sit and wait for a match to probably get dodged.

    I don't care who i play against as long as i get to play a game. Even if i get destroyed its bloodpoints that im earning compared to not earning anything by sitting and wasting time.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Instant lobbies as both Survivor and Killer (old and current matchmaking) vs Semi-instant Survivor queues and 5-minute wait time for Killer (and more because Survivors with high ping kept leaving, understandably so) with awfully mismatched ranks (new matchmaking).

    Pick one, because that is my case. They screwed up bad, but at least they know they did and are not ignoring it.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @PigNRun see my post. It's from tonight. It's not exactly fixed.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @Carpemortum As I said, my case, not yours. Mine is also from tonight (instant lobbies).

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    @PigNRun fair enough, but i still have issues with the reverting of the system. It was more consistent. This is asinine. Waiting 30 mins for a game, to have the killer leave, to wait 15 more to get that mismatch? Horrendous compared to waiting maybe 3 mins for a potentially unbalanced match. Games are games.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Carpemortum his game might have crashed, especially if there was no obvious reason

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    IMO the 2.6 MM was very screwed up and unfair to some players. I'm a red rank killer yet I get brown ranks survivors in my game. Like obviously I'm going to crush them.

    If there was a way, as killer or survivor, to at least know you're playing way out of your rank I would go easy on them. Not go crazy with my optimization as killer and not gen rush as survivor. However that could so easily be abused by players to bully people, so IDK what the solution would be.

    Actually I do know what the solution would be. But I'm waiting for them to reveal their new plans for MM before I make a post about it.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Or why not, idk, share this grand problem solving plan with them to implement it?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Carpemortum If they have a better solution then no point. Also they probably won't listen anyway if they have something else planned. Better to just wait.

  • MegDenson
    MegDenson Member Posts: 36

    I don't agree. For me I always prefer quality over quantity, so I would rather wait good 10 mins. to find lobby with green ping, then wait less than 1 min. just so I find red ping and start over finding new lobby.

  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211

    SWS: Survive with self

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Queue is good, less likely people will dodge.

  • jordirex
    jordirex Member Posts: 204

    I dont like the previous matchaming since i want to play against decent survivor and not just potatoes which is boring. I want the rank survivor sytem that was implemented before the patch. That would solve the queues

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited March 2019

    I think history with this game's ranking and MM has repeatedly shown that BVHR having a better idea . . . hell, even just a good idea . . . is about as common as a unicorn.

    I used to think Hi-Rez was terrible at MM design with the Paladins matchmaker. BVHR has made them look good.

    At this point, the Evil Dead leak looks like a cash grab DLC feeding on the whole Bruce Campbell horror genre pop-culture popularity. Enough with the DLCs, fix the damned game.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    The system wasn't perfect but man, faster queue times was a welcomed sight.

    Shame that they reverted it back to the good old lobby simulator we all knew and loved..

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    Its funny to hear the other side. I was like "holy cow, an instant lobby!" before i heard that they changed the lobby system back to the old way. Under the new system i was waiting for 3-5 minutes for a three person lobby where i waited for ten more minutes before we had enough players to start.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited March 2019

    To be honest, they should just scrap rank entirely. This is a game where in a team of four, someone can get scarified (either by three hooks or suicide on the hook), and move on to the next match, leaving the rest of the team potentially undermanned. In that regard, it's very similar to a battle royale situation: dead and gone, your squad is now undermanned.

    Just drop rank already. Rank is best used in PvP games where the team is a team until the end of the match, unless someone DCs (which should invoke some sort of account penalty). Not in games like DbD or in a battle royale where you can die, leave the team, and queue for a new match.

    Yes, I understand DbD is not a battle royale, but the death, leave the match and your team, find a new match mechanic is the same.

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595

    It's strange to hear someone who had issues with Apex Legends due to its lack of good matchmaking also advocating for a no-rank matchmaking system, and I quote:

    "Being matched against teams with people with thousands of kills already, and getting mowed down and left for dead first fight, isn't a good way to learn. I suppose had I jumped into the game during launch week and played religiously, it might be a different story now.

    But, I didn't. So trying to learn the game now is just an exercise in re-queuing frustration. "

    I feel like that's exactly how many brand new players probably feel playing Dead by Daylight. Forget trying to figure out all the different effects of perks and add-ons for both your opponents and yourself - when people don't even understand the basic powers of the Killers (e.g. - Freddy being able to see sleeping survivors outside of terror radius, Legion being able to determine locations of survivors within terror radius, using flashlight on Hag's traps or crouching around it, how the Spirit phases etc.) or even how to kick a generator (which I recently saw with a Rank 19 Killer struggling to do) and are faced against veterans with hundreds of hours, they have no chance of winning - they won't even have a chance to learn anything. They'll just test it out, find it to be just too complicated or unfair for beginners, and quit. Which is how you seemed to have felt about Apex Legends.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    This side: Bring it back!

    That side: Keep this!


  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    I liked the new matchmaking system. I am sad that it has gone. I don't mind playing the occasional game with mismatched ranks. It's better than waiting and waiting and waiting.

    Next time the devs improve something, we need to make sure we go on the forums and tell them because most of what they see is people moaning about everything and anything.

    I have grown two beards whilst waiting. I literally grew one, shaved it off and grew a second one and am still waiting.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    I disliked the new matchmaking, having to wait 1 min to queue as survivor was nice, until you had to dodge four lobbies in a row because of bad ping, or getting complete potato teammates or a killer far out of your league. Waiting 4-5 mins as killer was meh, but there was the chance that one or more survs would have bad ping and wouldn't dodge, you'd have to dodge, repeat ad nauseam.

    Honestly, if they could find a happy medium between the two matchmaking systems that'd be great otherwise I'd rather potentially wait longer for people near my rank and decent ping.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    all the baby crying for better match instead of wait times i want to camp them and tunnel them. People complain when they know nothing they think about themself the matchmaking was great at it was but yes, it's not right to get newbies but it's waiting 30+ for a game what's better for the game.

    Make people think the game is dead or have smashed newbies tell me. everyone talk about rank system and matchmaking while avoiding the fact that some players de-rank to get noob survivors/killers. Fix the balance issues and rank incentive goals then we will have no issues.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    If there are any low level survivors in Western Europe that fancy playing against a Freddy right now, please switch your PS4 on. I'll give you another 20 minutes then I'm off! This is crazy! Bring back the new matchmaking system!

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    Very well!

  • ToxicAddiction
    ToxicAddiction Member Posts: 58

    Thank the idiots on here that thought seeing <1 minute meant they were getting lobbies slower, or the people who think they should only see the exact same rank every match.

    Give me anyone you’ve got if it lowers my matchmaking time to under a minute again.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Yeah. I have a full hour and a half saved of videos of me sitting waiting last night. So much fun to catch up on my 3ds while waiting to play.

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    At least give us the matchmaking system that gave us matches in a reasonable time period (<1 minute matchmaking system) until you actually fix the problem... please. That's all a lot of people care about... we don't want to sit and wait such long periods between matches that are a gamble anyway, its just not worth it.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    This has been my frustration with BHVR all along. They have a horrible quality control process that does think about potential unintended consequences. Just look at events, new perks, powers, or core changes for proof. When they rolled out Halloween event, several of us said there would be problems due to too many people playing killer, and survivors losing rank too fast due to farming nodes instead of gens. Within days they figured out there were too many killers. Same with new years.

    These guys make changes and don't do a good job of playing devil's advocate about how those changes might impact the game.

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    I could be wrong... but I think they actually brought it back... ?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    For me they are back.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    why do they reimplement it without warning when everyone was complaining and they even admited that it was a problem.??!!

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited March 2019

    They did bring it back with a post in the news section. Made a change to regions so ping should be better, matchmaking is still wonky though. But faster games. So nobody saw it 😆.

    But yes it's back. I personally have been getting a few games in under a minute. Played 3 so far today.

    Edit: last game was all rank 12-14. Hope it stays close haha.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    2 min waiting to even get into a lobby for survivors... yeeyyy. nice system

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    I gotta say, I'm loving getting matches so fast <3 wooooooooo!!