I can't be alone...

FSB75 Member Posts: 474

I am a filthy casual.

I play on PC.

I hoover around rank 13 - 10 on both killer and survivor.

I "win" just as much as I "lose" on both killer and survivor.

I don't understand the "DC problem".

I don't believe most players know what "balanced" means.

I acknowledge there are some issues within the game.

The overall health of the game is solid.

The overall health of the community is questionable.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I agree it is Iโ€™m a sorta balanced state,

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    That game itself is alright right now, it's definently not as bad as it used to be

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I find your use of absolutes misleading. The conditions by which you measure "balanced" are restrictive to the point of inconsequential.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    How so? Are you saying people shouldn't play at 100%?

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    100% is the same like high skill.

    The game is balanced, but not for every killer,

    if the survivors have high skill.

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    I believe hes saying nobody plays at 100%, so basing your arguement off it isn't logical

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    It WAS somewhat getting balanced, until they decided to add yet other perk SWF could abuse the ######### out of to kick every M1 killer that was already low tiered in the balls.

    Wanna know why Billy and Nurse won't go away? this is why.

    It's a game built around needing mobility to stop generators being finished in less than 5 minutes.

    But do they address the lack of map pressure on all but 2 killers? no lets release another map the size of China with a perk that only breaks the lower killers even more.

    Enjoy Billys and Nurses at anything above R5.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited April 2019

    Ranking up has also been harder. Could just mean he safety pips more often than pips. Weak way to discredit his opinion. I have around 3k hrs in the game and I largely agree with him.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited April 2019

    That's common around here. You'll see people say it's literally impossible to get kills with killers like Trapper or Wraith in the red ranks.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474
    edited April 2019

    It's like the classic saying, "Equal opportunity does not guarantee equal results".

    Here's my personal example...I don't play hag, but I had a daily ritual come up, so I ran Hag without any perks or add ons...I destroyed the survivors. Now, following this logic, which was it:

    I'm just a God with Hag

    The players were horrible

    A combination of both

    Hag is a strong killer that anyone can play

    Stronger survivors would have been more challenging

    Balanced is that I "won" as Hag decisively against that group, while the next round might only produce 1, 2, or 0 kills.

    I personally believe the "balance" from this game comes from the infinite possibilities humans bring to the game. The abilities of both killer and survivors are basically set in stone. The potential of both killer and survivor are brought to the table by the players controlling them.

    This MIGHT be a stretch...but think of something like drag racing. You can control the car. It can be the fastest out there. Best technology, best parts, finely tuned..no way any driver should lose. BUT, you put me in that thing, and I'm horrible off the tree, and I lose...was it the car, or was it the driver? As the driver, I'm the variable, I'm the cause of errors...or at least in this analogy, I'm the human element.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Ok let me describe it differently.

    You play Trapper only and you got high skill with him.

    You can still lose to survivors who have less skill than you.

    Because Trapper has a skill limit.

    Survivors dont have a skill limit.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Just looking at a few games of your own or even by some streamers you see the state the game is in, It's not good. The Game is going downhill.

    To address your points,

    1. There's a huge DC problem where people will just leave the game if it's not going their way or The game will kick them randomly or while their loading in, All of these are a big problem. People who DC need more penalties and the unintentional DCs need to be fixed fast, It's gone on way too long.
    2. Balance is having a Fair game between all those involved. The game was going in a good direction until they released MoM and proved yet again they have no idea how to balance their own game. The Devs are notoriously slow at fixes and balancing issues, If they want to retain the players left something needs to change and things need to speed up. It shouldn't have taken 2 whole years for a DS Rework, SWF Should have been balanced by now or at least bridged the solo and SWF Gap, The coldwind walls could have been fixed in a matter of days but they've yet to be addressed and Freddy should have been reworked already.
    3. The Health of the game is far from Solid, Players are leaving. The steam charts show that even a Full Chapter, a licensed DLC and a Free weekend can't up the average daily players that's still continuing to drop. That's incredibly worrying.
    4. I do agree that the health of the community is questionable, Toxic behavior sadly is and always has been a part of DBD. There's also the huge divide between Killers and survivors.
  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474
    edited April 2019

    It was once best described that this game, while playing as killer, depended on the survivors to make mistakes for killer success. In short, the killer has less influence on the outcome than the mistakes of the survivors.

    Where I differ is that I don't see that as a flaw.

    IF survivors perform with minimal flaws, why shouldn't they win? You are operating under the impression that flawless survivors have less of a chance based on the killer used. I believe that's an oversimplification of the average game. Does/can it happen? Absolutely, I concede to you that it does...BUT, does it happen enough that the game should be considered unbalanced? I say, "No". It does exist, to what extent?

    I'm saying that the majority of people who play, the overall, median experience is positive, and warrants little change.

    Thank you for providing different examples of a different perspective. I understand your perspective and simply disagree. Again, the existence of "ideal conditions" that may exist are not hyperbole, they are just not the norm either.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474


    What's the big deal about players who DC? I promise, I'm not being willfully ignorant or obtuse. I just don't understand what impact a bunch of crybaby snowflakes have on the game when they DC.

    Of what consequence is it?

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    The Impact it has Depends on who it is and when they DC, but generally it ruins the trial for the remaining people.

    If a Survivor goes down in the first minute of a match and gets salty and DCs then they end up screwing over the rest of the team and make it a 3v1 with 5 generators. If a Killer DCs it's over for everybody and a big waste of time.

    When you have these kinds of games back to back because of how often DCs occur whether intentional or not It kills your will to play, at least for me.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    I need 10 min, because my english is not rly good.

    I agree with you a little bit.

    I win and lose and the games are good for both sides.

    But if I play vs tryhard survivors with pig, then im f***ked.

    "The killer has less influence on the outcome than the mistakes of the survivors."

    This sentence is true.

    But I dont like this sentence.

    The devs did a good job, if the lock 2 years back.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    There are people in this world that take PokemonGo seriously. I do not play PokemonGo. I do not share their enthusiasm.

    I believe too many, not the majority, players take DBD too seriously. As I said earlier...the game allows for lag switching...and some serious players will take advantage of this. The game allows for DCing, and some players will take advantage of this.

    I do neither, and in 6 minutes I get another try. I just keep swimming.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I HATE pig! Still the only Killer than makes me scream like a child with the jump scare.

    I agree, the game has progressed well over the years. Perhaps newer players are unaware of this perspective because of the time they join the game.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Yes but just because problems can be ignored doesn't mean they should be.

    Something like DCing ruins the game experience for other players who want to have a fair game, It'd be fine to turn a blind eye if it didn't but the actions the person DCing has a negative effect on the game for everybody else.

    Maybe if there was a Casual mode you could ignore it but until then I still think DCing should have stronger penalties.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The balance is ok for casual players but it's super unbalanced for very good players. The better you get, the more unbalanced the matches become. A very good killer against 4 very good survivors doesn't stand a chance (except for Nurse and maybe Billy).

    Any game needs to be balanced for its top players, so that applies to DbD as well.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474


    "Any game needs to be balanced for its top players, so that applies to DbD as well."

    Simply, no.

    The game is balanced for the majority of players, and the majority of players are not "top players".

    While it's understood that higher rank players have a different (perhaps negative) experience than mid-rank players, it should not be the priority to build a game around the few. Would it be ideal? Absolutely and ambitious.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @FSB75 Think of other video games. Or even sports. There couldn't be any professional leagues if games were balanced for casual players.

    Also think of this: The longer somebody plays a game, the better they get, of course. So with more and more people getting better at the game, more and more people will have unbalanced matches.

    Imagine the big e-sports title were balanced for new players. That can't work.

  • Captain
    Captain Member Posts: 39

    Your opinion is invalid when you get to red ranks as killer and survivor than you can form an opinion

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    For the most part it is, yes. I think some killers need a little love or perks like thanatophobia need to be reverted but itโ€™s a lot better than it was back in August of 2018 when I first joined.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Game is balanced around casuals, on low ranks it feels balances. Maybe a bit killer sided. But at high ranks you will notice how busted some stuff is (both sides tbh)

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    When most red ranks are putting themselves in that bracket, they may very well be dealing with the higher players and their bs.

  • SamuraiPipotchi
    SamuraiPipotchi Member Posts: 100

    For those trying to invalidate the posters opinion with "your rank isn't high enough":

    Rank doesn't define skill and it doesn't define the validity of an opinion.

    Green ranks make up the majority of the player base.

    Balance in the red ranks is a somewhat moot point. The monstrously large skill difference between the worlds best Rank 1 and the worlds worst Rank 1 isn't represented in any way. Most of the R1 survivors I go up against seem weak, but some of them insanely outmatch me. If it feels unbalanced, the enemy is probably just on a different skill level to you.

    And if none of that is good enough for you, I - a person who has achieved Rank 1 - 100% agree with the poster. His opinion should now be treated as a Rank 1 player's opinion.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Just to be clear:

    You believe DBD is a "competitive" game?

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @FSB75 The devs are introducing leaderboards. So it's clear in which direction they want to take the game. It's also the way to go when you want to really increase the number of players.

    Off-topic: Please use the @ tag when you want to let others know that you replied to them. Quotes don't give notifications.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    I really doubt you need to be red to form an opinion, but I do agree that the game isnt balanced.

    I'm in about the same area 10-13 and I noice that almost nobody plays certain killers, because they are simply outclassed.

  • blackcat9001
    blackcat9001 Member Posts: 12

    How do you not understand the DCing problem? I play on PC as well, and every other match someone gets the "infinite loading screen" bug, which will make the match 3v1, or just make the killer DC. About one in three games that I've played the last couple of weeks (around 30ish hours) has had 3 or less survivors because of this. This is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!

    Ever since patch 2.6.3 people have been DCing more than ever, because the penalty for it is bugged. If one thing goes wrong for their game, many people will DC.

    These two issues are killing this game for me.

    I can't tell you how many times I'm feeling good about a match, looping a killer, when suddenly they get frustrated and quit. Two gens pop in a chase as they get pallet stunned? DC. Resulting in a depip, losing all offerings played.

    Or when I'm playing killer myself, and I down someone, and they instantly DC. Why even play the game if you can't deal with going down? Why play the game if you're not willing to deal with the consequences of chasing the same survivor for an extended period of time? I can't comprehend it.

    I think I've had less than 10 normal games in this past week because of these issues. Meaning, a game where all players load in, and no one quits.

    BHVR needs to make it so quitters will get matched with other quitters, just like other video games. Don't ruin my game because you're salty, or a pansy who can't deal with something going your way. Match quitters together so that they'll never play with people who actually want to play the game. Problem would be solved. I wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer for a match at all if it meant I would be with people who don't quit.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Yeah I hate when people DC. I play nurse and when i down someone quick they just DC.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    Game is better balance wise. MoM is not as bad as old D Strike, lots of perks became way more usable at rank 1. That's not all there is to the game though. Old bugs still present. The community is worse than ever, I see more games with toxic individuals than not. I had a DC in 9/10 games yesterday. Matchmaking is still matchmaking, instant killer lobbies on PS4 and I had to wait 20 minutes for a game as solo survivor.

    There is still a lot that can be improved.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873


  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146
  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    To the bell curve argument.

    SWF break the bell curve by interducing high ranking survivors to mid ranking killers.

    As long this system is in place every SWF with different ranks breaks the game.

    Suddenly a casual killer has to face a veteran.

    It's like in a sports event in a local town. Normally all the average Joe's and Jane's have their fun and suddenly an athlete friend wants to join and just stomps the competition.

  • M3ndele
    M3ndele Member Posts: 2

    If I may interfere here with some little thoughts:

    I personally think the game is neither healthy nor sick. It is on a good way, but has it's issues.

    For example: The bugs with parts of maps that load way after the game began are very annoying or the invisible walls where you randomly stuck.

    But they fixed quiet a lot of problems tho, which is a positive point.

    But I think the major problem of this game is the community.

    Sure there are friendly killers and survivors, but the toxicity is still the main way to play.

    I for myself play mostly survivor and I can get tilt very fast if I get camped and tunneled from a games beginning for 5 rounds and more.

    But I get killers that tilt too, cause survivors disrespect a lot and 'tryhard'.

    And thats just some examples.

    I would say, that the line between playing the game how it is meant to be and playing the game in the meanest way, just to piss of people is too thin.

  • WatchBloodRain
    WatchBloodRain Member Posts: 175

    I agree with ya mate

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    I think the issue with a lot of people is not really that the game is "broken" unbalanced, I think they just don't want to be forced to play with certain killers just so they can pip consistently, and survivors don't want to deal with killers who have super little counterplay that is easily detected and countered like Nurse and Legion. You are literally at the mercy of them (especially without spinechill/premonition and spine chill is probably always accidentally countered by legion).

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @blackcat9001 That's the most original idea I've ever seen on the DC issue, pair quitters with other quitters. Lmao I like that one, I like that!

    @Poweas No Joke I've been seeing decent hags a lot lately I'm not sure if you're joking but I don't even take it as a joke, I know I underestimated her lol.

    @Cymer This isn't so bad though because some lower rank killers are actually not that low skill wise, and on top of that they can learn some things from facing higher rank survivors. I just don't agree with rank 20 killers having to see green and red ranks in their game. When I reached yellow ranks solo I was getting paired lot with green and red rank players/killers and part of me thinks the match making takes your skill/points into account when they pair solo survivors in lobbies but I could be wrong.

    @M3ndele We can't stop toxic killers and survivors in general, the best we can do is make it so that it's more attractive to not be toxic. And the devs have tried that. Camping killers get less points for chasing around hooked survivors as time passes or some crap like that, Discordance is good for finding people start of game and getting the flow going which imo should be attracting certain killers away from needing noed, etc. I think the sound issue with killers needs to be addressed asap but Toxicity in this game seems to be punished because as I and some other survivors have noticed, you don't pip just for staying in a chase for a long time. You need to do more. I guess that's to punish survivors who teabag and flashlight and slap palettes left and right as their playstyle when some killers hate it. I love how BHVR listens and at least tries to fix issues.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,875

    There are too many variables to make this statement. If the killer is running an ebony mori then this shouldn't happen. Obviously, killers aren't going to use ebony mori every game, but that is just one variable. If the killer manages to get a survivor on the far hook of a basement, if the killer really wants to secure that kill then he/she should be able to do so.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Kurisataru I'm not, I main Hag and find her way more effective than Billy, she's literally a monster if played correctly.

    You've probably faced me if you've faced a lot of decent Hags since I've been dominating in purple ranks (depipped to find lobbies)