Weakest killers?

Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
edited April 2019 in Lore

Which killers would get beaten up by the strongest survivors (David King, Jeff or Jane. Jane because she charges at a killer with Head on so it's safe to assume she's not a weakling).

Which killers would lose against one of these survivors in a fistfight.

Trapper would straight up crush them, not a chance any of them would be able to fight back.

Wraith would most likely be able to hold his own, purely because he's obviously not weak and in his lore, I believe he ripped out car parts and skulls to make his weapons, so obviously he's also smart.

Billy would get crushed.

Nurse is a joke.

Myers would dominate them, he's obviously way too strong.

Hag has a really sharp hand, and I think she'd be able to hold her own if they don't dodge it.

Doctor is strong, and wins easily.

Huntress is a trained warrior, they have a terrible chance of even trying to hurt her, she's far too well trained for them to compare.

Leatherface can definitely win, physically, hes extremely strong compared to the survivors.

Freddy gets abused, literally, he's too weak without his glove.

Pig gets crushed.

Clown wins, because he's quite strong.

Spirit has inherited the fury and power from her ancestors, so obviously she'd win also, technically she can use her sword, since it's a part of her hand. But even without it, she stomps.

Legion are fodder.

Plague loses. She puts up a decent fight, but is overwhelmed.

Post edited by Poweas on


  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    I don't think Hag would be able to defend herself as much. She is very small and skinny which makes her very vulnerable despite her long nails. But oh I'd pay money to see Legion get beaten up by buffed david or even buffed Myers C:

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,261

    Thing about Legion is that there are four of them. In a one on one fight, they would lose to everyone. But if they were all there, even David might have some issues.

    For Freddy, it would depend on where it takes place. In the real world, you are absolutely right, but in the dream world, Freddy has all the power.

    Doctor doesn't seem weak to me.

    Other than that, I mostly agree with this, although Joanna had a good point about Hag.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    You guys are right about Hag I'll edit that.

    Also with Legion, they can literally slap them and the Legion will be on the floor.

  • rj1567
    rj1567 Member Posts: 50

    Why should the Hillbilly & Doctor loose against them? They are way taller and stronger than all of the survivors.

    I also wouldn't see the hag winning against them as she is so weak and one punch could possibly break her bones as she is so skinny but her hand right could possibly be a problem if they don't avoid it.

    Also just a small correction the Huntress is no trained warrior she is a Hunter and ambushes/hunts her prey. She has no fighting experience with humans and is also not educated but she would still win looking at her size and strenght

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Er, she's managed to kill soldiers who entered her forest, there's no doubt Huntress has fighting experience.

    Billy might be able to endure things, but his leg would undoubtedly be abused and he'd have no chance. And while Doctor might be massive, he's probably not strong in a fight.

    Huntress though, shes a trained warrior. Just check out her lore and cosmetics. She even takes down villages to kidnap little girls.

  • TrashLegionMain
    TrashLegionMain Member Posts: 14

    Hag holds their own? Reeaaallyyy?

    Her body is so decayed and weak that she'd fall over if you blew too hard on her.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @TrashLegionMain Think of a wild rabid animal trapped in a corner. Even though it might be smaller it can still kill you. A dog half the size of a full grown man can do decent damage even if hungry.

    While Hag might not win, she can do considerable damage. And I imagine she is quite fast. It's not all about defense, if you are fast enough, you don't need to block.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    Have you seen how buff doc and Billy are?

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Btw, Doctor is able to shoot lighthing from his bare hands. Like, seriously, how he would lose? Are you mad or something? Or should I say, 'affected by madness'?

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Even if you are strong like David, Frank would just out run him and you know...

    Stab him 28 times.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    Have you read Doctor's lore in-game? He killed whole institute alone with a stick :) He probably can do something wout stick

  • rj1567
    rj1567 Member Posts: 50

    The Huntress has no fighting experience the only thing she did was kill villagers that were very likely unarmed and in regards to the soldiers she killed she very likely ambushed them in her territory she knew like her own house and also because close range weapons are no match for guns and it is also very unlikely that there were a bunch of soldiers with only melee weapons she fought in an head on fight

    To fight someone you actually need someone that defends themself so you can learn how to deal with them and improve your skill but as none of her victims seemed to have fought her she is no real warrior.

    Also none of her cosmetics mention her being a warrior but they mention multiple times prey, hunting and the head gears are clearly hunting throphys or references to animals as prey. She is no doubt a hunter and predator that takes her prey down through ambushes what most hunters do in some form but no warrior

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    With that hum, do you seriously think she ambushed them?

  • rj1567
    rj1567 Member Posts: 50
    edited April 2019

    Do you know if she hummed outisde the realm of the entity? Also she wouldn't have killed any animal she hunted if she did hum the entire time like in the game. So it is likely she didn't do that before she was taken

  • Seretuus
    Seretuus Member Posts: 1

    I think that given the raw strength they display (Huntress and Doctor are 8ft tall for crying out loud) fighting back is just truly an option that the Survivors don't have.

    • Can carry a person over their shoulder with insane ease.
    • The hideous ease at which they place a full size humans body weight on a hook.
    • The fact that most of them are undead (without Entity interference), and so mutilated that physical injury is completely redundant. (Amanda made it through Jigsaw trials. Look at Doctors face. How... how do you top that?)
    • Smashing pallets with ease. Pallet stun, head on and decisive strike aren't HARM. They're annoying.
    • Supernatural ######### powers.

    I think the tutorial text that iterates the reason for limiting elements like the attack cooldown and slow vault speed are an expression of the Killers arrogance and sadism. "They're not in a hurry."

    But for those without supernatural abilities, or immense size and strength, there's still a vast separation in lethality between a Manchester rough rugby player, and a legitimate movie-crazy psychopath with a supernally high pain tolerance, a genuine desire to kill and maim, and the means to actualise it.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    janes a tiny fatass she wouldn't stand a chance against anyone

  • Skycerer
    Skycerer Member Posts: 183

    Nurse gets crushed, she can't see a sh1t