Looking for Nurse help...

FSB75 Member Posts: 474
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

No ego, no bravado...just trying something new and very difficult for me.

Killer main, Billy. Love the Doc though. I, unapologetically, use the 3 gen lock down method, where a match can take over 40 minutes.

There is a TON of info on the Nurse...problem is, I haven't been keeping up. Not sure what's changed if anything. What is still relevant, what isn't. Not to mention, within these forums, I can (hopefully) hear from a multitude of Killers, and not just watch the perspective of 3 to 4 YouTubers.

I don't care about ranks or pips, just dropped 1 million BP in her web, as I'm basically starting from 0. The million BPs was able to carry me to lvl 37, but with very limited experience.

The only thing I'm aware of is that the Nurse is able to "charge" her next jump while jumping.

My #1 biggest problem is consistency. The longer I charge the jump, the further I can go, I kind of get that. The problem I have is judging the charge time and controlling direction.

Maybe there is no real secret or strategy to it. It just seems strange. Last time I charged a jump for 3 seconds, I went "this" far...this time, I barely moved 3 feet and it stopped....or did that screen animation and I didn't move anywhere.

I'm colorblind though....just checking, is there a jump indicator I'm not seeing that shows up in the environment to help predict where I'm jumping to?

Thanks in advance to all replies. I'm just looking for a challenge. "Git gud" seems to be a popular saying around here....well, here I am, help me git gud.


  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    The distance you kinda of have to play her and you will get a feel for how far you will go. Now when I play her even if I use short or long range addons I still know how far I will go just from experience with the killer

    A lot of people will try to juke you around walls . At higher ranks I usually blink to the corner first then use the second blink to hit them because they usually wait at the corner waiting for you to blink through the wall. Honestly playing as you go will help you to play nurse. I usually use nurses calling -make your choice (if you are having trouble with her use ruin) shadowborne makes it easier to see in corn which is nurses weakness . Stridor is good on her also if you have a good headset. If you don’t wanna use ruin you can use devour hope and granted it doesn’t spawn in a killers face they don’t expect it.

    if you have any specific questions I’d love to answer them :)

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    The first blink is longer then the blinks after that .so your second third fourth ex will be shorter then the first blink . But playing her without addons and getting used to her with two blinks is your best bet

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    If you didn’t know yet, if you aim high you blink as far as possible. The lower you aim the closer you’ll blink. If you charge it all the way and aim low you’ll only blink to where you were looking at(the floor).

    There is an addon that shows where you’ll end up blinking. You could practice with that to get a feel. It is a purple addon though.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Thank you. I had heard this before and am currently running without any add ons to get used to the base distance and speed.

    I'm kind of worried though that this will mess with me later on. I did this with Billy, got the chain sprint burst down, threw on some add ons and I was all over the place.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    So far I've had a lot of fun with this.

    Survivor on one side of the pallet, I charge up blink, they see it...I release the blink but point it at the ground, they jump the pallet...so I just kind of hoover in the air a bit, come back down right where I was, and bam, get the hit.

    Thanks for the advice.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I won't use ruin...just stubborn I guess. Cookie cutter and all. Besides, at this point, I couldn't care less about winning. I don't even hook (which is kind of rare right now away) so DH is not a good option right now. I just want, chase, blink, chase, blink...LOL

    I look like such a noob because sometimes I blink, and I go zooming right by the survivor for like 50 ft. Other times I try to blink through a wall (although I am better at short blinks), and I just get stuck on it, never making it through completely.

    You are right about the cut off though. Nurse changes the "mind games" all together. I loved my Doc, but I was a gen jockey. With Nurse, I end up playing the survivors more than the gens. I have to unlearn my typical lunge attack, I'm losing a lot of time there.

    Specifically though, without altering add ons, are there good perks for chasing? I'll worry about downing and hooking later. Right now I just need consistency. More than anything, I want to be able to control the Nurse to do what I expect to happen. Right now, I'm doing what I think is best, and find myself laughing my ass off at the results 50% of the time.

    I appreciate the suggestions, all are welcome. Having a blast actually, it's quite challenging. Kind of funny when I go against try hards that think I'm raging. Most have been supportive though, and can easily see, I'm baby Nurse.

  • SyN
    SyN Member Posts: 27

    As far as perks that help with chasing I assume you mean perks to help with tracking? I heard Nurse's Calling and Shadowborn mentioned in this thread already and those can help with following people juking you and through fatigue. Stridor can help for figuring out directions if you have a good headset. In all honesty though, once you perfect your blink game, it just becomes a matter of predicting which walls people are going to try and juke you around and then chases will be done in seconds. "Chasing" kind of becomes a non-issue when they can't get more than a few steps away

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Ardetha has decent introduction for nurse on his YT. Easy to google

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    Nurse is a ton of muscle memory so even if you get great advice its going to take a while to burn the chain blink window and blink distances into your brain.

    Make sure your mouse sensitvity is high enough to do 180 degree turns near instantly because thats something you will have to do often as nurse and if you practice with low sensitivity its gonna feel weird aiming blinks with a higher one.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Do nurses break pallets? I've been watching some players kind of just keep them as obstacles for survivors.

    Also, can I control my blink direction while blinking...I've tried a couple times and it looks like I can control my camera, not sure if it's moving me though.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    if you dont break pallets you can force animation locks or vault notifcations, I tend to break them on jungle gyms though because sometimes it gives them another option on the "am I waiting at this corner or still running" mind game.