We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

The TRUTH Behind the Disconnect Problem

Video for those who hate reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bIrNAMJ3ig&feature=youtu.be

So a lot of people have been D/Cing lately, and I wanted to write down my thoughts on why i think its happening. everyone has their reason for d/cing from hating different killers or perks, or maps etc etc .. there no one reason, but the justification for the reasoning is always "Those games aren't fun"! legion is boring to play against "survive with friends is too overpowered" pick you poison.

I think the real root of the problem is the rank change, making it harder to rank up once you are in purple, green and red ranks, kinda made people stop caring because it was too hard. like i don't think accurately represent in game performance. You may not notice or think you don't care but your rank is visible tangible progression at the end of every play session. not having that at the end of the game i feel does have an effect on people. What we're seeing now is what dead by daylight would actually look like if a rank truly didn't matter

 If I don't really need blood points my rank doesn't matter and I hate playing against legion why would I finish this game. There's no real punishment for dcing because rank doesn't matter so why shouldn't I just hit leave game and hope that the next lobby I don't get a killer i don't like. If I'm only playing this game for my personal enjoyment and not for any status or progression why should I subject myself to anything that I'm not enjoying.

So like how do we fix it? a lot of people have recently suggested offering penalties to players who disconnect out of games similar to league of legends, overwatch or rainbow six siege. I disagree with this strategy simply because this would be implementing a stick without ever offering a carrot. The two are always supposed to be used in tandem with one another in order to get the behavior you want. Punishing players for leaving games they don't want to play rather than giving them a reason to want to play them is just going to push people away from the game. I'm sure The Devs know this.

In my opinion there are only two ways to truly fix this problem and both need to be done simultaneously if it's ever truly going to stop this disconnecting issue. One they need to offer a substantial reward to incentivize people actually playing through bad games, I.E. give you all an award that's worth sitting through a 30-minute doctor game! and Two address the glaring balance issues and the character issues in the game. this game shouldn't have this many bugs THREE years in!

TLDR: People are disconnecting because they just aren't having fun anymore and Rank truly doesn't feel like it matters! People still enjoy the game but they understand they don't enjoy every aspect of it. So rather than drudge through the parts they dislike, they simply hit the escape button and roll again. People paid for a game they enjoyed you can't punish them for choosing to not engage with it when they don't enjoy it. That'll hurt your game not help it. Focus on rewarding those to stick through those hard times, and address the issues with the game in a timely manner! 


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2019

    Essentially it's just bad game balancing and bugs. I'd also add that I think some of it is just entitlement. While I do agree those are the issues, they do still need to get more strict with bans or wait times for DC'ing. Even if all the balancing and bugs were fixed to make the matches "fun", without harsher penalties lots of people would still DC as soon as they start losing just to start over.

    I actually don't think the ranking system is that bad right now, maybe even slightly too easy on killer side still. The only times i'm not pipping right now for either side is when there are DC's. The rank mattering I think has more to do with not having actual rank rewards for people to care.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Pro-tip - Adjusting the video speed to "x2" will (obviously) cut the video in half.

    D/Cing: I still don't see it as a problem

    Does rank matter? No...it really doesn't. DBD is NOT a competitive game!! DBD is a casual game. More than that, DBD doesn't even pretend to be a competitive game...no matter how much many people might wish it as such.

    You are good in DBD. Good for you....you are good in a casual game. Did you enjoy the game, or do you enjoy the idea (delusion) that you are a good competitive gamer?

    So if DBD isn't competitive, why have rank? Good question Timmy!

    DBD has ranks to help control the game experience. Different player are better than others, so a type of segregation is needed to match players with equal experience. THIS is the most common misconception about DBD. The words "experience" and "skill" are used interchangeably, and this causes many problems.

    IF DBD had "hidden" the ranking system from players, it would be just as effective as a segregation tool, BUT the developers would have lost out on the re-playability motivator. It gives players something to play towards. Rank gives players a more long term goal to reach for, as opposed to just surviving or killing per match. The unintended consequence of this design is that players lost sight of the damn game by attaching some pseudo sense of self worth to the system.

    Gamers who have been a part of competitive gaming would have a hard time listening to a DBD player "brag" about their level of toxicity or rank and keep a straight face.

    Don't get me wrong, this isn't an elitist issue. Many DBD players have made huge monetary gains based on DBD play. There is enough room in the gaming community for the validity in casual gaming....but stay in your lane.

    Own it, embrace it...rank means nothing!!!

    How can rank mean anything in DBD when many top ranked players do what they can to escape the issues that face top ranks? Currently in DBD rank 1 - 8 means headaches (listed elsewhere)...but yeah, it's competitive?

    So if ranks mean nothing, and players have attached an inflated sense of over achievement to it, it cannot be responsible for DCs.


    DCs are caused by 2 things:

    1. Ease of access
    2. Snowflakes

    I don't even know how to DC...like can you just hit the menu and leave? If so...there you go. Pull the plug, Alt-F4, or just use the menu....BAM, out of game.

    As for the reason people DC....they are whinging little bitches. There, I said it....someone had to. The penalty for DCing is not greater than the reward....simple as that.

    Games not going your way? Can't be bothered to wait 2 minutes for a hook death? I'm out!

    Got the wrong Killer? I'm out!

    Someone else DCed, now it's 5 gens for 3 survivors. I'm out!

    DCing makes other players mad. I'm out!

    No reason needed...just to do it. I mean, maybe...just maybe if people played this game in he context by which it's suppose to be played we wouldn't have these problems. It's a bad match...just take it for what it is and in 3 minutes you can start over.

    Hook or escape...see it to completion.

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    i hear what you are saying but there is a major difference in both those games. one the amount of people playing them, 2 the rewards you get for playing. without having both those things i don't think dbd should really be banning for D/Cs that harshly not to mention Game Balance is a major focus in those games as well

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    can't be mad at people for trying to have fun with the game they played for, its not the best but its also not just their fault they feel the way that they do.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I dont think they dc due to the ranking being hard as it's been going on for months even when it was a lot easier to pip, a lot of them seem to do it due to not having s fun match or to derank to stay in the lower ranks for easier or more fun games.

    Personally the ranking system as it is simply rewards only one type of playstyle and that's doing everything optimally, the problem with a system like this I'd it hurts how you wish to play, dbd as a game never had this system and each style used to be rewarded when it was done off of bloodpoints.

    Now take survivors, each player and a role to play in the game be it doing gens, totems, wasting time, opening the doors, saving, healing etc but the current system made it so if each player was better than the killer they versed and never went down they would not pip as they did not allow themselves to be caught, that alone says something is wrong.

    Killer is the same as it's not your skill that diccates your pip all the time, if you are much better than the survivors you are versing you can get punished for not prolonging the game, for example of they don't save then you can lose out, that again says something is wrong when your game ends too quickly through no fault of your own your emblem cannot gain enough points.

    I don't agree that people should be able to leave if they don't like a killer, your fun is important but so is the others, if the devs decide this is the game then players should accept it for all that it is or simply not play.

    Dcing does need punished but I dont think the ban system works or someone should lose access to the game they bought for it, instead they should time people out after so many in a set time frame, more than 5 dc's in 24 hours and you start to get timed out which grows each one after, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 mins etc, you reach 30 mins and then you get timed out for 1 hour each time and it doesn't reset for 24 hours after the last offense.

    Other wise create a dunce lobby like GTA and make those players who serial dc verse each other for 48 hours each dc in it means they get 1 hour added to their time in there.

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    you arent wrong but kicking ppl out of playing when they are leaving games they dont like is just going to make people stop playing the game.. and they dont have the player numbers to really justify that

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    I like the "flagging" system someone else brought up. (sorry for no credit)

    Group DC players together. I'm not alone, I've never DCed, group me with other players who have never, or rarely, had a DC recorded.

    Gotta let them know though. Get a bunch of DC players together all the time and they are going to think the problem got even worse...LOL.

    Games would constantly be starting up 2 vs 1....people laving on first down. I'd actually like to watch that.

    I haven't seen much DCing (PC), but by the way some people talk, players DC 12 times a day. That should be hard to track and group.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited April 2019

    I would argue it's worked for every other game that's implemented it. "they dont like" I am assuming balance and bug fixes are coming at the same time, so if they are leaving after those then it's simply entitlement and children need discipline to learn.

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    i disagree with this "DBD isnt competitive" stance i hear everywhere.. its like thrown around alot to try to discredit people achievement in a game, same was said about fortnite H1Z1 and pubG and all of those have huge Pro scenes now.. hell theres competitive speed walking and chess but everyone seems to think that DBD isnt cuz cause.. why cause you want to play it casually, SO what, you are a causal and other want to compete!

    i know ppl who d/c for lower rank the ppl d/cing right now arent deranking they are just moving on to the next game plain and simple. they wanna play, but they dont wanna play your way, and i for one don't blame them for that

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    there are some success cases but there are also a lot of games that do this that have failed im sure not solely for that feature but it sure it hasn't helped, and barring all the bugs and things being fixed i still feel that ppl who paid for a game are entitled to enjoy playing it, not being trapped in a game they feel has an unfair advantage. Thats what killed F13th in my opinion and one of the first things players did they was D/c from games that were fun due to hacking or poor play on the jason's part

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    i honestly don't hate the flagging idea either, as something lighter than just straight banning, but i still think rewards would stop way more d/cs then any banning would

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474


    In what way is it competitive?

    I don't remember anyone downplaying H1Z1 or PUBGs as being "casual". H1Z1 is the "inventor" of the Battle Royal format enjoyed by PUBGs and Fortnite today.

    DBD is casual, and not because I, or anyone else, wants it to be....no more than it's "competitive" just because you, or anyone else wants it to be. That logic works both ways.

    It's casual because o the issues that high rank players face (another discussion).

    By your own admission, in DBD high rank players DC to lower rank....name ONE competitive game in which gamers intentionally lower rank.

    Name one, and I'll concede that DBD is competitive.

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    you aren't wrong in how things were, but there has very much been a shift in culture for d/cs form what i've seen in the last month or so, ever since the rank patch that made green purple and red ranks harder to get into ive havent seen or heard of many ppl deranking, a big part of this was they all said they had trouble even just getting back into red ranks. one of my friends would avg 25k points a game and still only safty pip once he hit reds

    link Here: https://twitter.com/spaceliontv/status/1111763258921418752

    Its a game of hide and seek and cat and mouse, but both sides need to be enjoying what they are doing for it to last. not keeping that in mind is what killed off a lot of DBDs competitors and if DBD losing sight of that i don't think that would bode well for the future of the game. i think if they killers were more fun to play against people

    would d/c less against them. take huntress for example SHE super strong but theres a lot of rewarding gameplay for both sides of playing her so theres not a lot of complaints outside of one shot hatchets and machine gun, both those were nerfed to make them more reasonable and now a lot of people like her i feel like the game should be focusing on that and not just punishing those who arent having fun right now

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    plenty of people smurf in Leauge, Overwatch, CSgo name it, the only reason they dont derank is because REWARDS! they dont want to lose their prize for getting high rank. but even w/o the rewards people can still compete and grow, and carry personal titles among themselves colleges and friends

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    No fun => Stop playing

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474


    Smurfing is when a gamer plays on a false tag. GUID was put in place to prevent this. Smurfing is cheating, not de-ranking.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "there are also a lot of games that do this that have failed"

    I don't believe this to be true. Which games and how do you specifically know that is why they failed?

    "paid for a game are entitled to enjoy playing it"

    DC'ing isn't playing it and it's breaking the Terms of Service they agreed to upon making that purchase. DC'ing is breaking that contract so it could be argued they are losing that right.

    "not being trapped in a game they feel has an unfair advantage"

    Like I said though, this is assuming balancing coming along side this. There's also a lot of players that may "feel" it is an unfair advantage even if it's not. They may actually just be bad at the game. That is the "entitlement" I am referring to.

    "from games that were fun due to hacking or poor play on the jason's part"

    You said it yourself. This is a completely different scenario.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474
    edited April 2019

    Oh, oh, oh...me, me, me

    I want to quote your very first post! Welcome to the darkest depths of DBD, the forums!!!

    Legitimate question:

    Why do you believe killers, in red ranks, employee these types of tactics?

  • xxshinobazuxx
    xxshinobazuxx Member Posts: 21

    Thats sounds rough but that 100% what i have been seeing from being rank 6 this season and watching all my friends in red ranks that actually solo que, every other game is something like that, and unless you are a 4 man its just not fun to play against

  • Sanny666
    Sanny666 Member Posts: 13

    DC -> TIME BAN

    1.DC : 5 min

    2.DC : 10 min

    3.DC: 30 min

    4.DC: 1 hr

    5.DC: 5 hrs

    80% DC Reason:

    Wrong Map

    Wrong Addons

    Wrong Killer

    1st Hook

    3rd Hook

    Get the time ban and the DCer Problem without technical issues are gone, cause its annoying to wait!

    my 2 cents thx

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312

    Most quit because they get angry. Also known as Rage Quit. Pure emotions. They aren't thinking about rank, points, or the other players. Just themselves.

    The best way to correct that are hard consequences. I suggest no depip, but removing 5000 blood points and 250 shards. Maybe even show a counter of how many times you've quit!

    Believe me, the number of DCs would drop dramatically.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    I deserve my 4k.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    People disconnect because they cant take a loss. Because they had a bad start etc . No matter whats the reason it affects everyone that stayed in a game. Thus it needs to be punished no matter how many people will leave with new changes.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I just had 3 people DC on my first hit with shock as doctor. I was naked shocking no hits JUST to do my daily. And they all DC. Nobody even got hit.

    Some people are just not going to play if they dont like the setup. And we need harsher penalties for it!

    The poor 4th....

    I let them go. But jesus most games that person would have been #########.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    @Carpemortum , to be honest if i would ve been you i would ve face camped the 4th