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Why doesn't Mettle of Man work against Nurse?

The perk does not get charged after a hit from a blinking Nurse. The perk reads that you have to get hit by the killer's main weapon, therefore, it should work.

I tested that a power-integrated strike (i.e. EW3 Myers) is indeed blocked by Mettle of Man (as long as you were injured when struck, as per the perk's requirement in the description).

If it blocks Evil Within, why does a Nurse blink-strike not charge it?

Best Answer

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384
    Answer ✓

    Its a confirmed bug right now. There are other theories stating that it isn't working with attacks that are mainly devious focused, like surprise attack from Wraith, though I haven't seen much confirmation to whether that's true or not. All I can say is stay vigilant.


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Because the game wants me to main nurse once again apparently, lets just make nurse the only viable killer so every killer plays the nurse! Then unlimited fun 4 survivors.

  • Tylerz
    Tylerz Member Posts: 28

    Yesterday there is a list of killers that I faced

    Legion nurse nurse legion nurse billy nurse legion...

    Mettle of Man is OP huh. (it doesnt proc a single time ;))

  • thediniz
    thediniz Member Posts: 24

    the legion hit also dont stack the perk and he is atacking with his main weapon

    why would devs make a perk that demands you to be hit by basic atacks if 99.99999999999999999% of killers nowdays dont use this kind of atacks