Why don’t people save in 2V8?

Is it because I’m being put with low ranks or do people just not pay attention to the HUD? I keep being either left to go to struggle state or left to die as people just stay on gens or stand there healing in groups of 4.
It’s making this mode almost unplayable for me. 😑
I've had it once - died on 1st hook even after hitting every second state skillcheck with almost everyone else still alive. Very sad indeed
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Either because we don't have any equivalent of Kindred in 2v8, so we assume that someone else is going for the save. Or if you're in RPD, it's hard to get across the map.
I keep saying we need some kind of Kindred in 2v8, so we can make more informed decisions on when to save and when to stick to gens…
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Yeah, it's either:
Everyone is gluead to gens and no one goes for saves, so even getting hooked once can be fatal.
No one does gens and everyone is just full healing and saving.
I've had both.
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Happens at the start when everyone is on the same side of the map. Everyone kind of presumes someone else is closer and you get left there for an eternity. Worst is when it happens on RPD with two killers playing together. Have seen one attack the fire escape side and the other (Billy) stayed in the main hall and stopped anyone getting across to the other side of the map. Two people died in cages before anyone was able to get past the Billy alive. Was allowed to happen because everyone was slow to react to what had happened and was a case of "there must be someone closer", until people started realising.
Probably was the one plus of having bots. They would go for the save straight away in this situation.
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- With so many survs lots of people just assume someone else is gonna do it
- With no SBMM in 2v8 there are just a lot of unaware potatoes
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Had a Rebecca flaming me in after-chat for not saving her - at that point it was three survs left with 3 Gens to go, me and the other on death hook, killers having view of her cage.
funny thing is, she let me hit second stage before when we still had a chance of winning and would have let me die in cage. Of course there was nothing wrong with her behavior but I was totally selfish.We all have our own point of view and there are plenty of possible ‚reasons‘ for leaving someone in cage - sometimes thinking someone else got it (8 survs is a lot), sometimes Killer is in the way and would see you attempting to get to cage, sometimes you just don’t have a total overview of cages and how far the bars are down. 2v8 can be very chaotic and as far as i know there isnt really any matchmaking in place due to insane (killer) queue times. I guess most of the time it’s not intentional/‚malicious‘ and luckily surv queue times are pretty much non existent.
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Only had this happen once, thankfully. I knew it was going to happen though because my team were just so bad. One of the killers was a Legion and my team were all grouped up in one corner. All of them. I was just hanging on hook watching them run around each other in circles while Legion injured them and the Wesker downed them. It was painful to watch. I knew I was gonna die on hook and sure enough I did lol
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Usually it's the opposite, where half the team is running to unhook and nobody knows what a gen is. Sucks either way.
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It didn’t really happen to me a lot during the last event but it’s been happening a lot this time around and last night it happened 3 matches in a row which was when I decided to head back into the normal queues. The worst is when I feel like I’ve uncaged loads of survivors / done gens and I just get left without a care in the world. I wasn’t sure if matchmaking had been tweaked or maybe there’s just an influx of new players? It’s making it difficult to enjoy this mode.
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The last time it happened to me (before I headed back into the normal queues) I was left to die in my first cage whilst 5 survivors all stood grouped together taking it in turns to heal each other. One of them was a TTV and after watching it back from her perspective she didn’t once comment on the fact I was caged or that I was left to die. It’s like some people are completely oblivious to the HUD. She even made a comment about how they needed to get gens done as too many people were dead and it made me laugh out loud because of course we’re dying if people aren’t uncaging. 🤣
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I’m not a big fan of bots in the normal game mode but they were actually better than most teammates in 2V8 as I noticed how they would prioritise going for saves. I’m actually surprised people complained about them as I’ve definitely noticed a negative change since they’ve been removed.
I’ll play a few more games later today and if it still feels the same, I’ll just stick to playing the normal mode as I’ve got my challenges done.0 -
I’d love some form of Kindred. It would make sense for that to be something the Scout class got considering that already has some aura abilities. Maybe this will be something they’ll incorporate for the next iteration?
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I almost never see people not getting saved in time. What I see far more often is four people rushing to save the same person, two people then healing the rescued survivor while the other two hang around trying to figure out why they can’t help heal them, and nobody doing gens.
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When there is no survivor close you know you are in trouble. All survivors will think that someone has to be close by. I died at RPD on first hook because all five survivors still standing was on the other side of the map.
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I play to role as a medic and pretty much spend all my games running around the map unhooking and healing. Flip side is the crazy amount of times I’ll be left in a cage!
I’ve seen times when there’s someone crouched a few meters away, no killer nearby and I’m just left to the sacrifice!I guess altruism just isn’t everyone’s thing!
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"Someone else will go for the save."
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Exactly my thought. Everyone thinks someone else will do it. And when nobody rescues I feel bad for the person in cage lol.
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Maybe for the same reason than a lot of other people
Killer understand now how the hook system work and proxy camp in some area where nobody can enter
And don't talk about the "system" who technically, the hook appear the further from the two killer, actually, it is not working
Got a lot of survivor who got hook who appear near me when I play killer, or getting into the hook, just near the killer who got me0 -
It sucks when it happens. I've had games in this iteration of 2v8 where I was the only person on the team on a gen and someone still went struggle on their 1st hook. It's not like players need to be super sweaty, but I get a bit confused when they load in and straight up do nothing.