The "I'm leaving the game threads"

Do you guys think you're actually doing something or what?
Most of the people claiming to leave are just cry babies and probably will just be back playing in a month.
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There should just be a section on the forums called “goodbye” so people can leave their grandiose or rage byes without mucking up the general section. There’s enough rage here without those posts.
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They are saying this because they are pointing out issues that are causing people to quit the game, allowing devs to pick up on this (Hopefully) and try to fix this issue
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No its just people overreacting who will eventually just find their way back into the game. Like seriously no one cares if you claim to “quit” there are way more people playing and probably buying than quitting. Anyways those are the people who whine all time not a big loss.
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It is probably better when people come in to say why they are leaving... cause of what people say above.
I've noticed allot of time, from my experience I speak from, that people won't say anything and leave it mostly unnoticed. So if you have one person that mentioned a critique of your product, there usually are others that feel the same way.
So we would have to guess how many people per "i'm leaving" threads that could include.
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"I quit playing this game" threads in a nutshell
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As long as the players stay polite, I don't see a reason why they shouldn't give feedback.
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Who even gives a #########? There's always something to cry about and it's always the same people doing it, it wouldn't matter if the game is perfectly balanced id lay a damn Benjamin on it that they still come here and weep anyway
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It's never about that. They are seeking attention only
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This is true most of the people who announce quitting the game on the forums do it for attention.
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I'm just taking a break, Spirits bugs make nothing worthwhile in the game, and not fun, and metal of man is like REALLY easy to counter with STBFL, but I can't have much fun without Spirit 😦
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I have been seeing these threads on here since I joined
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This is just our lovely community.
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i mean, playing solo you're either getting sandbagged by your team, camped, slugged, or tunneled by the killer. You don't earn hardly anything. You have Unintentional DCs midgame as both survivor and killer, and infinite loading screens for both sides(still). Then you have rage quitters who destroy your ability to pip as survivor AND killer.
I actually don't blame anyone for taking a break or just uninstalling the game. Combined with the trash emblem system and the match making system that throws ranks of all types together and this is the experience you get.
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Giving feedback is one thing.
Opening several threads where you claim you're leaving the game, copy-pasting the reasons from all the other "I'm leaving the game bye" threads is another.
Give it one more week and we'll have enough material for a "Spot the difference" game.
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@Poweas Dude you're fine, at least you don't go out of your way to sit there and make a thread explaining why expecting people to take your side.
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Yeah this is how killer mains try to get the devs attention. I wish I could find that Doctor meme that they post on survivor mains post when they complain, the one that says “git gud”. Wouldn’t be funny to them now would it lol
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Git gud is such a useless phrase. If you want to make the point that they should be exploiting counterplay options to some annoying mechanic then they should be working out strategies to show that it can be done. Not just asserting that you can
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It is only to get attention. If anyone wants to leave he will simply do it.
I wrote it in another thread: In another game I am playing (World of Tanks) the Forum Account is linked to the Game Account so that the Battle Count is displayed in the Forum. People open a lot of Threads that they will leave the game, either because things are unfair or they suspect Cheating (they are always very bad at the game, when you look up their stats)... And you see the Battle Count rising.
So yeah, those are just people who seek for attention. Nothing more. Glad about anyone who is not like that.
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90% of those leaving the game threads are hot air, or just people who will leave for a few days and come back when they suffer withdrawals.
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It's usually crying for attention and them expecting the devs will do what they want because too many people told them they were "special " when they grew up.
Honestly i find it cute.
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Honestly I don't blame people for wanting to leave lately, things are just getting progressively less enjoyable for a lot of players. Hopefully things change soon and people can start enjoying the game again
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I agree that the game has been, and is very frusterating for both sides.The game is amazingly fun, but if you are too competitive as I was for a while, you can start to feel like the losses are personal. An affront to your skill level.
I think the ppl threatening to quit playing are doing so out of desperation. They probably feel like all of their concerns are going unanswered or like they are not being heard by the developers. Many of them have made the posts, vented their frustrations and offered suggestions, only to be responded to with mainly negative and toxic input from the game communities and this one as well. Nothing ever reassuring comes from the devs as to how or when any REAL fixes to balancing will happen. These people are hoping and praying that by threatening to not play, the devs might finally respond.
While I get their frustrations, I have learned to play the game for fun 😄 Experiment with different builds and STOP BEING AFRAID TO LOSE! You wont ever find your greatest character and build until you just throw yourself at it and try without caring about the outcome :) If people get toxic just BE NICE and show your the bigger person. GG them and find a way to compliment what that player did in the match. Keep trying and even do some meme builds to keep yourself humble. Im telling you if people do this the toxicity will die out (Just a little bit) *Good ol Monto*
Leaving isnt the answer tho ppl
Git Gud is 😄
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I knew this would come in handy.
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Doctors Orders! 😂 Thank you!
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*Detectives* Lol
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My bad! For some reason that escaped my notice lol Detectives Orders it is lol
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Since the beginning of video game forums, there have been "I quit" threads. Just like there have inevitably been just as useful threads like this one complaining about them. Been going on for about 20 years now, will be happening 20 years from now, too.
And neither of your two sides ever accomplish a damned thing.
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I understand people are trying to give notice to what they perceive are issues in the game, but every "I'm leaving" post in any games always reads to me as "I want attention"
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Apparently this is an airport and everyone has to announce their departure
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I mean if they leave, we get more lovely people in the game. So Win Win, let them complain, I just dodge the "Devs fix this or I'm done" sections and love the community loving comments.
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I see it as people expressing their frustrations with the game and letting the Devs know exactly why they chose to make that decision.
Better than them leaving and the Devs having to wonder why the playerbase is declining like it is.