What bought you to the game?
What made this game appealing to you?
Are you a Gamer who likes Survival horror?
Are you a Fan of Horror films who likes to Game?
Personally, I am in the latter camp. Have loved Horror movies all my life and this was one of the first games I've taken a punt at full price on pre-order, just on the strength of the premise alone.
The Licensed DLCs make the draw even stronger for me! :)
How about you?
I just like competitive games honestly.
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So... if this was ... Batman (other superhero's do exist) hunting down 4 criminals, you'd be happy?
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Just the certain horror elements, honestly. I remember the pre-launch trailers for DbD back in 2016. It got my attention. Then I learned it was just a hide-and-seek game with no real way to fight back against the killers, and I stopped paying attention. I bought Overwatch in May 2016 and played that with Friends & Family, instead.
Fast forward to the Steam Summer Sale for last summer, and I bought DbD purely for the licensed killer elements. If not for Michael Myers being in the game, I doubt I would have bought it at all, to be totally honest.
Post edited by Kilmeran on0 -
I'm a fan of spooky games. c: I saw people playing it and thought it'd be fun.
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I heard of Friday the 13th and i thought it was a cool idea for a game that i'd like to give it a try. Then from researching more into it i discovered Dead by Daylight and I saw it had way more killers and some licensed ones so thatss what really caught my attention. Especially Leatherface! Then the game came out for free on playstation for playstation plus members so I tried it out and absolutely loved it! It is now one of my daily games i play.
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I found about the game around when the nurse released. I followed it for a few months but didn't buy it until it came out on console because my PC is a potato when it comes to running games. I bought it day 1 of console release. I was attracted to it because I love horror in general and I finally found a horror game that let me become what I've seen in movies, a killer. Fun fact, this obsession with horror started with Scooby-Doo (it got me into horror because I always wanted to see what the monster would actually do if they caught them, then I discovered horror movies)
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Friends recommended it to me. We were playing on Friday the 13th game back in summer 2017, and they told me about another survival horror game that had all different killers in it, including my all time favorite from the movies, Michael Myers.
That sold me on it.
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I researched Friday the 13th on amazon and dead by daylight popped up so I decided to take a chance and buy that game (as well as Friday the 13th) and I haven’t regretted purchasing dead by daylight so it was definitely worth taking the chance!
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I saw it when it was about to go in beta on the store randomly.
I was searching for a new hook, and found...literally hooks.
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Hey dude,
do you prefer Myers or Jason? As Iconic as Jason was, I always kinda liked the Shape... :)
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My brothers told me about it after they watched YouTube of people playing it.
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I thought this was a horror game, but unfortunately its just a bully simulator as it seems.
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Youtubers. Been watching videos of the game since beta. Bought it end of 2017 because I thought Freddy was cool and I finally bought it.
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Honestly? I saw someone abusing real infinites (shack with double windows if someone remembers) and made a complete joke about that killer. I laughed my ass off and asked myself "######### is this game? Is this fair? Is it even possible to win as killer?"
And this was kinda one reason for me to try that game out.
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My friend really liked this game and thought I would like it too. I ended up not being a big fan at first and now I have fallen in love with this game (except when it causes me frustration)
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Free with PS4, otherwise I wouldve never paid for it. NEVER!!!!!!
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I watched Markiplier play it and so I watched it all, then I watched around 70 vids of Wade play it. We switched to F13 and I didn't like it because it wasn't like Dead by Daylight. I loved the concept of sacrificing and surviving. I was just very disappointed in F13.
Came fall and we downloaded F13 (it was free) and I saw DbD and I got so hyped and downloaded it as well (it was also free).
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I'm a gamer and I was trying to find something different than the regular shooters. Looked into Friday the 13th but wasn't too crazy about it. Got this game instead and I loved it ever since. I'm a huge horror fan so the more licensed characters they added, the more and more I loved the game. Gives a great sense of nostalgia. In addition to the awesome original killers they create, I am very happy with the investment I have made to this game. It's much more competitive than people say it is too. All in all. The game is something different, a great party game, amazing for horror fans, and an all around awesome experience. Also super pumped for Ash!!!!
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it was free back on september on the PSN store, i really havent heard of it before but i instantly fell in love with it
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Steam recommended it for being similar to Evolve after it died.
RIP Evolve.
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I stumbled upon a video of tru3 playing the Hag on the game map and I thought to myself, that game looks fun. I love the horror element of the popping up Hag phantasms and how you are able to plan ahead, lay down traps, control the map and toy with the survivors by chasing them in a prepared area.
There are not much horror games out there and I loved the isolated fantasy of the survivors vs a ruthless killer.
I was shocked when I faced my first SWF squad! I felt cheated!
This game was supposed to be about horror, surviving the killer and escaping and not bullying the killer, taking the game hostage and buttdancing at the gates.
I still love the Hag and also love to play spooky Myers, 3 Blink Nurse, Doctor, Freddy and Bubba <3
I would love to see more spooky killers in the future and a killer with a chain to jank those buttdancing survivors from the gates. Maybe a Prophunt killer? I am no tree or this gen moved?
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Nawt a whole lawt
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Friend bought me it back in 2016. I didn't know any of dos and don'ts, everything felt like my bad luck rather than my mistakes so I uninstalled for a year.
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I friend d told me about the game. I liked Huntress a lot and started to hardcore play her.
Now I already have 1600 hours on that killer
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Ps4 user here. It went on ps plus in August and my friend, who previously had it, kept recommending it. I really like slasher horror and I thought this game was really cool.
Ironically Friday 13 came to ps plus in October and I thought it was gonna knock my socks off...it did not and it paled in comparison to dbd. Mostly because I could not understand how to play and I could not stand being forced to spectate after death until game over, even when your friends died too.
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Free key from Alienware Arena. I was only going to farm it for steam trading cards, but now I have 3000 hours and bought all the DLC.
10/10 giveaway
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I've played RE series since the original came out for PS1 but have gotten burned out on the remakes and sequels. This looked like, and is, a fresh alternative.
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Myers, Freddy, leatherface and pig
My all time favorite characters were in the game so I wanted to try it.
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Oh then.... your over the top complaints should be totally negated then.
Since you got it for free..
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U like to be in jail, don't ya?
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I stumbled upon Hybrid Panda on youtube while I was watching a close friend of mine streaming BO3. I watched him play DBD for a few months then saw the humble bundle. bought several copies and gave them away on Steam Gifts. It was a good day.
Now i'm a salty addicted survivor #rehabpls
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I remember getting the beta through a stranger giveaway, I started playing and really hated it, with the nurse update I decided to come back and try it, and I got hooked!(pun intended)
But I kinda feel bad not getting the legacy since at the time I wasn't following the announcements soo I didn't know legacy was gonna go away
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A gamer girl told was 50% off for PC 10 bucks so I got it. DbD is like 2 games in one, nice concept but currently too broken
I hate games like fartnite
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@Supernaut Michael by a LONG way.
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When its personal opinion, there's never a wrong answer... but this is the Right answer :) @Dwight_Fairfield
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In August of 2018 I was watching Left 4 Dead lore videos or something when I came across the Bill trailer for Dead By Daylight. I thought it looked kinda cool and I liked the background track, which was the survivor theme. I ended up listening to a bit more of the soundtrack and started developing a special vibe you get from first impressions for a game just from seeing images of the killers and hearing the killer and survivor themes.
So I checked out some more trailers, stumbled across the SAW trailer, and then watched killer gameplay of pig. It looked like so much fun that I knew then and there I wanted to play pig.
So I started with trapper, 4k’d my first game, didn’t do so well with him after that, switched to hag who had just recently been met buffed at that time, loved it, and when I bought pig, I enjoyed myself so much, that I completely forgot to kick gens and even the RBT’s. I was enjoying using ambush way too much.
So here I am, almost at my one year mark of being here in dead by daylight’s community. Found myself to be a hardcore fan at this point.
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I got attracted because I like asymetrical game.
As long as there are appropriately balanced.
Evolve died to me when they gave a enormous buff to the hunter by making them less dependant on there tracker (any hunter could use the dome instead of only the trapper and it went from being misable to begin autoaimed)
They also took away the ability of the monster to open the dome by downing the trapper
And making the wraith a high risk high reward monster to being literal hot garbage
The fact the dlc where insanely pricey and had the most broken hunters in them didn't help it either.
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Somewhere at the end of october someone told me the game was free for the current weekend, I decided to try it out.
I started the game and didn't know anything about it. Literally nothing. I started a game and thought we need to gather resources and build a shelter and make fire and stuff to survive.
I didn't bother checking it out on youtube cause I didn't think it would be good, but when I did, oh damn I fell in love!
The main concept was sooo fun to me, trying to escape the killer and repair gens. I was instantly hooked.
A month before I downloaded DBd I bought Overwatch and I actually quit it because of DBD. It was that fun for me!
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Saw it on the store for a long time and didnt ay because of how poorly Evolve turned out without friends.
Then it went free and even playing solo this is one of my favorite games now.
Which is also why I dont mind buying cosmetics/killer chapters. The game was free and I enjoy it, may as well show support.