Whats your opinion on breakable walls?

Does anyone else feel like they just haven't been utilized correctly for the longest time? They're genuinely really cool but have hardly been implemented into maps lately, and when they are, they're usually just used as something you HAVE to break in order to make a window weaker which is pretty dull. I think Midwich has a few solid breakable wall placements where it's more of an optional short cut you have to think about whether to open it up first since it can also benefit survivors. I'm not saying they should be everywhere, I just wish they were used better.
I was once suggesting to make keys have add-on that could let survivors break those too with huge cost of the charges of the key of course. In my opinion they should have used those more in the new Haddonfield main building to at least make killer use time to open up some access points if they so want. They also should add more of them in some other maps.
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They are pretty bad TBH.
They were billed as some kind of cool thing that would give options, but the reality is, they function as a pre-dropped pallet that a survivor can't vault over. So what that means is, there are breakable walls that the killer has to break, and their are breakable walls they should not break.
There are many walls such as ones on "the game" or dead dawgs where you actively don't want to break them, because they create a bottleneck for the killer to corral survivors into in the case of the game, or in the case of dead dawgs, breaking them actually creates an infinite for the survivors depending on the layout.
Basically, they either waste a killer's time slightly at best, or at worst, they create an infinite god loop if the killer breaks one they shouldn't.
Ideally if i were to change them, they should make sure that ALL breakable walls when broken do not actually strengthen things for survivors and should instead weaken a loop or structure when broken. Then make it so that survivors can spend a few seconds "building" the breakable wall up at various doorways, and then when a killer breaks them they disappear. This probably needs to happen with a rework of "the game" map.
This would make them more interesting because it would allow survivors to close off certain areas and delay the killer in certain areas that they want, and doesn't make them a knowledge check for the killer, and instead they function as another line of defense that survivors can put up in the killer's way.
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Breakable walls are completely pointless. There's essentially no reason for them to exist other than being a thing that happens in Slasher movies. I can't even think of a reason to keep them around or a way to make them interesting.
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I never liked breakable walls, wish they would be removed from the game.
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Let Killers "lunge attack" through them. Would be much more immersive..instead of clipping into position at any angle then slowly breaking them..
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The Devs should either use them or lose them, before the addition of Ormond Lake Mine, the last time that breakable walls were used was Roots of Dread. If you're going to add any sort of game mechanic, no matter how slight, it needs to be consistent
Edit: I'm not even sure if breakable walls were present on Garden of Joy upon release, if not, the last time we would have received a map featuring breakable walls would be Portrait of a Murder
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I dont really have a strong opinion on them. I am fine if they are moving away from breakable Walls and dont implement them anymore, I think overall they were a failed concept.
When it comes to those which are already in the game, I like some, but dislike others. E.g. I hate Dead Dawg Saloon for the breakable Walls. I think they are poorly implemented because there are way too many of those. But I like breakable Walls like the one upstairs on Ironworks of Misery, since otherwise the area there would be unuseable for Survivors, so there is at least some use for the window upstairs. Basically, I dont mind if they are dropped God Pallets, but it depends on the amount of them. One per map is fine, but if there are too many it becomes too tedious.
But as I said, would be totally fine if they just dont bother with breakable Walls anymore.
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Didn't they decide to remove some breakable walls from some maps? Doesn't that tell anyone that it failed to begin with?
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I understand the hate for breakable walls but they exist for a reason. They were added to counter certain god windows. If breakable walls go, then those windows need to always be blocked
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I like breaking them and Chucky's breaking animation is my favourite.
Don't play to win so don't care about breaking walls slowing me or creating a loop for survivors.
Removing them would make every map the same with nothing but pallets and windows. Bland and boring.
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When I did the tome 3 challenge to escape with random perk set up, it give me woo and because it is a perk I never run, Ii didn't even know it show breakable walls like why? Survivors can't interact with them.
As killer I do find them a waste myself on majority of the maps, also knowing which one you should break and should not break is not my cup of tea though admittedly I love breaking them, oni is the best cause he punches them, you go grandpa.
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I dont like breakable walls. But I do enjoy watching those YT shorts showcasing every killer breaking them lol.
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They are bad design, I'm glad bhvr is not using them recently.
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I have been thinking, what if survivors could have a general perk where they could create a temporary window vault in a breakable wall.
I mean, it would likely be limited use cases for that, but it would have made a cool interaction for the survivor side. And killers could just as easily break down the wall entirely.It could have come in handy on maps like The Game or Dead Dawg Saloon
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So this might feel a little like a hot take but ill keep it brief. After the amazing 2v8 mode we just had with Wesker, there is an ability to rebuild broken palets after a short time. Since most breakable walls take a loop from "nearly unwinnable" to "playable", I dont think the walls should be built upon match start. I think all walls should be open, but survivors can be allowed to spent a set amount of "build" time to construct a breakable wall. It should cost the survivor team some investment to seal off that area and make it more beneficial to them. It should not start at its safest condition. It would have to be a good amount of time. We have rituals now, so maybe somewhere in between cleansing a totem and completing a ritual? Obviously this could be limited to only one wall construction, per location, per game so it can't be endlessly reset. But I think it would be one more thing that's survivors could decide to do instead of sit on gens.
TL:DR Walls should start the match broken and open, survivors should be able to build the wall and make the area safer if they want to invest the time. Killers can still break and remove the wall if they want as normal. The number of builds can be limited to once per game.
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There are some exceptions that should probably be addressed, but generally their place is to make it so that tiles are safer/stronger at the start for survivors, but is something the killer can take time to break to weaken at their earliest convenience to level out the strength of said tile.
I don't think breakable walls are inherently a bad thing like some claim, they are a tool im the map balance toolbox that can be used well or can be used badly. I think generally they serve their role well.
However the only real exception that stands out to me is Nurse and trap killers, who rarely want to break walls to ensure fewer avenues for tiles, while benefitting themselves. In this regard I rather like them.
I do feel like for example the new Haddonfield would benefit from breakable walls. If the buildings are all gonna have these killer drop off points that make windows completely useless, at least having them be breakable walls first so the survivors get one strong use out of each building window before that is broken to give time to get a foothold in the trial would be an improvement.
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They're a waste of time.
On Dead Dawg Saloon it can screw you over breaking the wrong one in main and also a must to break others.
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My favourite walls were the Midwich bathrooms; if you broke one, once in a blue moon you'd instill true horror by having the survivor trapped by the other breakable wall
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they create strong loops or deadzones and nothing in-between which are bad for both sides since the killer has to waste time breaking them giving survivors more time or survivors are just screwed because there isn't anything they can do
breakable walls should either be blocked completely or just be open doors
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Great idea, terrible implementation, and honestly they feel like they've been holding back loop design.