We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

I swear this community:

Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

We are so divided, we cry to much. It's not even feedback anymore. We keep tearing at each other's throats, we keep screaming and yelling.

I of course am not perfect, and even now I might cry out too, but at least I try to calm down and see from both sides of the Campfire. I know a few people who can also see from each side too. But they are so rare, and are drowned by killer and survivor mains.

Both sides have their points, killers are only one against four. When survivor mains cry, there are four times the voices.

But some killer mains just need to shut the hell up and smell the damned roses for a bit.

I said this once before, I'll say it another fifty times if I have to. There is time and place for feedback, what you guys are doing, is not feedback. Few who have posted here actually earned the right to be called respectable posters. And unfortunately one of them is gone.

For the killers that complain about Mettle of Man, there are so many counters to it, it might as well be the BBQ of the Survivor perks. It'll affect you only if you let it. And for the love of Entity stop lobby dodging and dcing when things look like or are not going your way. You're killers, grow a pair will you? Be thankful survivors can't KILL you, because the game would be a lot worse.

For the survivors who complain about NoEd, grab a map (Rainbow if possible) and find the damned totems. And for the people who advocate dcs, stop. Don't dc against Doctors/Nurses/Legions. That is petty and you can never have the moral high ground. If you are pro dc against things you don't like (I'll give an exception for exploiters/hackers/what say you), then you cannot use the argument 'survivors are people too'. Killers are also people, and we like to play as well.

I understand both sides can be toxic, but just say gg and move on. If the toxic folk decide to cuss you out, or use racist terms or homophobic language, report and move on.

My apologies for the ranting, but I needed to let this out. Feel free to comment or whatever. I'll see about answering people with the most kindness I can. I also hope my point will come across, see you guys in the Fog.


  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Its only the forums. Everywhere else killers and survivors arent this rude to each other and actually have different opinions.

    This is a video game. Stop being so moody.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,020

    I am 50/50 so I can agree on this

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    I want nothing more then to believe that, but I cannot really believe you. I've heard either Steam or Reddit were the other breeding grounds for toxicity too. You may prove me wrong.

    Yes this is a video game, and I feel nothing but joy with it. It is the people I am moody about. Fellow, REAL, human beings.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I agree with you on all of your points sadly, first off MoM isn't very good especially if you are a mediocre survivor because of the simple fact that once you heal up the killer can see you're aura sometimes even when the survivor is in the killer's terror radius. NOED unpopular opinion but I believe this is a useless perk honestly. Honestly why cry about everything and if you don't play both I feel as though you need to. Or be more understanding to the other "side" because if everyone played both sides then people would be able to understand why people say this is balanced. If you play both survivor and killer I simply think it allows you to understand why the game is like this or that and yes there are changes that may need fixes from time to time but if someone plays both sides you can feel how it feels to play against it and play as/with it.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Thank God there is a thread with nice people in it

    *wink wink*

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Lel. Somehow I expected you to be here. Thankfully everyone so far has been decently nice. I might have jinxed myself.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Here I am~ Rock you like a hurricane~

    I like that song

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    You can generally tell the usual suspects on both sides who post constantly about how it's not fair and are so one sided nothing anyone says no matter how logical it is will ever be heard.

    The fact is the vast majority of the players never visit the forums and just play the game.

    Funnily enough I have noticed a fee new accounts have opened after the release of Ash which tend to post like some of those usual suspects.

    I agree with you 100% and some people just need to chill out, stop being so angry at a game and thinking it should be made purely to suit there ideas, if they no longer enjoy it or are not happy with the direction just move on to something else.

    Getting so upset over a game seems strange to me, games are a plenty and there to play for fun in down time, I do feel a lot of gamers today should take a break now and again, go outside and see what life has to offer instead of dedicating their lives to a virtual world a the while becoming more hateful towards it.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    I do occasionally rage at games, but mostly single player games where my rage wouldn't hurt anyone but myself. However, when I get angry at DbD it's because of the actions of another, but tis only spur of the moment anger. Survivors try to survive, and killers try to killer.

    Most days I laugh it off now. But I get grim satisfaction getting revenge against people who purposely try to make me angry. I'm not one for life, but for my own health... I'll give it a chance.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    @twistedmonkey You are correct about most players don't visit the forums I never did until like a month ago or so and even then my first post was a b8 because I thought the forums were a joke at first but I changed my view about the forums pretty quickly. Well now I am stuck with this name for how I viewed the forums at first lul. Tbh the new people you constantly see on the forums could be alt accounts meant to cause trouble although I bet some of them see the forums as a place to just use b8 posts as I did when I first joined.

  • Sharmarko
    Sharmarko Member Posts: 71

    yeee the forum is the worst

    reddit is mostly memes so its alright

    steam is full of actual children so they aren't mentally capable of reasoning yet

    but this forum caters to people who genuinely have an interest in DBD and want to voice their opinions, thus the average forum user will be more passionate for their side

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221

    Heres an Idea, dont play Nurse with noed, or legion and people wont DC. People play this game for fun and if they dont think they will have fun they will just not play. The same can be said for playing against 4 survivor blendettes that do nothing but hide or getting Haddonfield as killer. I dont blame the killers for dcing or dodging that lobby because it would be unfun. I feel that your just trolling (evidenced by legion portrait), If you want real games where people arnt going to whine or dc, play a killer that isnt busted. Because I know many people in the community feel like if we see a legion with Frank's mix tape or starts moonwalking on deep wounds we just DC. Which is the SAME as any competent billy or huntress that gets haddonfield or lerys. So "Grow a pair, suck it up" and stop whining about the community's whining.

    And honestly there is no consequences for dcing against, for say a prayer beads spirit, which the consensus among people is busted and Id rather just not play.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


     I feel that your just trolling (evidenced by legion portrait), If you want real games where people arnt going to whine or dc, play a killer that isnt busted. Because I know many people in the community feel like if we see a legion with Frank's mix tape or starts moonwalking on deep wounds we just DC.

    Allow me to now disregard your entire post because you decided my words were nothing but a troll simply because I happen to like a character you hate. I'm sorry but I CANNOT STAND PEOPLE LIKE YOU!

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    You obviously didn't read my post. In the first sentence I've stated that it's no longer feedback. Feedback is when you criticize and have a good point. You can have positive or negative feedback.

    Complaints are not feedback.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,802

    Be the change you want to see in the community.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @No1TheLarch Now, hopefully you read my answer to you. Let me give you my full response. Because I am not you.

    You also clearly haven't read my post either, I would assume that was because you were ignorant and disregarded my post. I have mentioned, and I quote "(I'll give an exception for exploiters/hackers/what say you)".

     Which is the SAME as any competent billy or huntress that gets haddonfield or lerys. So "Grow a pair, suck it up" and stop whining about the community's whining.

    Any competent killer can make the best of situations. Apparently the Trapper is supposed to be bad in a lot of maps, yet I have consistently 4ked with him. I have grown a pair, and I'm trying to tell everyone else to. I am not really whining, I'm trying to help people see. You are a grim reminder that I can't help people.

    And honestly there is no consequences for dcing against, for say a prayer beads spirit, which the consensus among people is busted and Id rather just not play.

    Which is a problem and only proves me right, thank you.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @ModsAreFreeLaborLOL I doubt I can ever change your mind if I tried, so I will agree to disagree. For now.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2019

    While some complaints yes can be feedback the constant whining and threats of certain poster is not, it goes beyond feedback and is akin to a child having there toys removed and throwing a tantrum.

    The problem I see is with the make this game the way I want it posters or they threaten to quit/ruin everyone else's fun instead, to me these are just angry people and I struggle to understand how that can be classed a passion and not simply an entitled person or someone with anger management issues.

    I may think DS should never have been a perk, I may hate the legion, I may disagree with insta heals and not like many changes the devs make but I will never dc, lobby dodge or threaten to do X if I don't get my way, i will post my opinion and try to be as constructive as possible as feedback and if the devs like it that's cool and if not I will still accept the game as it is for what it is.

  • ScoopskiPotatoes
    ScoopskiPotatoes Member Posts: 24

    Or, you could follow the Terms of Service you agreed to and not disconnect because you’re upset about a game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Idk, if it's that much of an outrage, we'd see changes to the forums by now.

  • TheWorldofDitto
    TheWorldofDitto Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2019

    Look man if I want to Dc against a legion I should be allowed to and I am punished for it by loss of pips and bp so quit whining also Legion is toxic af so if you like him you clearly don't give a ######### about BOTH SIDES good day you emo drama queen

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    Have a good day sweetheart~ Say hi to the trolls for me please. Also give em' these bait hooks, I think they're running out. Thanks pumpkin.

  • ScoopskiPotatoes
    ScoopskiPotatoes Member Posts: 24

    Who’s the drama queen? You’re the one who can’t handle playing a game and has to run away.

  • Samurai_Draco
    Samurai_Draco Member Posts: 13

    I can see where you are coming from, and I do understand the point you are trying to make. However, in the event something gets changed(Whether a Nerf or buff), hasn't ended to well for certain perks that killers and survivors use. Heck, you can make the argument that some killers could just use add-on's and do well without perks depending on how well they use said killer; using perks could just be added bonuses. For survivors, using uncommon items with one add-on(Uncommon or rare), would be more than enough depending on the coordination of your team(Without using perks). Sometimes that won't happen if you are solo queuing which I get, but the luck of the draw for decent randoms is there. What I am saying is that I think perks are being to heavily looked at and not the actual characters themselves more often than not. My perspective is that there should be a bit more restructured balancing of killers and survivors themselves. People can become heavily reliant of perks which can cause problems if they could not win the match with them, voicing complaints that people will rage on about that couldn't be helped due to being countered or not using them effectively as examples. I am merely speaking from an objective standpoint, but I do get that constructive feedback is to better the game so the developers can smooth out the rough edges of the game to make it more enjoyable. Throwing shade around at times doesn't help all to often and it becomes tedious to try and recompile what is the actual problem.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    Feedback is feedback regardless. And even though it may be considered as belligerent whining, feedback is still feedback. Our crying is something that the devs really do care about— as long as it makes some sense. (IE, NOED, or DS), people lack awareness that you’re allowed to play the game however you see fit. If you’re on a forum, you’re expressing you’re opinions- you, as an individual, should always have the right to such. But telling to killers to “Shut the hell up”, warrants a lack of an open mind— and that can cause issues. Even though your post talks of both sides, that’s your opinion. You most likely already know; your opinion matters. But you’re not the only one, and there’s room for correction. But your interpretation is... well, opinionated, of course. You blatantly disregard where the so called cry-babies come from, and though it may be a group of negative people, analyzing the feedback and helping is the main goal. The forum is a place of discussion and improvement; the former meaning there’s room for opinion. If you believe that we whine too much, we are likely aware. It’s fine— that kinda thing is normal in almost any forum you can come across. But saying that racist, and homophobic terms should be disregarded is completely, and utterly, disingenuous. Words hurt. And they can stick. It’s not a sunshine and rainbows world— it’s a place that is... meh. I can agree with some parts of this post, though, saying that you’re interpretation of the community can seemingly rule final is... biased.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Blah Blah Blah, killer and survivor main whining, big deal, instead of them complaining about a good perk, learn to counter it, NOED comes on? Just leave the gates rather than wasting time. It's just a game.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    It's funny most people that hate legion at least from my perspective and if I ask why they don't respond for a second then say he is op. I think people hear that their favorite youtuber says legion is a bad killer then I must dislike him too! Honestly though if you play one side and you are here in this thread complaining then you have already proved a point that first off this community is indeed toxic ect. And also you are most likely bias'd as all one-sided arguments usually are. Though there are many problems it doesn't help when we have one-trick ponies that only play killer or survivor and just try to tip the balance in their favor and if a perk or something else benefits them they say it is fair and balanced and if it doesn't benefit them no no no nerf nerf nerf it now! too op it is a perk doing it's job helping the player! This is just my view on things.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    @ShrekIsHot I agree with this, and also I stand by the fact that I believe NOED is a near useless perk in most situations endgame is already over from the start it doesn't need buffs it doesn't need nerfs.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    *takes deep breathe*


  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76

    I pretty much agree with everything you said. I’ve always disliked that the dbd communitity is so divided, we all like this game so why can’t we just enjoy it together?

  • Jollykins
    Jollykins Member Posts: 43

    I agree on this. I love to play killer outside of my survivor games because I love my Doc...but the sheer toxicity of the end game and chat turns me away from playing the game as a whole. On one hand, Im shamed for getting a 4k (or trying to since killers are supposed to), and then on the other Im ashamed to BE a survivor. Ive defended the killer countless times from my teammates at the end game chat that it makes me sick to see that its almost every game!

    From what Ive seen on both sides, killers are abused far more often. Im not saying survivors dont have their fair share of abuse inflicted on them, but without killers...

    You dont have a game!

    Be a good sport for gods sake, its not hard to accept defeat and move on to be better next game.

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221
    edited April 2019

    "We are so divided, we cry to much. It's not even feedback anymore. We keep tearing at each other's throats, we keep screaming and yelling." into "m sorry but I CANNOT STAND PEOPLE LIKE YOU".

    Sounds like you have some internal conflict, sorry feel the need to turn on caplocks outta frustration. You'll have a difficult time convincing anyone not to scream or be upset if you in turn scream at someone who disagrees with you. Furthermore; a large number of forum trolls DO use the legion portrait cause they know how the character makes people feel. Making it hard to tell a vent post from a bait. Im still not sure if you are a master baitsman or just a half-clueless killer main. Either way I dont wish you ill, but really think you need to relax and if you cant stand people disagreing with you perhaps you should post on the internet.

    What I cannot stand, I think its more of the Develpor's fault is the mechanics that make people feel like fun is not an option in the game. By this I mean how legion's mechanic's work, How stupidly imbalanced maps like haddonfield and Coldwin are for survivor. We should be at BVHR's throats to fix these things not eachother cause the forums are only an effective platform for us to communicate to the devs not really eachother.

    Unless you are just here to yell at people, which many people come here for. If thats the case I hope you feel better now! Either way I think you oughta take a look at your own actions on a post "we are tearing eachother apart" to "I (hate) people like you". But what am I saying People gonna be people. Killers gonna be killers, Pigs are gonna tunnel, megs are gonna be stupid, and the game will go on.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    edited April 2019

    I disagree, they most certainly are toxic to each other. Seen enough messages and post game chat to confirm this community is pretty bad.

    Not to mention the mannerisms in-game has shown me

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Except your DC costs everyone. You lose the same as them simply because you dont want to see it through because of "X killer is used". Its not your way so the others have to suffer. At the very least get caught and run in a line and then die. Free points and you buy a little time.

    This is why DC should be punished. The lack of care goes into another game, causing more imbalanced outcomes. Because there is no real punishment.

    Also, calling someone emo drama queen? That's outdated and sad hon.


  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    There are so many things i want to say about the community and everyone in it. But because i actually have a brain, I'm not going to go into it.

  • TimeMonster
    TimeMonster Member Posts: 152

    This comunity is something that reminds me something obout HALO... toxic as hell

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    Survivor to killer is 4 to 1. On this forums the sub-categories for survivors and killers... survivors actually have fewer threads than killers.

    This is killer forums. No mercy until 4k is the norm.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I'm gonna have fun answering all these. Urgh, this is what happens when you're gone, you gotta answer those who took their time to respond. Honorable mention to @No1TheLarch Cause he/she/they REALLY didn't take the time to read.

    "We are so divided, we cry to much. It's not even feedback anymore. We keep tearing at each other's throats, we keep screaming and yelling." into "m sorry but I CANNOT STAND PEOPLE LIKE YOU".

    Sounds like you have some internal conflict, sorry feel the need to turn on caplocks outta frustration. You'll have a difficult time convincing anyone not to scream or be upset if you in turn scream at someone who disagrees with you. Furthermore; a large number of forum trolls DO use the legion portrait cause they know how the character makes people feel. Making it hard to tell a vent post from a bait. Im still not sure if you are a master baitsman or just a half-clueless killer main. Either way I dont wish you ill, but really think you need to relax and if you cant stand people disagreing with you perhaps you should post on the internet."

    Nah, everything is all good internally, I find actually trying to show the emotion I feel helps ease my thoughts my clearly so people may see any frustration I had. Also please do read my full response to you, I feel it may have more clarity for you. You didn't disagree with me, you insulted me in the worse way possible, continuing to insult me because some bad apples happen to share a Legion portrait. If you honestly think what I decided to use as my portrait bears so much weight on what I have said, you have officially lost whatever debate you had, but I won't make the same mistake twice. I'll answer you in full. I neither bait nor am I a complete killer main, had you decided to read my post, or if you've seen me around the forums, you would have known that. I do not wish you ill will either, but the ignorance you show makes me wish better for you.

    (Also I could pull the whole card of you having terrible grammar as a reason to disregard your post but I am not brain dead and I know that would be a terrible argument. So I am not you, is what I am saying.)

    "What I cannot stand, I think its more of the Develpor's fault is the mechanics that make people feel like fun is not an option in the game. By this I mean how legion's mechanic's work, How stupidly imbalanced maps like haddonfield and Coldwin are for survivor. We should be at BVHR's throats to fix these things not eachother cause the forums are only an effective platform for us to communicate to the devs not really eachother."

    Fun for who? Subjectivity is a great thing in this world my dear acquaintance. Haddonfield personally doesn't really do anything to hurt me, as survivor or killer, but, I understand a majority of survivors and killers can't handle such a map. Coldwin is not just a survivor's bane of existence, it's a killers. The corn blindness can be really bad on everyone, but killers, especially small ones, suffer the greatest. You again haven't read my post. A time and place for everything, but complaints for the sake of complaints never did slide well with me.

    "Unless you are just here to yell at people, which many people come here for. If thats the case I hope you feel better now! Either way I think you oughta take a look at your own actions on a post "we are tearing eachother apart" to "I (hate) people like you". But what am I saying People gonna be people. Killers gonna be killers, Pigs are gonna tunnel, megs are gonna be stupid, and the game will go on."

    No, I've come here to be a part of the community, which I love. I don't feel better about having to sit down and reply to you because you've decided I'm not worth the time to read simply because I have a Legion pic. In a argument it's not good to ignore your opposition simply because of what they are using as a pfp. And I've only said "I hate people like you" to exactly one person. And that's you because, surprise, you've decided to attack my pfp instead of trying to actually debunk my argument. That one really angered me. People will be people. Killers gonna kill. Survivors gonna survive. No one is entitled to kill or survive. If I kill, I kill. If I die, I die. To that we agree, I hope?

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732


    "Feedback is feedback regardless. And even though it may be considered as belligerent whining, feedback is still feedback. Our crying is something that the devs really do care about— as long as it makes some sense."

    Feedback is feedback. But as I said numerous times, complaint for the sake of complaining is not something I like letting slide. There is a time and place for feedback, whether it be positive or negative and THAT is what I support. But every single chance the killers or survivors have to complain they take it without looking at the facts or letting it be picked apart for counters.

    "(IE, NOED, or DS), people lack awareness that you’re allowed to play the game however you see fit. If you’re on a forum, you’re expressing you’re opinions- you, as an individual, should always have the right to such."

    People are allowed their own opinions yes, I won't deny them that (even if it looks like I'm trying to). I get tired of repeating myself, you know what I am going to say, I hope.

    "But telling to killers to “Shut the hell up”, warrants a lack of an open mind— and that can cause issues. Even though your post talks of both sides, that’s your opinion."

    I have an open mind, I've played Dead by Daylight since 2017 when it was first free for a weekend on PS4. I fell in love with the game, and since then a lot of my hours have come from playing killer, sure I'm not a veteran by any means but I'd like to believe I have some weight in any argument I bring. Yes it is my opinion, just as you have an opinion. And my opinion is that people need to learn what a proper negative feedback is, and what complaining for the sake of complaining is.

    "You most likely already know; your opinion matters. But you’re not the only one, and there’s room for correction. But your interpretation is... well, opinionated, of course."

    Nah, in the grand scheme of things my opinion doesn't matter. Nothing really does with me, but that's okay, I just want some thought to come out, and I accomplished that. The difference between me, and the people I am mostly speaking about, is that I do change my views with sufficient evidence. I do change my opinion once I have a good reason to. Of course there are some things I feel very strongly on, this is one of them.

    "You blatantly disregard where the so called cry-babies come from, and though it may be a group of negative people, analyzing the feedback and helping is the main goal. The forum is a place of discussion and improvement; the former meaning there’s room for opinion. If you believe that we whine too much, we are likely aware."

    No, I don't. I have people in mind for all this, and I do not wish for words put in my mouth. I do not wish to repeat my point, so I'll answer what I italicized (forum is really confusing, if there is a time for feedback, that would be it right now. Bring back old forum format). It is, and I've seen many good ideas, yes, positive AND negative feedback. Whining is never any good in my honest opinion.

    "It’s fine— that kinda thing is normal in almost any forum you can come across. But saying that racist, and homophobic terms should be disregarded is completely, and utterly, disingenuous."

    Let me respond to this with a quote of my own. "If the toxic folk decide to cuss you out, or use racist terms or homophobic language, report and move on." I never said it should be disregarded, I said to report, that thing you do when someone breaks the rules, and move on. I'm not sure about you, but I really don't care about the words some random five year old kid is saying to me behind the protection of anonymity. If words from some random person who isn't brave enough to say it to your face can get under your skin, then... ... Well I rather would not get into it. But really, the smart thing to do would be to brush it off and remember you are a trillion times better then the person who name calls.

    "Words hurt. And they can stick. It’s not a sunshine and rainbows world— it’s a place that is... meh. I can agree with some parts of this post, though, saying that you’re interpretation of the community can seemingly rule final is... biased."

    I've been in a fight before. Words don't hurt, physical violence hurts. I've taken a PS2 corner to the side of my head before, that hurt. Words at best, in a perfect world, should be disregarded if they are slung from some jack off who doesn't know you, who hasn't seen your face, who will never know who you are. I understand that it can be annoying, but in the end what matters is what people you know say to you, not some five year old. And of course I am biased, and I won't say I am not. My problem is, I don't know who you think I am biased against, since I brought up both sides equally. At least I think I did. Please, if you may, explain that so I may see where I went wrong.

    What you did here was feedback, and that is something I appreciate. You took the time to answer me and to be kind (while also not bringing up my Legion pfp unlike someone...). If we had more people who replied like you, then this post wouldn't exist.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Lel, probably for the best, friend.

    I've never been in the Halo community. I however played a few online matches. HOW THE HELL DOES A LOW RANK GET MATCHED UP WITH HIGH RANKS?!

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited April 2019

    I completely appreciate this response. You took time to address to my concerns, analyzed what I said, and cleared my misconceptions. Although it was wrong of me to “put words in your mouth” (to which I apologize for), I just felt like it was another one of the posts that just followed the same idea that, the community itself is a bad place; which, it’s not, in my opinion. Sure, the game has its issues— but we would never have this discussion if this game never existed period, which people take for granted. Whining can be good— in some ways, but only if it’s not so much as whining, but rather constructive criticism. I frown at the sight of people saying the devs “don’t care”, as they take time to look into these posts, and have genuine nice people as CM’s, and reps who work hard everyday. When I initially read this post, if I’m being frank, it sounded as if you were speaking on behalf of the community. But after going over it a few times, I really do get where you’re coming from. I don’t like whining, or people yelling at you— it’s just childish, immature, and frankly, disappointing. There’s a reason for everything; and the name calling while childish, and blatantly ignorant, is still a huge issue, as it can be major controversy towards the game’s community; which makes me smile that someone like you, also wishes for the betterment of the community. I’m very glad we could have this conversation, and thank you for your time. And also, in the words of @brokedownpalace , “be the change you want to see in this community.”

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I'm just happy for civil discussions. I'm glad we got to talk, and being honest here, I agree with this post. People do take the game for granted, sometimes, even I do too. I can try to be the change, but I am simply a person who observes and occasionally speak my mind about certain things. I hope you have a good day, may the Fog be kind to you.