Don't DC (if you do you have a small pp)

_LC Member Posts: 105

Just joking, but anyway here's what happened to me today (and what happens basically every day)

I had a nurse daily so why not? I never play her, I'm not good but who cares, it's more fun cause it's a real challenge. Found an Ash, hit him, he stand still, enter a locker walking and proceed to disconnect. The game goes on, I found another guy and right when i downed him he DC'D.

I then switched to survivor cause ######### that #########. I got on Mount Ormond against a scratched mirror myers. I don't why he didn't used a lerys offering but whatever. He's losing but he's still managing to down someone from time to time (maybe I'm wrong and he downed only 1 person, could be possibile). When there was one gen left he DC'D.

It doesn't happen so often but everyone knows how many people DC this days. The point is:

you can DC when ever you want, of course. Maybe you are late / dinner's ready / you are shitting yourself and u need to run to the bathroom and that's perfectly fine, don't worry about that, the DC button it's there for a reason.

You got the point however, don't a be -insert bad word- and DC just cause ur gettin frustrated by playing a game.


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    *no BP

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I was in the "New Forum Theme!" thread and saw this

  • _LC
    _LC Member Posts: 105

    Yeah that's right, I mean if you got so mad why don't just get AFK and relax for a while? By doing this you would keep your BP and don't get other survivors offering wasted. The myers game I had i've used a bloody party and a guy used a bound envelope. And he DC'd

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Lets add disconnecting to the forums too somehow!

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I noticed that today is a lot of the Nurses. Literally in every match with her there is at least one DC. What a fun. Yo no offence to nurse.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I spawned in Lerys as a lvl 1 Legion (R1 Iron Maiden) and got two DC's. I was so disappointed because it could have been a really fun match! All those walls/corners and no scratches, they could have lost me easy. They didn't even wait to see how bad I am at killer.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Not that I DC often

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    I used to only DC against boosted ass farmer killers, but now I just don't DC at all because I feel bad even for them, I bet they get enough DCs as it is. I try to play serious now. I have had some of my most fun insane good games doing this and surprisingly survive once in a blue moon or at least help turn a 4k into something less. My pp fortitude has indeed increased.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    I think I've DC'd very few times over two years (probably only 2-4 times total and some of those were my game just freaking out) I don't get the get hit down once then DC or DC bc your SWF friend is hooked too or DC bc you don't like the killer etc why bother playing if you're just going to DC after a mild insult. I had one not long ago when I was going for the evil incarnate trophy, a meg would just heal in front of me and continue doing a gen then when I went to mori her she DC'd, she had old DS too. Luckily it still counted bc I was mid animation. I'll never understand her... I also frequently laugh at a time when we just started a match, in a LITERAL SECOND a surv stepped in a bear trap and DC'd that was too much 😂

    I think the only rage DC I ever did was a killer that would just not stop gen patrolling intensely as a hillbilly and slugging me then the other last person healed me then it would happen again, it went on for 15 minutes, I would rather bleed out/be hooked and camped etc. and deal with it but that was just annoying to no end and I had real life to attend to what a shocker that I wanted to leave... Otherwise after playing dbd enough you just accept camping/tunneling/genrush SWF squadette etc is going to happen and have fun while you can, much healthier if you can just move on. Amazing title though 😂