AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
Share the insults you've been given off of salty survivors/killers. This is gonna be funny😃


  • Joekillu
    Joekillu Member Posts: 164
    Not really an insult , but I was trapper on the game map 4k. Got a message from all 4 say I've been reported for hacking my traps.
  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    No thanks. I keep my salt nice and put away. I don’t just leave it out in some jar for some random person with lip to get it from me. 
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Joekillu said:
    Not really an insult , but I was trapper on the game map 4k. Got a message from all 4 say I've been reported for hacking my traps.
    Shame on you😄 definitely swf then.
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I guess he made his point clear😄
  • TormentedSoul385
    TormentedSoul385 Member Posts: 71
    Was survivor against a Michael once, who was a really good player. I had worked on two gens (one by myself), and saved the others a majority of the time. It came to a hatch standard (ugh!), and after I got out, he said and I quote "mose usless survivor, hiding all game. Sh#t c&#t"
  • naim109
    naim109 Member Posts: 12

    some dude was so salty, said he had our IP, i was killer.

  • JP_Cloud
    JP_Cloud Member Posts: 173
    Got added after a 4K on PSN just to get a message asking ‘did i feel good’ I said ‘yeah, was a good game’ he said ‘i hope you enjoyed the feeling of dominance over people because karma is a #########’ 😂 
    WINTERS Member Posts: 127
    edited July 2018
    I played doctor and I killed a Dwight. He spammed my messages calling me the C word and more until the end of the match. I got him in the very next game and caught him again. He DC'd. 
  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Came back to the game after a few months away, deranked of course due to resets, 3rd match back I faced a deranked SWF team. They were expecting Mr Newbie Killer and I rekt them with my Hag. The f word, multiple death threats and getting reported for being a hacker were the main course in that post-game chat. I just laughed and asked them if they needed some popcorn for their salt. It was pure pleasure.

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    I actually have 2 good ones I was playing Myers and my obsession was one of those annoying flashlight clickers, loopers and crouchers (what most people call t-bagging) little did he know I was close to tier 3 caught up to him bam tombstone he messaged me you “f**king c*nt suck a dick” I hadn’t laughed so hard in my life. The second one I was using no mither and we were against a nurse and all the survivors died except me and I was messaged by another survivor saying “if you f**king r*tard didn’t run no mither I’d be alive”
  • DepravedKiller
    DepravedKiller Member Posts: 182

    I had one where the Killer Wraith chased me around the map most of the game and when we all escaped the dwight yelled at the team, "what the f#$k were you guys doing? i did 4 gens, and looped the killer all match, git gud"
    He was talking to the whole team and taking my credit for keeping the killer busy. :|

  • popoles
    popoles Member Posts: 831
    After a match where I killed him (no tunnel):

    f***ing fat bas**** c**t hope u die and before u get raped by animals u piece of #########
    And you are... that Nea?
    nah u ugly mother u c**t
  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    @Runiver said:
    One day, I killed some random survivors.
    Some guy left a message on my screenshots, and also commented on my review of the game (because he couldn't on my profile).
    So I deleted them.

    The next day, I woke up, and I had 280+ steam notifications. The guy insulted me on every single of my screenshots. One different insult (or nearly) for each of them.
    So I pressed "Ignore user" and it deleted all of them at once.

    I still admire his effort to this day.

    What on earth did you do to them!?

  • JustFingers69
    JustFingers69 Member Posts: 4

    After my first ever game last year I got a message to say 'Noob Noob Noob, please delete the game'.
    Yes at that time i really was a Noob Lol

  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    Been sent insults about death and ######### in italian and german.... Oh, to think we know more than one language these days....

    You have to wonder what loveless childhood they must have had to want people to die and get raped just because they werent as skilled as their ego thought. 
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited July 2018

    @Steebear said:

    @Runiver said:
    One day, I killed some random survivors.
    Some guy left a message on my screenshots, and also commented on my review of the game (because he couldn't on my profile).
    So I deleted them.

    The next day, I woke up, and I had 280+ steam notifications. The guy insulted me on every single of my screenshots. One different insult (or nearly) for each of them.
    So I pressed "Ignore user" and it deleted all of them at once.

    I still admire his effort to this day.

    What on earth did you do to them!?

    To be honest ? Nothing that I don't do on a daily basis. The only thing that I remember about the round is that I was playing Hillbilly, and I didn't do anything bad in particular, no facecamping, no hard camp, no nodding or super slugging, I probably triggered some guy by coming back at the hook with my chainsaw. People seem to dislike not being able to get caught then saved without any consequences, from what I've understood.

    He basically got triggered that I could deleted his comments so easily because he replied a dozen of times with some taunts about "not assuming" and such. Who knows what's up with people on the internet lol

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    edited July 2018
    I love it when I get put in the same lobby as a toxic from the last game. Revenge can be sweet, especially if you made them rage in the first game
  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    @AshleyWB said:
    I love it when I get put in the same lobby as a toxic from the last game. Revenge can be sweet, especially if you made them rage in the first game

    This what makes watching Lefty so fantastic sometimes, gets salt ---> blacklists survivors ---> straight into lobby with same guy --->kicks their butt :)

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I always change killer just to make it seem that everyone hates them and it's just me again. Knowing how to make it hard for toxics actually is satisfying. 
  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53
    I'm a ps4 main but bought the game on PC to play with my friends.  Keep in mind my PC is crap l, graphics all the way down, massive lag with skill checks.  Right when the new emblem system came out.

    Anyways was up against this Trapper.  Saved people probably 5 times, worked on gems, totems, killer chased me but could never actually hit me.  Only reason he caught and hooked me once was because I let him.  We were on our last gen and this other survivor and I were committed.  It was either me or him and the killer pulled me off.  Other survivor got me off the hook.  3 of us still left.  I get the door open but the Trapper gets one of my fellow survivors so I'm heading back not realizing it was this guys last hook.  Instead of heading back to the door I stay there because the trap door is there.  Trapper gets the last guy at the open door since he didn't leave, I got teap door.  I'm feeling good.  One of my better played matches in my Dbd lifetime.  Over 25000 BP and double pipped.  First time double pipping on new system.  Get to chat. Gg to killer. Killer messages "I feel sorry for those Dwight's.  That Claudette (me) did absolutely nothing" then disconnects.  Not cool dude.  Not cool.   
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    The points speak for themselves, 25,000 points means you did a lot of everything the killer obviously doesn't understand how maths work.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    I play Nurse on PS4, had a Rank 12 one day say I was a “Lag Switcher”, because I kept teleporting all over. Nurse is so rare on PS4, the dude didn’t even know her power literally is teleporting. He messaged me about an hour later saying sorry, he’d never seen a Nurse before LMAO
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I've had the same happen to me when the game first came out on consoles. A swf group were complaining saying i was hacking because as wraith i kept chasing and no Chase music played even though i was cloaked. They invited me to their party to what I thought was to discuss global atrocities and seek world peace but instead they dropped the n word and called me trash in about 500 ways.
  • Kasies
    Kasies Member Posts: 66
    Played as Trapper and I was bored so i just downed someone and walked away looking for someoneelse. Did that a good 5 Times. When i hooked the first not one gen was done (why ever) . Second ran into a trap so i hooked him too. The other two survivors didnt try to unhook them and I was on the other side of the goddamn map. Caught one of the remaining - hooked. The last one finally tried walking to his buddy only to walk into the same trap number 2 had. Got called the n Word and funnily - a camper. I had a wonderful laugh and 25k.