Can we see Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Since Ash is in the mix of the DBD lore, can we perhaps see Buffy next?
Only if we get Jaws as the next killer
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What would Jaw's map be? How would survivors do gens? Haha
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As my favourite show of all time, I endorse this idea fully!
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Only if Spike is the killer.
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@deathsia Not whilst The Gentlemen exist...
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@TheSavageLycan - Sarah Michelle Gellar Buffy though not the new politically correct one. I'm already worried we are going to have a robot Chucky to follow the non-Robert Englund Freddy. It also invites the natural choice of a Vampire as a new killer. That could be cool.
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I'm not a SMG fan but I think Buffy would have some nice, teen angsty looks in DbD.
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Why didn't I think of this? I would screech if I saw Buffy. She has a new comic coming out this year if it didn't already, same looks (M.G), but takes place modern day with tumblresque fashion and stuff. Have yet to check it out.
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Yes, although I'd prefer Willow to be the survivor over Buffy. First of all, I doubt SMG would actually come back to do any voice lines and stuff. Alyson, on the other hand, would most likely say yes. Second, Willow could have many more unique perks than Buffy can with her witch powers. She can have a perk that allows her to drop a pallet from afar, possibly fireballs that blind or stun the killers, blocking vaults for killers (Survivor version of bamboozle), etc. And since being a witch is a teachable thing in Buffy and not something you're born with like in Charmed, her perks being teachable and usable by other survivors wouldn't be weird.
As a killer, I'd like to see Angelus, Spike, Glory, The Master, or Adam. They'd all make a good killer. Maybe even the Mayor.
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HUSH. This would be badass.
DLC with Buffy Summers and The Gentleman......... yes please.
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@sailormars I actually think she would tbh. She was used in Call of Duty and she did the voiceovers etc...
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@TheLastGreatStar I hope, but I mean she didn't even give her voice for the two big Buffy games that were released.
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I want SCP 106 as a killer
80% movement speed
can teleport any place he wants in a 42 meter radius in 1 second and hit survivors similar to the nurse with a cooldown of 2 seconds or so
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Not gonna lie. I would love to have Buffy in this game.
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@sailormars She’s always seemed to be really absent from the fandom which annoyed me, but in the past few years she’s been more involved. So I definitely think she would agree to something like this if asked.