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What perks do players actually like playing vs

I’m gonna tackle this question looking at both sides of the playerbase. So I had game as survivor where we got destroyed quick after someone gave up. It was against a well know streamer and I went back to look at the playback and the player said “let’s see these unique builds. Unique build #1 and unique build #2”. He was talking about the Steve and yui. When he looked at mine he said it was “semi unique” I was the Claire btw.

I have also seen survivors, streamers and players I have played with in a swf complain about any perk the killer brings. For example, we load into the game “omg the killer has corrupt” or “omg the killer has pain res”. There are other perks that both sides complain about and those eventually get nerfed like ultimate weapon.

But I have to ask what builds or perks does this community approve their opponents of using. I don’t sit there and use 4 meta perks when I play survivor or killer because I find that boring and because the other side always complains about that.


  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,233

    As killer, I don't like going against Blast Mine. I find it really annoying.

    As a survivor, I play a lot of solo. So anything that's disproportionately difficult for a solo team to deal with is a thumbs down for me. Knock Out, Pentimento, and Third Seal come to mind.

    Other than that, I'm not really that fussy.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 356

    I actually like getting Blastmined as killer as it’s my favorite perk as survivor. Head on however is a different story. It’s really flashlights that I hate the most tbh. I don’t mind petimento either

    Yeah knockout…..

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,064
    edited January 19

    The soloq destroyer perks. Knock Out at the top of the list for both being very strong against soloq, generally useless against SWF, and boring.

    Beyond that, there are perks I have balance issues with the numbers they have, but can't think of another one that I think makes the game worse like Knock Out does. A couple that are close calls

    Devour can be annoying because its an all or nothing type of perk, but that can make the game interesting.

    Franklin's sucks when you bring an item, but I definitely understand why it exists. Paired with weave attunement its annoying to run items to a deadzone.

    Mecriless Storm, its a noob stomper that becomes pointless later

    Nowhere to Hide feels like a broken concept when I run it as killer and like it bypasses an important part of the game.

    On the survivor side: probably flashbang, but that's more of a close call. Maybe the Teamwork perks because they are pretty clearly SWF focused, but they aren't strong enough to really care about.

    So - Knock Out at the top which I'd gladly pull out of the game if I could. A few others that are close calls, but that I have no desire to eliminate. And then past that lots of stuff that I think could do with some number changes, but the concept is good.

    Post edited by crogers271 on
  • Nomade
    Nomade Member Posts: 66
    edited January 18

    I dont really want to get into discussing perk builds specifically here because it will lead to going on a tangent and possibly derail the thread.

    That said, I tend to find survivors who are running wonky, off meta builds to be the most fun to play against. Im not really saying that because I want easier chases and downs. I genuinely find those builds to be more fun a lot of the time depending on what they are doing.

    The thing that effects the fun and enjoyment of a match for me most of all though is seeing the survivors be chill. Maybe they goof, know that ive caught them and whip out the lute and start playing me a tune for example. I will often just smile and walk away when i see stuff like that where people are obviously just trying to have a fun match vs trying to be super sweaty. So yeah, it's not really just with perk builds, a lot of it comes down the the way people are behaving in the match.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 154

    Good stuff. He was clearly pulling a fast one on you.

    I personally don't care about Perks unless they catch me by surprise, they are used in an impressive way or I am trying out new perk combinations to add a particular variation to the fundamental gameplay.

    A meg that can barely make a round on shack vs an M1 killer doesn't impress me when she immediately takes off with lithe. I got hooks all over the place, be picky, it's your freedom to choose where you'll hang out and think about the consequences of your actions. Maybe some other target decides to bump itself up the ladder of priority for whatever reason and she lives to lithe another day.

    If you're that guy who can squeeze a couple of rounds out of a pallet I'm all ears. And if that same guy hits me with the pallet stun and takes off with "Smash Hit" then so be it. I probably deserved it. Then, and only then is a slowdown build a pretty convenient thing. It evens out the playing field in that regard. Other than that, rather gimmicky. Unnecessary even.

    When I play survivor and the killer plays on the all too common slowdown I'll find a way to deal with that. It prolongs the game for everybody and maybe he really needs that. Maybe I can show him how he can't catch me if he doesn't know his fundamentals, maybe he knows his fundamentals and I get to learn a thing from him. Maybe I just get hit by NoED. Stuff happens.

    I generally play without perks. Perks can only get you that far if that is all that you rely on. If you're a good player then they can make a huge difference. My matches on both sides are quite varied, thank god.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304

    Personally I try not to use anything I hate going against either side, but I mean… perks are perks. It makes no sense to be mad at perks even strong ones.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,980

    I don't personally care about perks as much as play style.

    Someone can bring quad slowdown, yet spread hooks, and the game can still be fun. They can also bring nothing at all and slug everyone at 5 gens and it would still be miserable.

    Knock out, though, has exactly and only one purpose: to make the game miserable. It needs a rework. (But even then, if someone gets this in chaos shuffle and just hooks people, it doesn't matter. People intentionally bring this perk for the excessive slugging play style)

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,917

    I don't like playing against any particular perk. I guess perks that are not the best stuff for my opponents to run?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,560
    edited January 20

    I like perks that increase the pace of the trial and lead to more engagement. That goes for either side. Most trials are too slow IMO.

    Conversely, I wouldn't mind the deletion or rework of any perk that leads to longer/more time spent holding M1 and watching a bar fill. Base 90 second gens feel awful. I'm absolutely not a game dev, but my DbD pipe dream is some slowdown moved to basekit and all slowdown moved off of perks. Slowdown is normalized and standardized. Less variance.

    I prefer games in the 5-8 minute range. 12+ is way too long.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,966

    Mindbreaker and Lightborn are my 2 most hated perks and always will be for as long as they stay the way they are since there is 0 counterplay to them.

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 311

    As killer I love any Nicholas Cage's perk, seeing survivors screaming, on tiptoe or downing themselves is always funny.

    As a survivor i like Devour Hope, I enjoy looking for the totem after that "oh sh1t" moment.

    I hate Head on and Knock out, mainly for the kind of ppl they attract.

  • TwinsMain2004
    TwinsMain2004 Member Posts: 143

    Only perks that actually irritates me are flashbang and blastmine

    Flasbangs because it's actually uncounterable if a survivor has any skill

    Blast mine because you are actually just flat out stunned and blinded for 5 seconds without any counterplay besides dont kick the gen for 90 seconds or however long it is

    you also can never really tell that its blastmined anyway

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304

    Unfortunately, the vast majority of Killers can't do much in 5-8 minutes. Not everyone is Nurse, Dredge, or Dracula.

    Games should be 10-15 minutes long, period. Any shorter is too Survivor sided and any longer is too Killer sided.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304

    I also am not a fan of Blast Mine, simply because it punishes the Killer simply playing as normal, and because there is zero tell. I personally believe, once you get hit with it once as Killer, you should be able to see any subsequent Blast Mines on any gens (including if someone else also brings it) for the rest of the round, so you can determine if this is a Gen you need to kick or if it can wait. Not giving tells for perks that frankly, can be used to annoy other players on purpose and could cause sensory pain for others is not acceptable in 2025.

    Blast Mine is the number one reason I prefer gen hold and passive gen pop perks like Thrilling Tremors and Surge. You can't Blast Mine me if I didn't kick the gen, and kicking gens on many Killers is often a waste of time anyway especially when Survivors spread out.