What are these matches I'm getting as Killer?

This situation has become more frequent where I load into a lobby as Killer and will see 4 default Survivors in default clothing. For example, Dwight, Meg, Claudette and Bill.
I then load into the match and they play like the best players you have ever seen. They take protection hits, know ever loop, every tile, and just destroy me.
I usually think the default cosmetics on free characters are to throw off the killer in the lobby...
However, these players have nothing! No items, no offerings and Not a single perk, zero prestige and no player badge nor backgrounds.
I can't check their profile because they're never on PS which is what I am on.
How do they play like absolute Gods like this?
you're just losing to new players
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I've also been witnessing this in my survivor and killer games. Survivors with default cosmetics playing like gods.
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It's not the cosmetics, it's the fact they bring literally nothing. No perks, no items and yet they know every perfect move to make. They can loop and mind game, the whole thing seems weird and it's always late at night. Around midnight eastern time these brand new players come out and destroy you. They act very seasoned though.
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Could be winstreak players on alt accounts. That seems to be all the rage these days with content creators
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Sounds like something that can become a new urban legend in the community. Like, on midnight of the thirteenth day of the third month, the essence of Dwight emerges from his locker for one hour to try to escape the entity's realm. If you're lucky, you can see him trying to escape.
But yeah, @edgarpoop seems to have the likely answer :)
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Would be interesting to see a video.
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It sounds like a classic case of good players smurfing.
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Based off description, going to go @edgarpoop that its really experienced players doing some type of challenge.
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The actual DBD survivors have come off their umpteenth match and are tired of being controlled.
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Did you run into the Hardcore Survivor team (Hens, Otz, Ayrun, JRM) maybe?
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I'm scared, don't let Dwight get me.
Hold me. 😰
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It could be that you have been unfortunate enough to run into Hens, JRM, Otz and Ayrun running the Hardcore Survivor challenge.
They are doing a new iteration of the challenge these days. And they know every little trick in the book, being extremely efficient survivors.
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So I just looked up this thing they're doing. I don't think it's possible that it was them because I believe we live in different regions. However, it hadn't occurred to me that people would do something like that so perhaps I just ran into some random SWF groups doing a similar challenge. It's the only logical explanation.
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It's probably showoffs smurfing.
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9 down votes? Sheesh. Some people don’t have a sense of humor.
@CountOfTheFog you went against a SWF of Smurfs with thousands of hours in the game. They do not need perks or items at your level to pull of big plays and succeed.
I am not a fan of smurfing in videogames; I wish people wouldn’t do it.
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Hyena is right couple days ago I believe it was this Monday passed with JRM, Henz Otz and idk the last person( didnt watch for too long just took a quick peek) I saw they all was using smurfs and the stream was called hardcore survivor challenge
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I've definitely experienced a smurf squad before myself. It's a bit surreal to see a default Meg scrape her face against the walls while looping shack as tightly as possible like a pro. Obviously, I got dunked on in the match.
In the end, I think they all had no more than one perk each and I think some had none at all. I think I said to them in chat that they didn't play like beginners but I got no response.
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Maybe not them but other very good players trying the same challenge. Or maybe it was them. Expert players trying that challenge was my first thought here.
Or maybe just dbags smurfing.
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I never knew what Smurf accounts even were until I researched it last night. Thank you for the information, I appreciate it.
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lol I chose my name here because I didn't want it to be the same as my Steam name and couldn't think of anything creative ;)