Hex: Ruin - Should it pause Progression?

Let me explain the title before the tides of Killer hell come crashing down. By pause progression, I am referring to the halt on the bar that lasts a second or two whenever a good skillcheck is hit. It applies the regression and halts all progress done by all Survivors on the gen. I personally feel that the halt should be removed as It's a unspecified mechanic that only adds to Ruins infamous title and truly is what makes the perk so annoying to face. Maybe there's a reason for it from a Dev's view. I don't know. I just know I hate it.

But what I think isn't the point of this discussion. I'm interested in knowing what others think about the Halt. I have yet to see it addressed so I suppose we can do that here. Should it stay, should it go. Is there more to it that I'm too much of an idiot to see? Tell me/us here.


  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    Sure, if we increase the regression to compensate.

  • Maximus7
    Maximus7 Member Posts: 441

    Without the pause, there's no real downside to hitting a good skill check. And the strength of the perk assumes survivors can't hit great ones.

    Ruin might need a slight buff tbh, certainly doesn't need the pause on progression removed.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234

    Honestly, Ruin should be Killer base kit as Survivor Self-Care.

    I run Small Game cuz Killers typically tend to be sweaty Killah Mainz so I have to stomp out their Ruin in the first 30 seconds of the match (which I gladly do... cuz I love shittin on Killah Mainz). After Ruin, then I diarrhea all over them totems that them Killah Mainz have saved for NOED since they love to pipe "JuSt ClEaNsE tOtEmz"

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    That's the issue with all these buff ideas, good or even great survivors can and will hit those. It's muscle memory now and how you'd be doing is punishing newer players and the casuals.

  • CallMeBacon
    CallMeBacon Member Posts: 54

    Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Ruin is certainly in no need of a buff, and tbh, it's in no need of a nerf. The halt is just an unspecified mechanic that I wanted to put a bit of attention on. Remember that it's not stated in the Perks description and seems to be a last over mechanic from the similar halt on progression that takes place when a skill check is failed on a gen with no ruin.

    It's a good point that the perk might become useless without the halt, but then maybe an increase in regression is a good idea. The halt is the most annoying and unfun aspect of ruin and I would love to see it go.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Yes, Ruin is indeed unfun to go against because of the halt it has. However, removing it could cause the perk to become useless BUT I think there's a way to remove it if...

    Ruin prevented survivors from removing the regression status from a generator. Therefore, since generator regression is -0.25 charges every second and survivors repair 1 charge every second, survivors will now repair a regressing generator at 0.75 charges every second. That's a 25% repair penalty for just one survivor but the killer has to start the regression, Ruin won't do it for them.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Ruin absolutely should not be changed. At most change the description to better match the effect but the effect shouldn't be weakened by that. Without it, the Hex aspect suddenly becomes far too big of a downside for very little effect.

  • PunL
    PunL Member Posts: 136

    @Nickenzie that is actually a fun idea, but it would make more sense to make this a stand alone perk for the next killer or so.

    Hex Ruin is ok, i mean it is strong but it usually gets destroyed pretty fast. I would rather buff Hex perks in general. Someone mentioned some time ago to give each Hex perk a passive ability that they keep even after the totem got destroyed.

    For Ruin that would be no extzra progression on great skill checks, which would be totally ok i guess.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Ruin is a little weak atm, because most survivors can hit good skill checks so, no it doesn't need that nerf.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Sure, whenever genrush is fixed.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    In back time ruin didn't stop progression, but it was fixed, because it doesn't have any downside. I'm okay with ruin as the survivor.