Killer mains

you know I’ve started to play killer more and more mainly due to lobby times being faster, as well as needing to farm more bp. I’ve always played more survivor than killer and still do but I’ve started to sympathise with killer mains that have to constantly go against toxic swf, those are the worst. I also know how much stressful playing killer is compared to survivor and how much more focus it actually takes, so just a little shout out for all you killer mains out there, you deserve it. ☺️
p.s. I love playing Michael and he will be the first killer I p3, his gameplay is so suspenseful and different compared to the other killers I feel.
They make it stressful on themselves. All they need to do is play the game and not worry about how it goes. If I 4k, great. I get wrecked, there's always next game.
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Myers mains have it so good, not only is he viable but virtually everything in his Bloodwebs serve some purpose even when it is just for shenanigans (except for the ######### jewelry addons). He is BP as efficient as it gets, that can't be said for most.
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Yeah I’ve found he is very viable which is good because I’ve been leveling up Bubba for his teachables, mainly bbq and chilli lol and good lord is he really down there in strength. Yeah if i have a lucky time chainsawing multiple people then the game usually goes well, but that doesn’t normally happen. I’ve found Michael much more consistent in getting 3Ks and 4Ks compared to him.
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@danara, I just tonight, finally got the BBQ teachable unlocked on Bubba. To be honest, I've just been using him as an M1 killer. If there is a clear opportunity to chainsaw, I'll take it, but his M2 is just too situational on a lot of maps I keep getting.
Yeah, it's been boring, but I've been getting all four stacks of BBQ most games, so he's been a BP generator for sure.
Not too worried about Franklin's right now. I've noticed that even at my low rank, the survivors tend to find their items again, anyway. So, I stopped running it, and don't see it being a regular part of my loadouts for the time being. I'll unlock that at some later time.
I average 2k or 3k with Bubba. But, yeah, I can average 3k or 4k more consistently with Myers. He's who I intend to main, I'm just getting some teachables I want unlocked first. Doc is next, then Pig. I have Myers resting at Level 15 until I get the teachable unlocked so I can see how many he can RNG in the bloodweb.
I thought about Hag, but I think I am going to skip Ruin and her teachables for now. Unless the survivors are brain dead, the totems won't last long anyway. Nurse's teachables are a possibility, though.
But unless a Daily is easily doable for the extra BP, I'm just using Bubba to dump BP into bloodwebs to get teachables for now (unless I am lucky enough that Doc or Pig manage to get BBQ at some point).
I play about five matches a night with Bubba (but don't play every night), so it takes me roughly a week to get teachables unlocked on each Killer. Could be worse.
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Lol feel like we’re basically on the same boat. I’ve managed to get a few perks like ruin, m&a, discordance on my Myers but still want nurses perks, spirits and hillbilly. I really want enduring in general lol I think that perk is so useful. I just wanted to get bbq and chilli because after I p3 my Jane and get all perks on her I wanna be ready for when the next bp event is so I can spam level my killers and p3 Myers with bbq. (Hopefully an event is soon). Like you I can’t play very often as I work 5 days a week late shifts and come home and spend about 2-3 hours or so usually before going to bed. I usually try to play on my days off but even that is limited as I usually need to go out or have something to do sometimes. Just really hoping for a bp event soon because it would help me so much to just finish up leveling everything I want done.
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@danara, sorry to tag you again, but meant to reply to your original post.
I'm a killer main. I find survivor, at least right now, a bit boring. I'm sure that will change at some point, but for now I like being the killer a lot more. I like being some of my favorite Iconic slasher genre characters like Myers or Bubba or Freddy. I don't feel that way for Pig, even though I find her fun, mainly because there were so many killers that John Kramer took under his wing throughout the series. Amanda was just one of them.
Anyway, I don't stress as killer. I came from Overwatch where you are so reliant on your team that even if you had the game of your week, one or two really bad teammates could still lose you the match. Repeatedly. So, you learn to not get too stressed over a win or loss once you deal with that for three years.
I patrol that map and listen to generators. You can hear them from a decent distance with a good headset. If it's active, I patrol the area and circle my way in, since typically a survivor will flee when the heartbeat gets close. I usually see them trying to get away and chase from that point.
I don't bother camping. Let 'em get unhooked. I'll probably catch them again. The only exception to that is if BBQ indicates one is near. Then I'll patrol that area. At my low rank, survivors tend to go for the dumbest unhooks known to man. So, I'll usually then pursue and down the unhooker and hook them. Easy two stacks of BBQ. Sometimes, rinse and repeat. I've gotten all four stacks fairly quickly that way. Otherwise, I'm off to around where the auras were, and if someone sneaks in for the unhook, that's fine.
So far, the low rank survivors really love their flashlights. So much so that I've gotten use to facing them. Now if I get blinded, that is totally on me.
You win some, you lose some. I've had a couple matches where I got some hooks, but no sacrifices. All four escaped. I just shrug and move on. Hell, in every slasher film ever made, the Killer loses in the end, anyway. Even the 2018 Halloween film. Myers got his ass kicked and lost three survivors in the end. I mentally chalk it up to an internal joke when they all escape: Those survivors were under contract to live through the movie.
The final thing that I do is keep after-match-chat closed (I'm on PC). The game is very relaxing when you don't see any potential text chat at the end of the match. I just check my BP gain, then carry on. I don't care about Piping or rank. I just want BP. That's all I play for. I stopped caring about Rank in any game once I walked away from Overwatch Competitive over a year ago. For me, the moment I decided that Rank didn't matter in the end, playing video games became fun again.
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I do the same too, now that I have bbq and chilli I could care less like the killers who just tunnel or camp the hook. I just want my 4 stacks and even if 3 or 4 escape I won’t even care as long as I get enough bp.
I came from League of Legends competitively which I played for about three years before my laptop broke and then I switched to DBD on PS4, I’ve thought about buying a pc constantly to play DBD as the graphics are much better but also ######### me is 360ing hell on console pretty sure because of the frames. I’ve been playing DBD for a little over half a year now and I plan to play for longer. If I do end up buying a PC the re grinding and purchases all over again are going to be terrible...
Yep I’ve noticed a lot of flashlights too... (can’t lie I use them if I can as my most preferred item as a survivor just because it took me a while to learn how to flashlight save efficiently and be a more versatile survivor). My favourite part of being a killer is most likely when you kill a swf duo with flashlights and when you kill one, the other dc’s or gives up lol. I usually let the other two solos escape.
and yeah I forgot to mention how many rude messages I receive whenever I play killer for whatever reason it may be happening during the match.
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So I shouldn't play to win, got it.
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Thanks friend it's just sad that devs doesn't buff them as they should but overall what makes killer weak is time itself ( gen rushing ). If that were solved killers will stop being stressful. If crotus prenn and coldwind farm were fixed and the game more competitive (esport) that game would be such a great game.
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I find escaping a killer far more stressful than chasing survivors around.
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not me you should know that sometimes i'm scared to play as killer when you know you gonna rush gen. It's not fun for the killer to get no BP , getting depip and getting message everyday ( EZ baby killer ).
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@thrawn3054 It's a competitive game. I'd say it's normal when a player wants to win.
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@NoShinyPony To a point yes. But it's still a game. Games are meant to make us happy. I understand taking it a little seriously. But not to the point that you're making yourself miserable.
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@thrawn3054 You could compare it to non-professional football hobby players. They play for fun but they would also like to win. Team S plays normal, Team K has to play with their shoes tied together at the laces. Team K would have more fun if the match was more balanced and they wouldn't have to play with their shoelaces tied together.
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Thank you! I have always felt that Killers are the minority and deserve a little respect for the harrowing games survivors put us through. It is not easy being an efficient killer, and it takes a high degree of patience and determination to git gud with them. I really appreciate your comment here.
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it's a casual game, people just have a competitive drive for whatever they do that they are interested in
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@NoShinyPony I get that. I also think there are balancing issues that need addressing. But it's still up to the player whether or not they'll allow it to make them miserable. I get the frustration, but how we deal with that frustration is up to each of us.
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Well said