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Dear BHVR, We Don’t Need Anymore New Chapters.

PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

To be very blunt, we don’t need any more ######### added to the game.

These new chapters that BHVR is planning to release this year... we don’t need them and they can certainly hold off on them till they fix all the bugs in their game. If not all, then MOST.

The player base is dropping, people are uninstalling, and some just refuse to support BVHR by not buying their content anymore...

The only thing that I see as reasonable to buy is the cosmetics mainly because it’s a huge source of income and that’s acceptable because really, you can get most of the stuff in this game just by grinding.

If y’all want to keep your player base happy, do it by fixing the major bugs in the game.

I understand that it is not an easy job to try and clear up bug but these bugs have been going on for MONTHS especially the PALLET SLIDING bug.

Correct me if I’m wrong, awhile back they stated that they have separate teams to work on each part of the game... so what’s taking the bug team so long? Why are they giving out only small portions of bug fixes?

Not to mention, console is still having a huge matchmaking problem. Taking a long awhile to find a game as solo survivor or with SWF... but when you play killer, you get instant lobbies and that’s such a bummer for someone who only wants to play with their friends...

They claim that y’all look at the bugs section of the forums but why are they not being fixed? People literally speak out about it and blow up their social media up about it but there’s always no response to it.

Stop rushing the chapters and start fixing things, please.

P.S they updated PS4 pros graphics but not the regular PS4... Mine still looks like straight buns


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Instant killer lobbies but long queue times as a survivor - if there aren't enough people playing killer, no matchmaking can solve that problem.

    Concerning the release of new chapters: Even when players are annoyed by bugs, the new DLCs still keep people interested in playing the game. Also, the DLCs are an important source of income. Just from the financial point of view, we have no idea whether BHVR can afford to not release the next chapter in June. We simply don't know if it's important that the DLCs get released every 3 months or if it could wait; we don't know the numbers.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    These problems cannot be solved without dlcs. Sarcasm aside, it does take money to do things.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940

    The new DLCs KEPT people interested in playing the game but with every new killer and/or survivor release there seems to come a wave of new bugs and glitches. Add those to the existing bugs that don't get addressed and people will just stop. Dbd is one of my top played games but even I'm starting to give up quicker and quicker cuz its turning into lobby sim/buggy mess when you do get to "play".

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45

    Yes, you need killers, more of them. But people are being put off due to the ignorance received regarding balance, bugs and pips. The devs need to respect killer mains more, because without killers there is no game and matchmaking will remain broken!

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403

    Lowkey yes

    lowkey no

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    I agree with the OP.

    I stopped playing the game when the bugs got out of hand and, as a consequence, stopped buying DLC for it. I mean, DLC is nice but, when you don't play the's like putting a spoiler on an elephant. Looks neat but completely pointless.

    I'll happily return and spend money to get The Plague and Ash (kinda pointless as I never play survivor but I like the character) when they fix most of the bugs and I can stop referring to DBD as The Helen Keller Simulator.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    About new chapters: the last 3 chapters interduced to us the all beloved Legion, the run in circles until she pukes Plague and the popular no skill perk MoM Ash.

    I personally don't mind queue times for a game. Is it inconvenient, hell yes, but if I would get a fair and fun match I would love to have long queue times.

    Infinite loading screen, DCing survivors or 3/2/1v1 aren't fun nor fair.

    The difference between solos and SWFs are still huge and facing good veterans as midtier killer is not fun, as well that voice is breaking the rules of the game. No, not like they aren't allowed by BHVR, but voice has an influence how the survivors play the game and how effective some perks and strategies are.

    @Peanits stated in a post, that the decisions of a single player or group of play should not punish you for your playstyle.

    Paradoxically camping works wonders vs SWFs, because they tend to be over altruistic but is unfun for the survivors.

    I agree with the OP, fix the existing issues and bugs in game as far as possible, everything that dedicated servers wouldn't solve.

    Be more open with informationen especially towards dedicated servers, even by risking to sound like a broken record, make the players understand what dedicated servers all will change and focus on the balance between solos, swf/voice and killers.

    I don't need new shiny chapters every 3 months, I rather have a high skill ceiling with existing killers and survivors that would entertain and engage me long term.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042

    @ColgateAdvancedWhite There was a period of time where BHVR didn’t give out DLCS for awhile which was before the 2.0 patch.

    No one wants to play a game that’s full of bugs. They use the DLC’s to cover how unbalanced and buggy their game is.

    They have a cosmetic team, cosmetics are mostly $10 per piece.... they don’t have to completely stop giving out DLCS but just leave in a necessary time gap.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042

    @xility Not to be rude to you but it’s hard to listen to killer mains when

    1. The forum is full of most of them and they’re literally just screaming at the devs about how they got their ass beat by SWF
    2. When a large amount of the community plays survivor aka bias review bomb

    If everyone on here could have the courtesy to present what they have to say in a nice delicate manner on how they should make balance changes and what they think should be added.... I’m pretty sure they would be more willingly to listen.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Considering that the player numbers haven't been this low since 2017 and we recently had 2 DLCs AND a free weekend.. it's clear that new DLCs ain't the solution.

    The DC epidemic needs to be addressed. Balancing needs to happen.

  • xility
    xility Member Posts: 45

    I am a killer main yes, for PS4. I have met many rank 1-5 survivors and killers (more than 50+) that I hold true in my DBD realm/circle due to their skill and ethics; hence where my feedback comes from too; we common killers are well respected by PS4 survivors. So I voice my concerns due to observing and seeing how DBD is evolving through face to face feedback from skilled and quality players. I dont mind SWF. Yes its hard, but I love that challenge and I use all M1 killers too. The mind games with SWF is what keeps me going.

    I do report bugs, to balance the game there is no answer. This is because there is a war on this forum from what I see. 2 sides that can never agree. Thats only natural though due to the nature of the game.

    Basically, my suggestion/observation is? Well....what went wrong for the player base to drop? Match making, bugs and changes to the ranking system. Thats it! The devs need to focus on this. To change things back and forth then to exclude killers for things does not give a good message to all those loyal killers that invest so much time into this game. I have ideas but I would be writing a thesis here lol.

  • Caffeine
    Caffeine Member Posts: 83

    I'm torn. It (lately) feels like a buggy, frustrating mess when I finally get into a match (I play killer, but survivor is no better).

    Yes - I wan't new chapters.

    And Yes - I think they should hold off on the creation of new content until the rest of it is polished.

    But Dead By Daylight is one of my favorite games of all time, and I will still support them even though they have screwed me over repeatedly.

    From waiting an extra 6 months for my trapper mask, to playing with some of the same programming glitches we've suffered for years (that I could fix myself)... I've still bought the game and every DLC released on PC, PS4, and XB1X. And still plan to.

    But that being said - BHVR needs to wake up, for sure. If they keep pushing for "here's more paid content" and not "Here's more paid content - plus a plethora of bug fixes!" -- those of us in THIS boat will start helping drill all of these holes in the floor.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    " I will still support them even though they have screwed me over repeatedly."

    That's the reason why nothing changes, companies love consumers with that mentality.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    Plz hire moar devs, the current small team can't handle the bug fixes @Peanits

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Throw in a few new maps next quarter and I'll happily skip getting a new killer and survivor. Maps should be much easier to create then balance 6 new perks against every other perk, every survivor and every killer.

    Pop a tree there, a T wall over here. There we are - a new map. Easy, time for lunch.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    It's the other way around

    We are lacking survivors at high rank while there is too many killers

  • TheRealDweard
    TheRealDweard Member Posts: 148
    edited April 2019

    This will never happen because the developers need to make money. The cosmetic store probably doesn’t generate as much revenue as dlcs. Also they have a separate team that works upon balancing and bug fixes. They always release a decent amount of fixes with the release of a dlc.

  • TheRealDweard
    TheRealDweard Member Posts: 148
    edited April 2019

    Not to mention the player base would also drop if dbd were to stop releasing new content for a few months. Really need to look at the full effect of no more content being put out.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406


    i just come back to the game, when the NEW stuff is realesed.

    If the game is the same (bug fix or not) is boring.

    i love the news stuffs, killers, dlc, cosmetics...etc.!

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    We need more chapters!

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    RN I am only still playing bc new chapters come out.