Iron Maiden buff/QOL change

I saw another thread about changing iron maiden and had an idea. What if instead of giving the notification when the survivor leaves, how about when they enter it? That way the killer has a head start and actually has a chance make use of the perk.
I thought about not letting the survivors know if they are exposed due to Iron Maidem.
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I like the idea. Get rid of the Exposed entirely and just give a ping when they enter a locker. The survivors don't receive any kind of notification.
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interesting take on it, would be used a lot more than it currently is. I don't think it would be OP either, would make people second guess using a locker unless it is the only way to avoid the killer.
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Yeah it is a weird one... Making it not notify the survivor they are exposed would be cool.
Kind of like BT against the killer. They have no idea the survivor has the BT effect going until they hit the survivor. So maybe it could be the same? It isn't a totem perk so how come they need to be told they are exposed?... Kind of like Make Your Choice aswell.
Why the survivor see's their exposed after unhooking is odd for me... might be more be more fun the less you knew.
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I guess my Head On would be easier to activated somewhat.