Congratulation to BHVR

Thrid edition for Chaos Shuffle and still the same. I faced against hard tunnel EVERY SINGLE MATCH AND u didnt nothing about this even after 2 editions every single player report this terrible style every match, congratulation. Nothing new, segregate MMR ( 2 modes online now), poor matches every single time. Another boring tome to play, ALWAYS we face it of the same challenges every event, and principal, why i should play this game mode if every single game u cant do anything? again. Congratulation to u BHVR for bring this event 3 times and still incentive the most toxic and boring play style ever. Looks like u want player base melt until the ground.
I think they've made it clear (by their actions or lack thereof) that what you can't stand about the game is intended.
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That sucks. Mine have been fine today. Worst game was dying on hook on Forbidden Ruins because a Claudette that was stopped from letting go on hook just decided to ignore everyone and open chests/do totems, including right near me on hook. But my games have been fine otherwise. Still my favourite mode
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Numbers dont lie. 10 million player base in 2020 to 6 million for today. almost 50% and a lot of more incentives, licenced, game modes and still less number than years ago. This game is boring and sazonal now and devs dont care about.
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DId you expect something for this???
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What does tunneling have anything to do with the game mode? You're matched based on your MMR just like any other event.
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Considering that they were quick when bringing back Chaos Shuffle a few months ago, with the reasoning that there are no changes to bring it back ASAP - yes, I think people could have expected a few changes for the third time Chaos Shuffle.
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Tunneling is more common in this game mode because the chances of running into Anti-Tunnel perks are significantly lower than standard games.m since people can’t pick their perks. Therefore more players take advantage of this and tunnel more often.
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During events off the record and Ds do not come off my build.
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"League of legends will rift player count chart" ??
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- I have never heard of this site. Where are they getting their data from?
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unfortunately BHVR never learns…
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Assuming that's true, they're doing it for a reason. Why hook 3 different survivors and get nothing for it, when you can hook 1 survivor thrice and get a kill for it? Honestly, the game discussion isn't even about hooks anymore, because even that "super efficient" strategy is outdated. No incentive to hook, nobody wants to do it anymore. You're lucky the killer hooked you at all.
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Are you trolling here?
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Activeplayer is known to be inaccurate with it's stats, i wouldn't put too much stock into them.
Post edited by Smoe on2 -
4 survivors and you are always the one the killer picks on. 🤔
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We should just ignore March 2021. Because that would mean DBD died in 2021 and never recovered, right?
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Numbers don't lie, but you're also using data from a year where there was legit nothing to do. Yeah of course in mid-2020 during the pandemic when everyone had to stay home and there was nothing to do, more people were playing video games. Duh, thanks for pointing out the obvious. Also as others have said, that site the data was taken from is unreliable.
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Why would I be trolling? Most of my matches I am getting tunneled out in Events. I said what I said, DS and Off The Record during events do not come off in my build.
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and how do you pick your perks in Chaos Shuffle? 🤨 So you always have DS and OTR
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Yep :p never change. The game just knows.
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You cannot choose your perks during the current event. Not unless you’re somehow cheating.
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You faced against Hard Tunnel every single match? Can you prove this? Did you stream/record every game so that we can see this in action. No Proof of this then i say its not "EVERY SINGLE MATCH"
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I want to hook. I even want to hook 12 times. Don't generalize.
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I’m talking about the Christmas, Halloween and Anniversary events.