These forums have seriously devolved haven't they?

I used to browse these forums all the time before i took a break from the game, came back and these forums have just become a killer main circle jerk. Seems like every thread is just "Killer mains good, survivor mains bad, give likes".
Yeah, this has always been a really killer sided forum.
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yeah the 1 post long time browser
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Honestly these days I see more posts about how this forum is a killer circle jerk than actual killer circle jerk posts 🤔
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The ones who call the forums killer sided are the ones who refuse to admit that killers are generally the weaker side. Most of the people that they think are killer sided are just unbiased enough to actually see the imbalances. If anything I see more of a survivor circle jerk from the same people who claim it of killers.
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@Clogwench Are you new to the forums? lmao because if you’re are, then you should wait awhile to see how much bs complaints pop up from killer mains that get crushed by SWF.
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Anyone with any sense of rationality can see how imbalanced SWF is. That's not a killer circle jerk, that's players frustrated about an unfair, unbalanced part of the game. Besides, you get the same thing from Survivor mains who get stomped with Moris, tombstones and iridescent heads.
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Of course, SWF is unbalanced but the amount of complaints that they post on here is ridiculous. SWF isn’t that big of a problem as I’ve stomped MANY teams.
Most of the people on here that complain so hard about it is either bad at killer or they have bad strategy’s.
If survivors get even one tiny buff to their perks, they complain like crybaby’s. It’s all over the forums.
You don’t see any survivor main on this forum complaining that they got mori’d, tombstoned, or any of that. Very bad comparison you made there.
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Dude every balance thread on this forum has at least one person saying to remove Moris and iridescent heads, usually with several people agreeing.
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Uhhh, are you sure your post count is accurate? Because if it is, you must not be reading a single post on this forum since I see a "Mori's are a stupid and should be removed" thread pop up in either killer or survivor forums every week practically for the last month!
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Really? Because I haven’t seen it at all.
All I see down my timeline is
Literally everyday that I wake up and decide to check in on the forums. Same #########.
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Clearly you also missed when every second thread was about NOED.
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You’re more than welcomed to enjoy your stay at the forums and continue to scroll through the countless killer main bias threads everyday.
At least some of us here can look at two different perspectives of each side and not complain for a nerf because something happened that was not in their favor
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I'm not saying there's not a lot of killers complaining but acting like it's one sided when there's dozens of "nerf noed" "get rid of Moris" "nerf BBQ" threads all over the forum is just outright lying. Both sides complain about a lot, that's just how the forums are. Unbiased players are just able to see that there IS a major imbalance between sides. The gap has closed a bit in recent months but it's still there.
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1st post btw.
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@ClogWench Still don’t see it.
I’m not trying to sound rude but I really don’t. They’re just pages and pages of killer mains complaining.
I just got done scrolling past a thread that said “For the crybaby survivors who think that you’re not underpowered, this is for you” along with a video clip of a noob nurse.
o k.
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And? I didn't deny that there's killers who complain but that doesn't change the fact that there's a ridiculous amount of Survivor mains who want everything remotely strong for killers removed. If you haven't seen any of those then idk what to tell you. They're there and there's plenty. I can show you screenshots of nearly 30 NOED threads alone from the span of a week last month. Not including all the ones that popped up since that I haven't bothered to screenshot.
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Case and Point:
You were saying? ;)
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@PinkEricka If you go into the Balance Feedback forum right now there are literally more threads about nerfing things on the killers side than survivors so stop complaining.
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@PolarBear general discussions, honey :). That’s where everyone complains that. nice try.
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My point is these were all in the span of a few days. And that's JUST noed threads from a very slim period of time when DS got nerfed. Not particularly long ago. There's still plenty more and they're more than equal to the amount of complaints killers have.
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I don't really see much going on In regards to this I actually see forum posts on both sides regularly. I'm sure I'm not the only person here that plays both killer and survivor equally.
We need to stop with the hatred work together to improve this game for both sides. But I do fear this will never be achieved.
I do feel for killers they are a minority and get a huge amount of unnecessary abuse see a lot of baiting to start arguments also.
I just want to say a personal thank you to those that do play killer 100% thank you for the games 💜
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It’s a PVP game. so yeah, that’s kinda why this little dispute exists.
Most of the time, I don’t really feel bad for them. If you want your voice to be heard in the minority, there are better and more CIVIL ways to let people know what you want instead of screaming at people and being hostile.
I love how you put the little pig emoji at the end by the way! it’s cute!
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@PinkEricka I have to agree with you on this. Mettle of man has been the main topic of the forums the past 2 weeks and that doesn't even include the "why I'm leaving the game" stuff which from what I've seen has mainly been killers saying this.
Add to this the whole DS is op and really that's all we see. I saw the NOED thread earlier but that's the first NOED thread I've seen in a long time.
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I'm here. morfHi
This thread has no real meaning except for forum users causing to flame each other or others. This is not needed and generally a negative thread.