My trapper rework for Qol and faster preparation.

thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

Trapper was my go to killer to learn DBD. I would love to see trapper more convenient to play high ranks.

1. Trapper needs 2 trap carrying capacity base. Bag add ons are too core.

2. Traps need to be less spread out. They should be near potential loops. Sometimes they are but many are out in the middle of nowhere.

3. When standing over a trap, you should get a M2 prompt to reset the trap in it's exact spot. No more picking it up only to put it right back. Faster and smooth to do.

4. Reworked trap disarm mechanics. Made a detailed post on this.

Here ^

5. Stepping in your own trap. Only when carrying a survivor or lunging. You otherwise step right over it as if it wasn't there.


Post edited by thekiller490490 on


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    This post, and the other one are both great ideas, just the thought of standing on your trap and resetting it feels so good and refreshing, no time wasted at all. Time is Trapper's BIGGEST problem and this reduces the time wasted in everything he does and feels amazing.

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    Hey bro. I like some of these and am worried that some would break him

    I think you should be able to reset the same trap in the same spot you are right.

    As for traps being spread out I think this is a nerf because you would then have to walk back to the original area then walk to the far reaches to place one down.

    As for the skill check thing I am not sure this would be balanced, Suddenly you are getting all these free hits on survivors who are failing skill checks. This already is an addon. I think a good buff would be all traps start open regardless of where they are so you can spend a bit less start time setting traps.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Another QoL would be to have them spawn set. In "imagine a trapper player placed it there"-locations.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I think anyone that plays Trapper would agree with these. They're not even buffs, just time savers.

    I like a lot the idea of adding skillchecks to beartraps* so Trapper's own teachable Unnerving Presence would shine more on him.

    *personally I would make that freeing yourself from a trap gave you a series of skillchecks you have to succeed to fill a bar, so it would be more reliable for the killer and as survivor you don't risk being stuck there for 4 minutes if you're unlucky.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I agree with all your points

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    Reboosted due to new edit. Point #5

  • WaffleFalafel
    WaffleFalafel Member Posts: 384

    If they fixed the hit box for the trap so survivors couldn't run past it, that would be just great.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Yes I've always hated having to reset traps by picking them up, would also be nice to pick up an already set trap and move it without it having to be triggered first. These are all great, massive timesavers for a killer that needs to sacrifice the first few mins of a match just to set up made worse by terribly spaced trap spawns.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I agree with absolutely everything written on the op

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    I love all the ideas. But I’d also just like him to start with all his traps as walking around picking them uo does multiple things to waste your time

    -start with all your traps

    :this would save time , and you would at least be able to place some crutial traps right away without you having to expose yourself by picking up traps randomly placed near survivors who in turn see exactly where you place them and waste more time by you having to replace them.

    -change bag addons

    : The change I would chose (since adding the ability to carry all your traps would make these useless) would be to add 1-2-3 more traps to the map , but allow them to not stack so you couldn’t have more then 8 traps . This would also help a lot on huge maps like temple of purgation and black water swamp ect -

    likecyou said I’d love to see an ability allowing you to reset traps without picking up m2 option or Left control either or would be very nice

    maybe adding a base chance to be injured while disarming a trap (30-50%) the iridescent addon makes it 100% (bloody coil)

    these changes would help trapper out so much without breaking him . I’d be happy with just carrying all traps and the trap reset lol

  • Lefty24
    Lefty24 Member Posts: 9

    I'm a 70%/30% survivor. But when I play killer, it's usually Trapper, Hag, or Clown. I'd probably play a lot of Pig but I'm done buying characters until Adept Killer achievements are fixed.

    Adept survivors can literally do nothing except escape and get their Adept, but Killers have to do everything, often to their own detriment, amass a 4k (but not too fast, you have to go kick things and chase people (often times forced to stop chasing due to loops 2nd/3rd chance perks), but not too close to a hooked survivor) and let people get saved off hooks, well, when they don't try to 4% and fail thus dying on the first hook. I'm done getting 4k's, no one escaped messages, and only ruthless killers with 3 golds and a silver. And as such, I'm done paying more money for killers that can't achieve adepts with 3 lousy perks.

    Back on topic.

    As a Trapper, I can 2 or 3k about 85% of the time and lose the 4th to the hatch. The most frustrating thing as trapper is having to trap collect while 2-3 gens get done. Then actually getting to play with the survivors already half finished with their objective.

    Starting with 5 traps in hand with add ons to increase by +1 on each higher quality would go a long way. Adding an iridescent for starting the trial with all traps pre-set wouldn't be a horrible mechanic either.

    I'm usually using a pouch and a darken add-on so I can actually get a couple traps put out in good hiding spots before a gens get rushed. Often times, I can't even get to the trapped survivor because they've already freed themselves in under 10 seconds. A coil would help, but my add on slots are already used. Non-darkened traps are basically useless against anything other than the blind.

    The other thing that irks me is a survivor walking around a trap in a pallet or doorway. That shouldn't happen. Stepping in my own trap is annoying but avoidable, however it's unjustifiable after a survivor just freely walked through the same sized opening.

    Sabotaging and escaping traps are too easy with no real penalty other than giving away locations. There should be a skill check system like with the Pig's traps, or the suggestion in the op.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    And so what if they're buffs? Trapper is already crappy and needs them.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    edited April 2019

    When I said QOL, I also stated faster preparation. 1,2,3 are for faster preparation and are buffs. 4 makes game play more interesting and is only a real nerf for survivors who can't hit skill checks. 5 makes sense because Trapper would know where his traps are. Also, what is wrong with buffing the second worst killer? He needs these.

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290
    edited April 2019

    I think instead of outright ignoring traps while running, you could give Trapper an alternate activation button that makes you immune to your traps for a second or two. This way you get the ability to step over traps but you still have to be actively aware of them.

    edit: And only have this available outside of chases. If a survivor does manage to dodge a trap in a narrow space I think they deserve whatever distance it'd give them.