Stop bashing the developers, give them some time and stay positive! ❤

I'll just get straight to the point:
The developers are trying their best to provide us a good game, well not just a good one, but a phenomenal game. Everyday, whether you believe it or not, they bust their butts trying to give us a master piece. However, the developers aren't perfect either, they are going to make mistakes here and there. As the community, we should be directing the developers in a better direction, not chide them for their mistakes. Imagine when you first started driving, it wouldn't be fun to get yelled at everytime you screwed up. However, you wouldn't mind if the person in the vehicle with you kindly showed you how to prevent future mistakes and offered you feedback. Treat the developers like that because bashing them won't achieve anything, it doesn't make the rework/change happen any faster. In fact it probably stresses them out more than anything else just to see a raging mob in the forums breathing down their necks. It's a common saying that you're more prone to mistakes when you're stressed out.
Before you say, well they didn't listen to our feedback so they just screwed us over. Well, that's probably because they honestly thought their solution was a lot better than yours. You have to keep convincing them that it's not best solution so you can get them to believe you. Remember, chiding them won't achieve much. Trust me, in a real life situation, yelling at someone makes them want to ignore you.
TL;DR: Don't be a D-word to the developers, they honestly try to give a great game I promise. However, we have to make sure that we do our part as the community but... we also have to make sure that we do it correctly; being a D-word is not the best way to do our part.
Edit: Added more clarification and corrected grammar.
How much time do we give them?
It took them two years to do anything to DS.
That is a single perk.
Legion and Freddy are whole killers. Should we just sit and smile until 2029 adn we're not allowed to criticize anything until then?
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I gave them 3 years, that should have been enough
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Well, staying negative about things won't make things any better either. Furthermore, if the developers really didn't care about the community, they wouldn't had removed pallet vacuums, buffed useless perks, introduced dedicated servers, tried to optimize the game, improved the graphics, fixed double pallets, and buffed killers.
Also, you can criticize the developers (never said that you can't) but tell me the difference between these two below.
"ThE dEveLopErs ArE tRaSh and Don'T cArE abOuT kiLLeRs!!!! WhY cAn'T tHeY dO aNyThINg riGhT bY MaKinG tHe PeRk jUSt ImmUnE to EnDuRiNG!!!"
"Buffing DS with a increased stun wasn't a good direction, perhaps they could've made the perk fill the wiggle meter to 100%. That would make the DS stun immune to Enduring while keeping the stun at 3 seconds."
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Didn't take them much time to buff DS.
Just saying.
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The problem is they have such little actual contact with their playerbase, and give so little information about big things going forward that yeah, everyone is restless and growing inpatient. We've barely had anything about Freddy, infinite loading screens are STILL a problem, and now we keep getting more frustrating elements added like Legion and MoM, and given their track record we won't hear a word about that for a long time. You can't keep screwing your players over, leave them in the dark, and expect them to stay patient for several years. Players have a right to be frustrated at this point.
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The only thing that pisses me off about this game is the community, i could care less about what they do. But this community....Good Lord in Heaven this community pisses me off.
Like, i understand the devs are trying their hardest, anyone with a brain could understand that, but everyone with their stupid "Nerf This" "Buff This" and all the crying, and whining, and complaining, and all the people doing these things and nothing being done about it just drives me insane. Seriously, everyone complaining about how long it is taking for this and that to come don't know how to program a game, hell, i don't know how to program a game and i know for damn sure it would take a long time to do certain things.
It's funny, all of you talking ######### about this game, still wasting your money on it, still waking up playing it, still losing sleep playing this game, not having a social life because you're playing it (As if you ever had one to begin with) just need to stop. Go outside and feel the sun on your skin and wind hit you in the face, take a break, go see your friends, for crying out loud do something instead of crying.
Rant Over...I'm going to go drink some coffee.
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Many people on here show their frustrations in a polite manner. Many show their frustrations with more emotion in a non direct manner, but even then it isn't overboard. Only a select amount of people show more aggression and ignorance.
Most people are upset with the state of the game because of so many problems ATM. We as a community support this game financially , which is why we show the frustrations (not saying people have the right to ######### on them directly because of this, just putting this out here) . And I think I speak for most people when I say we love this game. We want this game in a good state, it's the reason we bought it and continue to support and play it. For a lot of us, we're just voicing our opinion. I think it's expected in all groups that there's going to be some rotten apples. But that doesn't make them all rotten. A lot of people show kindness, some show frustration in a non direct manner and some are complete dicks. But dicks are going to be dicks. Just like how there will always be toxicity in the game it self.
There's always going to be hate from some people no matter what. It goes for almost anything. But for the majority of the community, we're cheering them on, hoping stuff gets fixed soon.
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Good stuff, you're spot on!
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I will say the part that is rotten makes my brain cells commit suicide. Because my God, they're complete idiots.
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Why you here then? Just F off if you don't like the community. You will be more happy in your life and a lot of us here aswell
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If you hate the community so much then perhaps a forum board isn't for you
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The problem is the community demanding everything and then expecting a result when they say jump, or they will make a “I’m done with this game” threads if nothing happens when they expect it too. If your patience is over then just leave because it won’t be long before you play again.
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Aja. So you say im not aviable to demand for something for i pay, and only sit and wait a result, since they only bring more and more cosmetics?
Let me ask you something: what its your job in bhvr?
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Yeah because the people working on balance are trying to pick the next coloured pants to give to Claudette.
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Sounds like I hit a nerve. Good.
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I believe they care about the game and want it to be great. I enjoyed playing the game and will play again after they get the servers online. I don't understand why they devoted resources to do the Twitch Challenge now but I hope it works out for everyone. Thank you BHVR for making this game and all the hours I played was well worth the money.
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Making a game is not easy, especially one that requires balance such as this one.
I feel they have been diverting resources onto useless things no one asked for, the Switch port made me mad because it is stupid, adding a new survivor just 2 weeks after the chapter was also stupid, adding a new DS was also stupid and uncalled for.
Chapter X added my favorite killer but it is still messed up, devs tried to hid the poor design of the chapter under some nice cosmetics and perks for survivors
Im just saying the developers should get their ######### straight, no offense intended, i just couldnt find other words to describe it
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I would stop giving the devs ######### if they at least acknowledging everything people are complaining about.
Reminder that we still don't know ######### anything about the Freddy rework half a year later.
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However @not_Queen did take @DwightLivesMatter's thread to the developer team so they are trying.
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They're not foricng you to stay OR spend money. So wait it out and give them a chance or be done and leave? Why make demands and yell and stomp like children. It's not a monthly subscription were talking about here.
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You mean make it not absolutely worthless against enduring after finally nerfing it to a decent yet underwhelming state?
They added a functional 1 second to it.
One. Entire. Second.
After giving it a timer, requirement, and skill check on pickup.
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That doesn't tell me anything. Only talk behind the scenes. There's no goddamn confirmation on how to improve the game.
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We are not bashing because they do not hard work but because.
- Gen rush is still a thing from the beginning of this game.
- Freddy rework is still not here
- They aren't communicating with us at 90%.
- Bug fixes aren't systematic.
If they want us to be more patient at least communicate.
@Nickenzie Double pallet is a thing again (jungle jym and crotus prenn).
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Hate to say it, but "proof or it didn't happen"
Odds are that was just damage control.
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They're not doing their best. If they're doing their best they'd have focused on finally introducing a reward system for reaching rank 1 and getting exclusive rewards for leveling up your devotion. Fixing bugs and the like.
@Nickenzie It looks to me more like they're doing damage control. I suspect the Plague DLC didn't sell well enough and the Evil Dead one brought too much negativity to be worth it.
Don't worry though. I am sure you'll swallow the upcoming "We're working on it!" posts.
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I have only had two devs actually show to me they speak and care about the community's wishes. One of them is McLean. The rest of the devs either ignore their playerbase or actively mock us (one we knew at a discord server was very prone to mocking us until he got triggered at us for not liking the new patch and left).
If this is the devs trying their hardest, then everyone minus the two devs I mentioned need to be fired.
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@Maximus7 Exactly my thoughts. There are certain individuals that actually care about the game but they are being held back by the others who only care about profit.
I am so sorry but coldwind maps' walls have not been fixed in 3 years. I would believe it is very difficult to change it if they didn't create more than 10 maps with entirely different layouts and objects. Swamp's, Yamaoka's, Red Forest's, Ormond's jungle gyms are completely different, they could redesign Farm maps' transparent walls easily. You can't say that they are trying their best after this.
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@Nickenzie Yes that's the problem.
I am pretty sure that it could be fixed by cosmetic team, they can easily redesign them but nope, it is not profitable, better create more cosmetics.
What are in their priority list may I ask you? Hooks? Chests? Without taking a look at Legion's mid chapter chapter notes, what featured do you remember that is worth to mention? All of those stuff were more important than these walls that can be easily fixed?
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Well the mid-chapter does fix a lot of bugs and change some perks that were otherwise useless or game breaking. However, eventually they will have to fix the walls, the developers just have bad time management but they will do it soonTM. They are trying.
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"As the community, we should be directing the developers in a better direction, not chide them for their mistakes."
I think that is what the majority here is already doing. We love this game and we want it to get better. But we can't talk about what needs to be improved without saying what's wrong.
The important thing is: Everybody should be respectful. Simply talking about mistakes doesn't equal chiding and mistakes don't have to be so bad as long as you learn from them.
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Hire moardevs
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You're right but I'm talking about the people who go overkill like this and treat the the developers like a D-word.
Here's an example of a bad comment: Don't do this.
"ThE deVelOpErs aRe trasH, liKe tHey coulDn't eVen Do onE daNg rIghT thiNg bY mAking DS imMuNe to EndUrIng whiLe keEpinG the sTun tiMe aT 3 secOndS!"
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@Nickenzie It should be common sense to not insult other people. There's a difference between insulting and talking about mistakes/criticizing.
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Apparently it isn't nowadays. 😭
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I said it before: Jeff left because a lot of Feedback was non-constructive and or attacking him as a person. He was used as a scapegoat for poor decisions of the design team of which he as a QA dev isn't part of or responsible for.
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This feels like a déjà vu. We had the same situation in ARK: Survival Evolved, anyone that followed them through the development from Alpha to Full Release will understand what I'm talking about.
There's always two types of players in a community: The fanboys / white knights and the "haters".
Developers (should) have the capacity to take criticism and use it in a constructive way. I don't understand why people feel the need to babysit the developers as if they were some kids that need protection, it's just embarassing. Our feedback, even if it's negative and even if it's poorly worded or comes off mean, is still of a lot more value and importance than the feedback of a fanboy that just keeps telling them how perfect and great everything is, even though it's obviously not.
The game will never improve if everyone keeps telling them that everything is great. After almost 3 years I was hoping that people finally realized that, but I guess not.
And now my personal impression after almost 3 years: The devs are probably laughing their asses off when they read stuff like OP. "Such a cute, naive playerbase". What do parents do when they get tired of an annoying toy? They take out the batteries and tell their kids "Ohhh no the battery is dead! It's a very special battery. We tried really hard to find another one but we just couldn't.... So sorry kids!!". "It's okay mom, we know that you try your best...".
That's my personal "mean feedback". That's how I feel being treated like, do they take me for a fool? They're well aware of the issues and I'm sure the issues could've been fixed by now if they finally decided to fix them. But why should they? It's not in their interest. It's in the interest of us, the players that already paid them.
A good example regarding the previous analogy I made: There was a discussion about the DS buff where someone asked why they didn't also implement a feature that recognizes if the Killer hooked someone in the meantime and then it would deactive DS. The devs reaction: It's a lot easier to quickly adjust the stun time, the hook mechanic would require a lot more work!
They release the Plague, Jane and Ash all with completly new perks and mechanics. Apparently, it's not worth investing time to fix issues in their game when you can instead just create new content and get cash.
E: and don't get me wrong, this is not aimed at the great developers, community managers and mods in this community but the lead positions. The ones that set the priorities and make such poor decisions. I feel sorry for all the poor souls that have to talk to us and therefore getting all the blame even though they can't do ######### about it. It's like working as a waiter and the customer shouts at you because the food wasn't perfect. You did nothing wrong but you still get the blame. It seems impossible for us to reach the responsible person, unfortunately.
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This here, it doesn't feel good to have a constant crowd breathing down your neck whenever you make a mistake. However, in this case, he was being the object of blame for something he didn't do because the wrath of the community made them pee their pants. Like I said before, stressing the developers doesn't do any good and it actually MADE someone leave.
Back on topic:
I wish the developers made a roadmap that's designed to take care of our community problems such as see through Coldwind loops and killer reworks. They might surprise us!
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Yet they are doing dedicated servers, something most forum users sworn up and down that the developers won't do. It just takes time and they probably have their hands full right now.
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They have from the very start said that dedicated servers wouldn't be a thing so no one really bothered too much with that afterwards. Self-explanatory things like rank rewards have been demanded more throughout DbD's lifetime.
You're too trusting in the developers that they'll magically fix things. They don't care ######### about you, me, that guy over there and especially not Bob in the corner over yonder. They care about money. That's why we've been getting DLCs, the Store, unreasonable amount of trash cosmetics while everything else's on fire.
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Their maps are precgurally generated from small tile sets. They could literally fix this [badword] in an afternoon, they're changing two textures.
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The problem is that how do you do it the best way possible without screwing over most of your player base? This is what most of you fail to understand, the vast majority of the player base is casual
There's issues that can't be addressed until dedicated servers go live, there's issues that are waiting on Epic Games to fix their screwed up update that hosed everyone. The same issue that's plagued every major release they do and it usually takes them a few months to get it fixed.
They're hiring lots of people including coders to work on the game and if all the experts on here have the answers they need to apply. That or create their own game and show they can run a company better.
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That is SOLELY applicable to Jeff. I'll happily drown the design devs in criticism as they are responsible for the mess we're in right now thanks to coming up with such a ludicrous idea as MoM. As long as it's no personal attacks, they'll have to deal with it.
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The devs ask for feedback and the community is giving it to them. Sure some people could be a bit more respectful towards them but at least they are sharing their thoughts.
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You and I both know Jeff also antagonized us at KA. He literally told us at one point that we just wanted ez 4k's, just like the entitled survivor mains on these forums.
Idc how much of a scapegoat he was, he still didn't do his job and treated us like trash. I'll drown him in the criticism he deserves
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It is hard to be nice to them when you start feeling like they are attempting to scam you.
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Criticism is one thing, personal attacks another and not acceptable ever.
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Only one of us iirc personally attacked him, and he was dealt with appropriately. He left when we gave him actual criticism and the other devs told us we were "bullying" him.
He used his first perk, Breakdown. Not much else to the situation.