I'm done playing killer

Meme Member Posts: 275

Damn playing killer isn't fun, I'm gonna go back play with my swf group with all purple flashlights. I swear every time I play killer I go up against these ######### heads, so if you can't beat em join em.


  • tatterz
    tatterz Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2019

    Sounds like you just need to get better, especially if you think purple flashlights are still even good. Did you even play the game before 2.0? Killer is the easiest it's ever been.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Have fun playing Civilization!

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,178

    Just because killer was harder in a previous iteration if the game doesn't mean it is easy now. It's great that you're skilled, but acting like SWF isn't a huge balance problem for most killers now because the game used to be more difficult is disingenuous.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @tatterz Killer is the easiest is has ever been, right. But don't forget: It used to be super super super super super super unbalanced and now it's like super unbalanced.

    That it got less bad doesn't mean that the game is where it should be.

  • raquelambersantiago
    raquelambersantiago Member Posts: 373

    I think a lot of this still has to do with matchmaking. Which has not gotten any better. My rank 10 had been matched against rank 1's I been facepalming

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I don't think anyone is arguing that SWF isn't harder. What I'm saying is that it's not impossible. Of course communication within the survivors makes it more difficult. However, who plays at rank 20 the same at rank 5?

    Don't see yourself short. The more you see SWF groups, the better you can adapt to "advanced strategies".

    Most of us aren't here for a "pep talk" which is why most of the time people just say "git gud" meant as an insult, or at the very least it sound as such.

    As a killer main, I don't even bother with Lightborn until rank 5...then I get there, and I have to adjust. Stick with it. Or, if it's just not fun, don't force it...play Civilization or something for a couple weeks.