Finally, We'll never have to slog through a match against Legion ever again!

A lot of people are praising the Legion buffs and Mending nerfs, but Here's how an actual Legion trial/match will go down:
- Survivors realize they're against Legion.
- Allow Legion to Frenzy Strike them all and run to the corners of the map.
- Let Deep Wounds timer tick down, putting them into the dying state.
- Click Surrender.
They both buffed Legion AND gave us an easy way to "Go Next" without any penalties. Well done devs, I never liked going up against Legion for a full match, and now I'll never have to… for more than a minute at a time.
Ok, hate me all you want guys, its fine, if you wanna shoot the messenger: fire away… Doesn't mean I'm wrong though.
I'm just pointing out an easy to spot Flaw in the new system that the devs may not have foreseen. However, They were clued in enough to foresee that survivors might abuse Plot Twist for an Easy "Go Next" option, and addressed it in the dev notes, so it's just really funny to me that they prepped the upcoming PTB to counter that, but somehow missed the scenario I'm proposing here.
You can't honestly tell me survivors WON'T adopt this "Tech" either. Player Pettiness is the whole reason the DC penalty had to be implemented in the first place.
I mean, if you're playing with a 4 man swf who give up against a Legion you might as well just alt f4 at that point then. I get Legion boring but jeez
Outside of that you'll just be ruining a game for randoms, which I think we need less of not more lol.
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I really believe that they have no clue what they are doing or are supposed to do at this point.
Dead by Roblox is a more balanced and less frustrating experience, I wish I was joking.
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You could visit and look up how to loop an m1 killer
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You don't seem to understand the implications of the OP here.
That these changes are not thought out whatsoever and are probably just as dumb as having Bots replace players who DC while having a DC penalty that players will just easily circumvent.
It is very clear that there is no plan or strategy behind any of these changes. I could probably ask kinder gardeners to come up with a more consistent system than any of this.
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I can see this being a flaw in the system but if you are really going to abuse this system just to get out of playing certain killers you might as well just not play the game as the whole draw of this game is the various killers so if that makes you upset go play something else.
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I don't see how that's any different from live servers...Sable mains already all run up to me wanting my autograph or something.
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Feel like this is on the same magnitude as everyone freaking out about the 10s hook timer increase.
And everyone is going to abuse reassurance with it.
Or plot twist corrupt cancel.
None of these things happened.8 -
Okay bro, go ahead and ask your classmates to draw up a better system than this one.
And anyone soft as Charmin enough to instantly surrender against a Legion should just stop playing and play something else. Better yet, join a book club.
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Again ignoring the point. I spot a pattern here.
How about removing the DC penalty? We're just gonna come up with systems that definitely cannot be gamed by parties who wish to do nothing but harm.
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Fair enough. However, None of those examples ever gave survivors a free pass to "Go Next" against certain killers either, and Players in this game are VERY petty.
The whole reason the DC penalty system exists in the first place is because of the DC epidemic we all had to endure in in the spring-winter of 2019. Wherein DC'ing was done over any and every miniscule reason: Don't like the killer, Don't like the map, Got spotted first by the killer, A gen finished before first hook, a survivor was downed before the first gen finished, don't like teammates skins, etc, etc, etc.
The resurgence of petty DC'ing is the reason the Devs put effort into making Bots to take players places, and now the "Go Next" mentality is the next challenge the devs are facing since, by and large, it's become so popular that the community is demanding a "Fix" for it. Overall, if a player decides that they're not having "fun" (winning), They're gonna do anything they can to get out of the current match and move on to a more favorable one. It's an entitled, juvenile, Brattish mentality that this games player base is RIFE with, and features absolutely no sense of good Sportsmanship whatsoever.
Now that the devs are toying with a system that gives those players an easy out without incurring penalty, can you honestly say that these "Players" WON'T abuse it?
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as a legion main I find this hilarious 😭
but I hope I'm not making the game unfun as you make it out to be good luck though!0 -
People will just run to the killer or point at a hook, which they can do right now.
They can also, on live, get deep wounded, run to a corner, and just go afk to bleed out for 4 minutes. But people don't.
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"That's asking toooo much!"
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I mean, don't undersell the hook timer increase. Camping will absolutely lose you the game if you try now.
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Really the majority of your matches, which are soloQ opponents.
You wanna say right now that camping will lose you the game usually?0 -
Yeah it will.
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For your second point: the reason "People Don't" is because it takes 4 minutes! Plenty of time for the killer to locate them and start hooking, but even if he doesn't, thats still 4 minutes of playing "slug game", which is just stupid and unrealistic.
In the Scenario I posted however, The moment the 4th goes down, all of them can click "Surrender" and end the game right then. Waiting 4 minutes to purposely bleed out Vs. waiting about 1 minute for the final survivor to hit the dirt and clicking "Surrender" are NOT comparable in the slightest.