Quizzing Hype: A Medium to High level DBD general knowledge test!

Here's a quick and (hopefully challenging) quiz I made for fun!
Inspired by @Mushwin. Also see:
Once you've completed the quiz, you can see the results here in this link! (It shows statistics collectively)
Make sure you are in time. Quiz expires in 10 days and the free version only has 100 participants (:
Hope you find it challenging, Hf!
Done it, fun quiz.
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This is pretty dang difficult , but still fun
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This quiz was fun.
But what were the right answers? And what was the answer to the final question? lmao
I feel pretty darn confident I got quite a few of them right. I also typed "controversial perk". Hope that was right. 🤣
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You did a pretty good job so far making this
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I really like this...well done on the quiz, I think it's a great idea!
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I like seeing the answers to the NOED question, much more wholesome than i thought it would be
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Really? When I answered, there was about five answers there (not including mine), and most of them were along the lines of "it's a toxic crutch". I think mine was like the second positive answer about NOED at the time. I had put down that it was balanced and had a counter in destroying dull totems.
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I don't get it, is this a quiz or a poll? The right answers aren't available, as far as I can tell.
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I liked it, it was fun :P
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I'm just going to pin this thread for a little while as I think a bit of a light hearted quiz is what we all could do with right now. Thanks @AlwaysInAGoodShape for taking the time to make this quiz.
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The right answers are:
- Rotten fields: 65%
- Nurse: 77%
- Bill Overbeck: 83%
- All: 84%
- Team A: 64%
- 96.25%: 51%
- Adam: 59%
- Overwhelming Prescence: 73%
- None of the above: 93%
- Dance with me: 20%
- Game Director: 74%
- 2 Pips on average: 20%
- 300 Survival, 650 Boldness: 27%
- Devout: 21%
- None of the Above: 37%
- There is no right answer to this xD
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100% I shouldn't be proud of myself but I am.
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3 is wrong. Bill is not the least played survivor on PS4 because Bill is not on PS4.
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Is Bill a survivor?; Yes
How often do you play him on ps4?; 0 times.
Bill is the least played survivor on ps4 because he is not available on ps4.
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Look up the difference between zero and null in programming. Something that doesn't exist has no attributes.
To say that Bill is the least played survivor on PS4 is like saying that Jason is the least played killer in DbD.
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As far as console players are concerned, Bill is not a Survivor. To say that he's the least played Survivor on console is a fallacy, because he can't be played at all. He does not exist on console.
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Bill is not Null in DBD. Jason is.
The Dead by Daylight universe exists regardless of what platform the game is on. Hence why Meg on ps4 is not a different person from Meg on pc.
The mistake you're making is viewing ps4 DBD as an isolated product and universe instead of simply comparing the data of all characters in this universe across platform. Considering the title there is no reason to assume we're not talking about the DBD universe.
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Bill is null on PS4. I viewed PS4 on its own, which is the way you wrote it. On PS4, Bill does not exist.
You made a mistake. That's all.
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Bill's playrate is 0% on ps4. Bill exists within the dbd universe. That is what i said. Not what you said I said.
At least 83% of the people understood it.
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There is no Bill on PS4. Bill cannot be played on PS4. People do not choose not to play him on PS4; he is not an option to begin with. I thought you were being clever and put Bill there to see if people would understand that you can't have a 0% play rate on something that doesn't exist, but apparently you just made a mistake.
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If that's how you want to cope with answering it wrongly, sure.
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I just viewed it as ALL characters that don't exist obviously have a 0% play rate.
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Yeah @NuclearBurrito me too. @Orion it looks like you tried to over think the answer, because the trick was too obvious. Whether @AlwaysInAGoodShape intended for you to fall for it by overthinking it is intended or not, you still got it wrong and you need to accept that.
You're smart, but sometimes you overthink stuff, but I understand that, I used to do it all the time myself, but sometimes things that are blatantly obvious, can be the right answer.
Knowing how intelligent @AlwaysInAGoodShape is, he probably intended for us to see it as a trick, and overthink it.
That's my take on it anyway.
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Am I the only one who wanted to know wether Team A and B were 3/4 manning gens or doing them alone before answering?
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Two things you got wrong:
- He already said he did not think of that.
- I didn't answer incorrectly.
I gave the correct answer as far as the quiz is concerned, but the quiz itself is wrong. This is like old versions of Trivial Pursuit that (wrongly) state the Great Wall of China is visible from space. The right answer to the question, as far as the game is concerned, is that the Great Wall of China is visible from space, but objectively, no man-made object can be seen from space.
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I edited my reply to expand a bit on 2.
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I'm not sure I made myself clear. I gave the answer the quiz wanted (which is technically the "right" answer).
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@Orion technically the quiz wanted the answer of Bill, as that's what was put as the correct answer.
But your answer would be the true answer, regardless of how the quiz was setup.
Is that what I gather?
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I answered what the quiz wanted. I'm merely pointing out that what the quiz wanted was wrong - on PS4, Bill does not exist.
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double post, please ignore
Post edited by NoShinyPony on0 -
@Carpemortum That was also my initial reaction. After reading the part "3 people healing the injured survivor" I just skipped the question.
And guys, don't forget, that quiz doesn't have to be perfect. It was just made for everybody to have fun, so thanks @AlwaysInAGoodShape ! 😊 ❤️
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I'm not saying the quiz has to be perfect. Everybody makes mistakes. Pointing out that mistake was supposed to get OP to correct it.
EDIT: And I was just informed of another mistake - three survivors can't heal a fourth survivor. It's been capped at two for a long time.
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The question about 3 people healing is a theoretical one. The healing speeds are altered unnaturally too as to test whether people know how to measure a team's efficiency.
A surprising amount of people knew how to measure it right actually.
Edit: Still don't know how so many missed the devout one xD
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My answer to the last one was “crutch” because I wanted to be in the cool people’s club of complainers.
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@Orion I'm happy I'm not the only one who made the bill mistake. I also assumed it was a trick question.
Either way @AlwaysInAGoodShape its a really fun quiz. Make another one again soon mate
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Again, I didn't make a mistake. I knew what the quiz considered the correct answer and answered in that fashion. I just pointed out that the quiz is wrong.
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I did the quiz and I didn't get a score. Did I do something wrong?
And for the last question, I put that NOED is a hex perk 😅