When killers complain about gen rush

Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

but you got ruin to be the same on every rank

but you got a new perk that makes it so it blocks the gen for like 120 sec

but you got ds buffed

feel free to add more things

dont @ me


  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527
    edited April 2019

    Do other survivors just HAVE TO find a reason to complain?

    What ruin got was a QOL change.

    Some killers do not like running Ruin and CI every game,and ruin never lasts a minute (unless you are on a cancerous map like the Swamp) and CI is a joke,I can say this 'cause I've faced the perk multiple times and you can literally just walk to another gen,while the killer gets looped. "omg,I cant rush this gen with my sfw squad because the killer has this new crutch perk!1!1!1!"

    The DS rework was needed and it got buffed in the most recent patch.

    Fricking seriously, as a Solo survivor main who doesnt have any trouble looping any killer except Legion(on console,Nurse doesnt exist) for at least 3 gens...git gud.

    Oh,and Thana is trash

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    i think this guy mostly plays survivor. And probably not past green ranks.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Corrupt Intervention is pretty good. It does what Ruin should do, without RNG or dependency on survivorskill. While it cant carry games if it spawns well, it also cant break at the start.

    It prevents 3 gens popping with the first chase and thats pretty good. But mind, i refuse to use Ruin and it still is the stronger perk.

  • ShaneQ
    ShaneQ Member Posts: 134

    Gen rushing needs to go, a simple fix for me is increase the amount of time it takes for 2-3 working on a gen together. At the minute 2 or 3 people can do a gen in like 30 second's that's way too fast.

    I play survivor and killer, if you play survivor only then obviously your not gonna see it as a problem.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This is assuming at least one of them is bad and you get a chase. Smart survivors won't do anything and just wait till its over so that the extra time you got from those is meaningless. It basically just delays the start of the game gaining you nothing.

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606

    The ones that complain about gen rush are the same ones who play: Ruin, PGTW, & NOED and struggle to apply pressure on gens still.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Thats what i thought, but i've been using it on several killers now and i always find someone before the timer runs out. If they're not 4-swf with voicecoms, they dont know what the others are doing. And if i find someone in the first 2 minutes and they dont do gens but wait it out, even better.

    I dont think survivors in general have the time to wait out 120s before working on a gen. The risk that someone is found before, is very high. May aswell rush gens aggressively.

    But im still new to CI, so things may change, but so far i really like it.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    Ruin is the only good stall perk, and it sucks. I used to run it on almost every killer, but now I only use it on Huntress, Leatherface, Trapper, Wraith, Legion, Clown, Plague, and sometimes Myers. Everyone else it's not worth the perk slot or they don't need it.

    Complaining about Ruin is rich. And Corrupt Intervention is worse. With the right spawns, survivors will still spawn by non-blocked gens, and said gens can still be rushed.

    He must have edited out Thana before I got here, but its buff should have gone through with one caveat: only make it affect gen times. Because having that stack with Sloppy actually would have been cancer. But now it's a ######### joke.

    As for any other perks anyone wants to mention:

    Dying Light: by the time you tunnel your obsession out of the game, the survivors should already have the gens done. It sucks.

    Sloppy Butcher: nobody heals, so who cares. Only a good option on Nurse since healing is actually necessary against her, but that's about it.

    PGTW: have fun finding a gen to use it on in 30 seconds consistently. If it was on a counter system, would be a decent solution.

    Surveillance: guess what counters it? Go up to the gen, tap it, leave, wait 16 seconds. Only killers that make decent use of it are Nurse, Doc, and maybe Billy.

    Discordance: why everyone likes this perk I have no clue, but you get one use from it max against good survivors who realize splitting up on gens is ideal no matter what.

    Overcharge: should be baseline for all killers tbh (why can survivors tap a gen to stop its regression after a killer spends time kicking it?), but it's still trash. Hit the skill check and it doesn't do diddly dick.

    Any other band-aid fixes to gen rush that I'm missing?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You do realize this is already a thing and people generally already avoid working on the same gen as someone else unless they have prove thyself

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I really want to watch forum users' live streams at red ranks both as a killer and as a survivor.

    Even for the best, it is a problem applying pressure to the gens with killers like leatherface, especially without ruin (assuming they got the survivors at their own skill level)

    It seems to me everybody in this forum knows how to deal with gen rush, camping, tunneling, every trick against every single killer, dealing with loops perfectly etc. and while doing these things they are able to gain pips, and 20-30k bloodpoints every single match either surviving or getting 4k.

    Too bad I am the only bad player here :(

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    When Survivors complain about tunneling

    but you got Borrowed Time

    but you got MoM

    but you got Adrenaline

    but you got DS still

    but you got- I think you get the point, if we all attack one another this fight will never end. There is only one thing we ALL share and that's a love hate relationship with DBD.

  • ShaneQ
    ShaneQ Member Posts: 134


    Not really I've played plenty of survivor games where me and one or two randoms finish the gens in less than 5 minutes. There's a speed buff for doing gens together couple this with even common toolboxes and its just too op

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @ShaneQ No like. When 2 or more people are on the same gen it even shows a speed debuff indicator and makes the gen about 6% less efficient compared to if they went on different generators.

    Obviously the rate at which gens are completed without (sometimes even with) ruin is too fast. All I'm saying is that your suggestion isn't a solution and we tried

  • Warfish70
    Warfish70 Member Posts: 12

    I don't get it. You're complaining about KILLER perks?

    Killers have, apart from camera position (and again color blind people have an extra disadvantage (orange stain when survs are running - believe me, I dont see it.. It all becomes a grey blur...but i can manage by looking for other things ;)), about EVERY advantage in the game!

    played 25 killer games (was level 16 once - L20 ever since) - tooooooooooooooooooooooo F easy!

    played thousands of surivival games (my personal rank is 258 within 7 months

    - never got above survivor Level 8)

    Comparing to killers, the only advantage for survivors is they are a majority. This is also a disadvantage for I have met HUNDREDS, IF NOT THOUSANDS, OF CAMPING KILLERS that wouldn't leave a hooke survivor. These killers should fall asleep for 65 seconds!

  • ShaneQ
    ShaneQ Member Posts: 134


    Yeah technically, but it takes 80 seconds for a survivor to do one gen.

    It takes just over 40 seconds for two people to do 1 gen together.

    What I'm saying is it should take like 60 seconds.

    This is from a survivors perspective also, if you've played to game a long time most of your skill cheks are going to be close to a great regardless so ruin is useless. They gotta nerf the speed

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @ShaneQ yes they do. But this isn't the way to go about it. Survivors already just work on different generators or run prove thyself to be able to ignore the penalty and so gens get done quickly anyway.

    Ideally the solution would be some kind of part system where you need to install an item found in the map to be able to finish a generator (or start). With the brand new part item having the special ability to skip this step

  • ShaneQ
    ShaneQ Member Posts: 134


    Bro. Its not a penalty if it takes half the time. With toolboxes and perks that forty seconds drops to maybe 30 or less.

    Survivor's don't just work on different gens. How many times have you spawned next to a few player's and a generator? You saying ye all split up? Because if you run away from a gen I'm chasing and emoting to follow me until you do lol

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited April 2019

    @ShaneQ Why would I work on the same gen as you? We will complete more gens in the same amount of time by working on different gens. If we only have 1 gen left to do then sure, but at the start of the game if we spawn right next to the same gen I'ma let you do it and look for a different one (while also looking for ruin). I know others do the same since it is far more common to find survivors working alone on a gen compared to the alternative.

    I don't not work on a generator because you are on it. I work on a DIFFERENT generator thus avoiding the penalty. If I have a toolbox then nothing changes. It doesn't matter how fast you complete 1 gen, it matters how fast you complete 5 gens.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    so uh. Yes optimal play is to split up, that is how you gen rush properly

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    I'm confused. You're saying killers have the advantage but opened your post in disbelief someone would complain about killer perks?

    If you meant to say killers are OP/the power side, I assume your survivor games were as solo?

    If so, solo is ######### abysmal because 99% of randoms are actually braindead. I could play Madden/FIFA/literally any other team multiplayer game with preschoolers and I'd have an easier time with teamwork than with DBD randoms. Yes, they're that bad.

    And survivor is harder to rank up with than killer because the ranking system basically puts survivors against each other for emblems. Efficient teams all black pip because they don't carry in one or two areas (like altruism and gens) and instead evenly split the workload, which makes everyone safety pip.

    So if you're trying to make an argument saying killers are fine, your argument at base is completely flawed.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Why not make checks get increasingly harder (smaller window or faster appearance/spin) the further progressed a gen is? Would make them a little harder/more skill required.

    Got the idea while dealing with huntress lullaby. Problem is, that it would essentially make that perk useless or OP if stacked.

  • ShaneQ
    ShaneQ Member Posts: 134


    Damn I guess you're right, my bad.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Its bad pacing for both sides. I don't like staying in a finished game to ensure I pip.

  • NoxiousOnnyyxx
    NoxiousOnnyyxx Member Posts: 343

    Majority of the killers were already wanting a nerf to m.o.m because they can't handle it....