The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

How the Devs handle Killer Matters

HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

Question - I used to have fun playing as a killer, win or lose it was fun. Now it's just nothing but stress and anger, killers aren't feared anymore. Do you have any plans or ideas to improve the killer experience?

Mathieu Cote (Dev) - Well, maybe try survivor for a bit. Maybe you are just tired, play something else for a week. Try Civilization or something.

Well, that's how the devs handle killer concerns folks. They don't really take it seriously. Personally I love Mathieu Cote, he is awesome and chill, but with that response and a fast apology and no changes to help the killer experience, it just shows a lot.

I listened to Mathieu and now I am crushing almost every killer with my SWF squad. Thanks for the advice, can't wait to stomp more noobie Killers that can't even stand a chance with these crazy builds.

Be a survivor and join the cause! :D


  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    No No No mate. I am so serious about loving him. He is true what he says. Like hes a memer. I actually personally met the guy at comic con in NY. I am just saying the team as a whole should be more on top of fixing things especially when killers need some love like the long waited Freddy rework and fixing Legion for both sides, also aid like against swfs for example. Not directing to just him. He is only one of the 70+ devs they have (they said the team grew recently/not everyone is a programmer etc) People just "Blame" Mathieu is because he usually is like the "main" dev that everyone refers too, but I am sure he only has so much input on his end then what we know.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    And again, how long ago was this response? And has the Killer experience really been improved by then? Don't really think so. Totums spawns are still poop

    Bugs up left and right

    Swfs still dominates killers (generally)

    Freddy Rework is taking ages (They had since the 2nd day of his release till now to come up with something)

    Legion rework is almost like a must need right now. Survivors DC left and right cuz of this.

    Im sure anyone can think of more.

    The point is you can't be too soft and think everything is ok when in reality it's not. I love DBD and will always, but even if you love something enough you will criticize and critique it. This is feedback not to "Violate them" it is to let them know that the passionate fans want action done, and its long overdue.

    That's passion talking not out of hatred.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    I also listened to daddy Mat and now Im playing waaaaaay less DbD...

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312
    edited April 2019

    You are purposely blowing his harmless comment out of proportion to fit you're own narrative. The devs care about the whole game. Not Killer or Survivor.

    With that said, I think they've made great strides improving playing killer by adding many aura perks, Discordance, Rancor, and even reworked DS. The last one alone brought me back to playing killer again.

    Plus I'm having tons of fun doing it.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    edited April 2019

    @DarkWo1f997 Matheiu deserves whatever bashing he gets.

    • He's the guy who promoted hard-camping as a playstyle by livestreaming himself insidious hard camping with trapper back when you could trap hooks. He switched to hard-camping Hag when they removed that.. "feature".
    • He's the guy who told killers to "get good" when it came to the true infinites because it was just a "mind-game".
    • He's the guy who thought flashlights was alright but then nerfed them hard after he got humiliated on livestream against that Asian team that used flashlights.
    • He's the guy that's literally telling people to stop playing his game if they're not having fun as killers.

    Dude's an arrogant and smug piece of crap. The fact that he's also a memer that tries to be funny all the time.. Holy ######### the cringe.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    He doesn't often see the killer side of things. Sure on one hand he can't buff or rework killers too hard for the sake of random survivors, because going against random survivors is often much easier than a swf group.

    But on the other hand it leaves swf having way too mucn control (the good swf, not the overly altruistic ones.) Plus even just one survivor who's really good at kiting and annoying the killer can just win the game for the other 3 average/noob survivors. If they know what they're doing.

    While often time if is just 1 survivor who's giving the killer trouble, you as a killer could always just end that chase and start another one with a different one, often times is not that easy.

    When facing other survivors of the same skill level, is really hard to win. The only real killer that could win consistantly against the best swf group is The Nurse, and even then is hard sometimes. Plus not everyone is good with Nurse, and on Console, Nurse is even harder to play as. (I know because I'm a Console player.) So often times, you use other killers that are still good (Like Hillbilly, Huntress, Spirit, and Legion if you're smart with him.) but again, often times you don't even have time.

    Gens get pumped out so fast that is crazy, and even when you use Hex Ruin to "slow the game down just a little bit" (Monto meme), the gens still get done fast. Often times, the people I face are either tapping the gens with hex ruin, great with skill checks, or destroy Hex Ruin on the first 30 seconds of the match.

    There is really often no winning as killer. Even when you win a game, is always super stressful. I often times don't even have fun playing killer anymore. Is just so stressful these days, and they still blame us for not being good. No, we are good, but the game isn't fully balanced.

    They are still so many different problems, and while I'm not going to say every single problem in the game. I will say that the game is still on the side of survivors. The devs are far too afraid to give killers buffs to make them strong enough to fight back.

    Sure I understand not to overdo buffs. Like the dark times of DBD, where NOED was infinitely powerful, and when Unrelenting and STBFL was a Godly combo. I understand not overdoing it, there should still be something to give killers just that small edge against survivors, just to make it fair. Just a small edge.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507
    edited April 2019

    Nobody said it was harmful. All that shows is when a Developer doesn't know how to answer a question of concern and complete negate to answer it. I think that shows a lot of confusion on their end. That shows that they didn't take the question at hand seriously. You do realize he isn't the only Dev on the team...So yea. The Freddy Rework, legion rework (most recent) bug fixes need to be addressed ASAP. End game especially too.

    Most importantly something to give Killers a fair advantage to combat SWFs. Maybe like an indicator of how many SWFs in a lobby. Yes, I see an incoming reply saying "oh Killers will doge" Killers doge anyway, also for the ones that don't can run different builds for different situations. Sorry, but Survivors gotta hold an L for that, if it's going to improve the killer experience in the slightest.

    not to mention things like hiding the perks of the killer. How long did that take them exactly cuz I think it was a long while. Shoulda been a thing long ago. How long exactly did it take to exactly rework DS? A long time huh. But let’s give it all a pass. But when Survivors started to cry saying “DS timer 3 seconds isn’t enough” how long did it take for them to buff the seconds? Oh after a week or two right. You see a pattern here? I do, but then again it’s probably just me.

    They need to step it up and prove they know they are doing cuz at this moment. The DC epidemic is preventing people to play the game. I ain’t talking about the intentional dc I’m talking about the ones where u are forced out.

    But yea that’s my two cents. Have a wonderful day :D

    Post edited by HeHeBoii on
  • Lupolucio31
    Lupolucio31 Member Posts: 4

    They've been buffing killers for months. Seriously, if you still think playing killer is hard then stop playing this game. I play killer at rank 1 and I easily get 4k unless the last survivor finds the hatch. Actually playing survivor is more frustrating(cause of the stupid buff killer received and the fact that every killer uses the same perk) and less satisfying(seriously, playing survivor you get half of killer's blood points). I don't know what rank you're playing at and why you think killer is hard right now but don't complain about game because if you lose matches is your fault. GG devs

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    If every killer is using the same perk this only means there is a lack of viable alternatives!

    If killers only are viable with specific perks and playstyle they are weak and underpowered.

    There are a lot of crucial elements of the game, where the killer has absolutely no control over it. Like time, map presence or forcing the survivors to do the objectives or leave the match. Even the hatch forces the killer to split their options.

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45

    So true. The devs are going to find out the hard way despite our concerns.

    Your meant to keep loyal customers/killers, and not think they are disposable. Quality killers is what they are throwing away and trying to replace them/us with trashy newbies that camp/tunnel that dont use it as a form of strategy etc; hence why they probably discounted their game and dlcs to entice newbies to counter the drop in players.

    The devs will see how much more the player base will drop even further come rank reset in 2 days time.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    Exactly new content should have the "WoW Effect" as i like to call it.

    A spike in players whether they are returning or new in for the new content even if it only lasts halfway to the next content patch it's enough.

    Right now it's only getting worse, and it's easy to say "Omg killer mains" but it's not untrue, SWF is totally broken and with the exception of the Nurse/Billy no killer has the ability to deal with it if they set out to bully a killer they can and will.

    Right now if you're playing anything other than those two will result in a long and stressful game against any above average survivor they don't even need to be massively good.

    1. Many MANY bugs that have been around for sometimes YEARS at a time.
    2. Changes to things like the pipping system that should have been tested more.
    3. Perks on paid DLC that are overpowered and no killer perks introduced to counter them, Hello MoM
    4. Re-introducing previously patched bugs.
    5. New killers being underwhelming and nerfed from the PTR to where they sit in D tier forever

    I know people meme Cote but it's not without context, killers lives have been miserable for ages now and yes "Omg it used to be worse" yes perhaps it was but how does that justify anything?

    He said killers don't matter and meme or not the actions of the dev team seem to mirror that statement.

    Killers have been giving feedback for months now, not all of it constructive but some of it is and it seems to mean nothing.

    Some killer nerfs are nonsensical, like the Huntress locker aura nerf, i mean who thought that was a good idea? one of the easiest to loop killers in the game nerfed to try and get people to use an addon that was useless in the first place.