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Noobs camping

I grow tired of the body camping this needs to be addressed the points are not enough to stop the camping u play a perfect game then gates open u never been hooked get hooked 1 time and a noob plague player camps ur body cause they mad they only got 1 kill total bs


  • havokblade
    havokblade Member Posts: 7

    it don't matter if u get caught stop camping its bs

  • havokblade
    havokblade Member Posts: 7

    Camping shows how weak u are at the game if u have to camp ur body's cause u lack skill at killer then delete or uninstall the game now teabaggers k to camp in My opinion

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    If they camp at the end I kinda uderstand, they want at least 1 kill.

    But if they camp the first survivor they find is something I'll never understand. You won't even pip and you might even lose that 1 survivor, if the others play it smart. I guess they do it for the memes and to make others salty. I actually can't think of any other reason.

  • havokblade
    havokblade Member Posts: 7

    Yeah I understand that totally it's ppl who camp opening game when gens is up and camping surviors instead of patrolling the areas where they will come to attempt the save

  • havokblade
    havokblade Member Posts: 7

    Oh ape the gates were not open yet he need a kill since he was losing so no one could save me 2 tried but be blocked my body

  • Leadpaintchips
    Leadpaintchips Member Posts: 8

    It really depends on what rank you're playing at, because rank (at least it was at least before the reworking of rank) is more of a measure of how much a player knows the game.

    The game does a piss poor job explaining some things to new players, and having experienced players go up against newer players sucks (on both sides). I know when I first started, it was better to secure at least the one kill I could catch than get chased around and teabagged at every pallet.

    It does such a poor job explaining the nuance of the game that for like the first 20 matches as a killer I thought hitting someone on hook actually made the hook timer go faster (I'm sorry those people I was doing that to, it wasn't me trying to BM you, I was just ignorant). At the low levels, I'm a lot more lenient towards all the 'BM' that comes from killers. Camping, tunneling, slugging, and even hitting someone on hook. I'm less lenient of teabagging and all remaining survivors waiting at the exit for taunts. When a killer does those things, that'll lose the game if the survivors are competent.

  • havokblade
    havokblade Member Posts: 7

    Yeah so tru I'm never lenent to teabaggers but when I first started the game I camp cause I never knew the game play I did it but stopped when I learned the game play and learned tactics from other vet players got super good with Freddy and legion

  • Trial_By_Scythe
    Trial_By_Scythe Member Posts: 65

    I kind of agree with Drunky, some people just want to make another person's game miserable. I'll never understand what motivates these people, but getting upset is only giving this person the exact reaction they are after.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Camping is a disadvantage for killers. Except at the end of the match, it's essentially necessary at that point to secure the kill

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    *whistles innocently*

    i only do it for the memes...

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    I run kindred, because I get camped a lot and I REALLY don't get offended by it even if the killers are trying to cut me up and nod. I'm just watching them get gen rushed or my squad forming some position/formula to rescue me from the camp.

    Then when they read my load out and saw I had kindred. They want to start "proxy camping" next game I get with them if it happens. And it cracks me up so bad because they got so mad that even if they did manage to kill me they care enough to camp me better next time.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If exit gates are open what the hell do you expect them to do.

    With the exit gates being open you have a very easy chance of escaping at that stage camping is one of the few ways to prevent losing their kill.

    Unless they run endgame perks but then people will start whining and complaining about no one escapes death.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    I only camp if the survivor is being particularly toxic, or if all the gens are done. I've turned a 1k game into a 4k game by camping end game. If the survivors are dumb enough to throw themselves at me, who am I to stop them?

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    "Noobs" camping.

    You come complaining about someone winning the game. Makes you more a noob than the camper.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    If the gates are open the killer isnt leaving the hook, and no matter how much you complain thats not gonna change. Leaving the hook with gates open is stupid and a surefire way to lose a kill for no benefit.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    The old tactic of trying to shame killers into playing in a way that is beneficial for the survivors. That does not work on real killer players, we just laugh at you as you die hanging in front of us :-D

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019

    the only problem its that killers are camping while there gens left if the exit its open i understand the camping but i dont get why they need to camp while theres gens left it destroy de gameplay for survivors and alot just dont play the game for a while its not my fault or the survivor that loop the killers for along time and they get camped by some guy that cannot mind game the survivor

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    Camping is for "main survirvos" who try to play killer.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    edited April 2019

    So you want us to leave the hook when the exit games are opened and chase other people? If we aren’t running need you want us to chase others who will easily flee out of the gates before we can down them? Or watch your teammates body block you as you run safely away and we get nothing for our efforts?

    Hate to say it, kiddo, but if you are caught at the end of the game then you are going to get camped. That’s just how it is. I won’t camp during the game unless someone REALLY pissed me off, but this is common play. Sorry we don’t cater to your tears.

  • tjeero
    tjeero Member Posts: 1

    are you actually joking atm? killers have to many perks to catch people. no escape death devour hope hex ruin and the list goes on. killers have build in passives. survivors have none after you gain all perks with survivors its purely deadbyfashion at this point. killers have abilities they can abuse not use, abuse yes.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Just another bait post folks move along.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110






  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    What is worse, a insidious bubba camping a basement hook or a red rank survivor using SWF system and voice to bully a low to mid rank killer?

    What is more fun for the other party?

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    The bubba is 10/10 way more fun to ######### with than a 4 man SWF is to go against. I've played both situations. Bubba is fun to poke. SWFs are fun to camp. But Bubba is way more fun.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
    edited April 2019

    I'd be more bothered by my teammates letting a plague camp me if they were present. Who the heck lets a plague camp their teammate to death? (I guess it depends on hook location?)

  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    camping has already been addressed, If the killer camps someone they get significantly less bloodpoints also the game will end faster because he's not patrolling gens. TADAH!!

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    Camping is only beneficial if the killer has the upper hand and he knows it.(aka: two surviors in the basement) Otherwise its a waste of time.

    Also: its amazing how many survivors don't escape even with the exit gates powered after they teabagged me when I was perfectly content with them escaping prior.

    How do i stop them you ask? I'll let your imagination do the talking.:P

    Moral of this story: Don't be a toxic doush to the killer.

  • Captain
    Captain Member Posts: 39

    So a killer should just go to empty exit gates and pray that someone is there?