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MoM should be mod to this

zaozaoxx Member Posts: 194
edited April 2019 in General Discussions

It will only be triggered by basic hits

in another words, only be triggered by those walking relied killers like wrath,trapper, doctor Yang.

thus leat to more skill relied killer to appear and less walking killers.

but the matter is that the skill killer is strong enough. I don't understand how was the Devs' brain circuits organised, it seems their logic is oppesite to us.

Same example is that Rin's skill. She will led out a "shu shu" sound with her skill activated if humans are out of her horror range. But no sound in reverse. What? Should humans be alarmed when they are in danger(in horror range), but give a shock for those ones that think they are safe as a horror game? That's so odd.

So I think MoM should on the contrary triggered by skills onther than basic hits

do you guys agree?😮


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Still like the "body blocking grants you tokens" version

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019

    I like mom right now the only issue that needs and will be fix its the nurse hit while blink and it will be fine cuz it has alot of counter yes it dosent have skill but some killers perks also dosent required skill and it has alot of counter

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    MoM, DS, Dead Hard ad Self care....i just reek of "toxicity" hehe

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    It doesn't have any reliable counter other than just using a very few select killers.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    You say they're triggered by skills, which i prefer to refer to as Powers.

    So let's take Wraith for example, cause he's my ringing man.

    He has something no other Killer can do thanks to his Power: Surprise hits.

    You only have ~6 seconds to get this kind of hit in before you'll do a normal hit.

    So if i were to hit someone with a Surprise Hit, TECHNICALLY it's a hit made possible only by a Killer's Power.

    Would MoM activate in this case?

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    Slugging, tunneling, and patrolling/camping. The perk, in my opinion, is designed to be a survivor's version of Ruin. It wastes the Killer's time if they choose to pursue the Obsession. However, the way the Obsession system works currently kinda makes the perk extremely broken because every survivor can have it and it can guarantee a ######### endgame for the Killer.

    Seriously, the only way to prevent this perk from be nerfed straight into F-tier but to make sure it's not as broken as it is now, is to force it so only survivor can have it in a game. One. Only one. It's just like DS back in the day, that was truly a god awful time. I can see the arguments for making it so only bodyblocking hits count when the Killer is carrying a survivor but at that point, it's too much of a headache. I'd rather run Aftercare or Bond or something.

  • zaozaoxx
    zaozaoxx Member Posts: 194

    of cause it wont be trigged

    the nurse's power, it has a name called "Hit for certain(dont sure of it cauze english is not my playing language)"

    in another words, you are count down by her power , not a basic hit.

    fly and hit are both parts of her power

    unlike the nurse , Wraith's power however didnt inclued a damage part , or we shall call it "Surprise Horror" other than "Surprise Hit" 😅

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Mikeadatrix Why do you say that slugging and tunneling is a counter to MoM?

    And camping is only a counter when the killer camps so hard that he makes sure that the survivor won't make it off the hook. But hard camping leads to the killer losing the match so I wouldn't really consider this a counter.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    Except Ruin lasts 30 seconds not an entire game and MoM under some circumstances can get used more than once and the killer can't have 4 of them!

    And it's ran in conjunction with DS, so if the killer wants to burn their MoM early on they will get a DS instead, oh and up to 4 of those.

    The problem it's not just ANOTHER second chance perk it's the fact they all work with each other.

    Unlike Ruin where that is the only real choice for that kind of perk.

    If you could only run 1 a bit like how Dead Hard vs Sprint Burst.

    You pick by preference because you can only realistically use 1 because of exhaustion, with 2nd chance perks you can run them all in conjunction with each other.

    And there lies your problem.

    Camping = Borrowed Time is meta.

    Slugging = not optimal unless you're Billy or Nurse

    Tunnelling = DS and extra hit from MoM Itself.

    And lets not forget the masses of complaints on this forum "Omg i get tunnelled" "Omg i get camped" "Omg NoED"

    Right now survivors have it so easy, and this is coming from a 50/50 player.

    I straight up refuse to use MoM it's a disgusting P2W perk that easily outshines any other survivor perk in the game.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890
    edited April 2019

    That's why I said it should be restricted to one per game, no exceptions. I've gone against full Ash SWF teams and it's god awful. And I think having you be forced to use one second chance perk and not many is super fair.

    Tunneling counters MoM because if executed properly you can cause the survivor to waste MoM then follow up with another M1 shortly after (huntress and clown specifically). But tunneling them after their second hook and their fully healed does waste the perk pretty quickly. What really grinds peoples gears is that MoM is saved until the end of the game and is used as a guaranteed escape. Again, the problem occurs when every single survivor is running MoM. Slugging counters MoM very lightly, but no more than how slugging counters every survivor perk to a degree. Forget I even brought that up, it was pointless.

    What MoM needs is to be restricted to one per game. One per game would cause it to be incredibly situational and if every Survivor runs it, in hopes of getting lucky, then it's a wasted perk slot for 3 survivors.

  • zaozaoxx
    zaozaoxx Member Posts: 194

    cant agree you more.

    thats why i suggest MoM should change to be triggered by power.

    Because those skill killers cut down humans more effectively than basic hit killers.

    Thus can make the perk works under its original design intension but not an escape gurantee