So Legions Power is..

HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

To slap borrowed time on a survivor where you can no longer down em. I am pretty much ok with everything else that they want to go with Legion, but taking away the downing ability. Idk, doesn't sound right. Guess we gotta try and see first. All this does is make Legion an M1 Killer. As i mentioned before, it is cool that they added counter play with Legion. However, it just doesn't make sense to take it away. All i see is Legion as a buying time kind of power to the killer.



  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    I respect the decision you made mate. Don’t take a slap in the face for a fat nerf to the killer or something crappy like the Freddy nerf etc. it just doesn’t make sense that The idea they have for legion is great to help survivors not go insane. But to gut the power and basically turn him to M1 doesn’t make a whole lot of sense at all. Like...who makes these decisions?

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Yeah spirits mind games are almost non existent now. I swear if they rework her I'm fookin outta here brah!

    I went from playing this game every day for hours on end to now I log in every 3 days just to get the daily's.

    Legion basically doesnt have a power now unless you use add ons to drain mend time with multiple deep frenzy attacks. And I'll bet 5 the add ons that drain more mend time will both be purple or the green one will be absolute #########

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2019

    This "rework" looks completely astounding. Like they made Legion a blank killer with no ability? Why would use the ability at all? I wanted them to rework Legion so I could enjoy playing them with the different cosmetics, but this.... doesn't look like a rework. Sure the ability may have been a mistake in the first place, but at least replace it with something other than "you can shoot yourself in the foot during chase".

    On top of this the recent score changes seem to have changed something for the worse. Im now consistently not pipping with 3 sacrifices at R15.

    On top of this the absolutely stupid Spirit (my main killer) sound change which makes no sense what so ever.

    On top of this DBD crashed while starting a match. Rare occurrence.

    I think its about time to put DBD away for a while.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    Comment of the day ahahahhahaaaaa I hope the devs see this. Sad but it’s true.

    It makes you wonder on how their decision making goes. Honestly it’s another slap in the face if they go through with this. (Removing his downing ability) I’m all for the counter plays they added and the timer thing not being an exploit now etc but common. I am heavily concern on their end.

    Bruh they now know if you phasing or not. I have not used spirit since the bug. You’d think that if the bug is making a character broken (not intended to be) they’d fix it. But no, they buff the timer for DS but not fixing the bug till years later right.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507
    edited April 2019

    I absolutely feel you mate. A lot of us do. You’d think they learn something after nerfing Freddy to the ground and here we are from OCT 2017 till April 2019 and nothing has been done. Look how long it took to “balance” DS but they go and fix the time to 5 seconds right away instead of fixing the issues they created. I question the wisdom of the team at this point. I legit want a refund if this goes through all the way cuz it’s despicable. The problem was Legion is annoying like crazy for Survivors sure. The adjustments they want to go with that’s cool. But gutting the power? Like sure nerf or rework franks mixtape (I never used it personally cuz it’s just a no brained mode) but like what?

    so legion is a blank power now

    and Freddy”s power is to let u interact with survivors. COOL

    Edit: Auto Correct gave me something else than Nerfing lels xD

    Post edited by HeHeBoii on
  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Yeah there's so much going wrong all at once it's a bit much to deal with.

    The spirit nerf is apparently a Bug that somehow gave her new sounds when she phases or vaults. Suspicious yes but I'll call it a bug all day as long as it gets fixed. Hopefully in the next patch.

  • Impulsion12
    Impulsion12 Member Posts: 4

    Time and time again the devs show they have no idea what they are doing and ruin a killer that already has terrible kill potential unless exploiting. How about you guys just fix the exploiting instead of making him useless? Do you guys understand how powerful survivors are, and how they dictate the pace of the game in red/purple ranks? I was totally down for a rework to make him less aids for players to go against, but a complete and utter gutting? R.I.P

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507
    edited April 2019

    Powerful how survivors are is an understatement.

    do you know they become THANOS when being SWF.

    like where is our indicator to see how many SWF are in a lobby? Just a lousy indicator so killers can Ben better prepared? But they go ahead and add mettle of man. Like they simply don’t care about the killers all that much. To anyone who would say like “oh killers will doge” OFC THEY WILL THEY DO IT ANYWAY. Look how long it took to add the blocking of the killers perks. A simple addition that they neglected for a while.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Bruh they now know if you phasing or not. I have not used spirit since the bug. You’d think that if the bug is making a character broken (not intended to be) they’d fix it. But no, they buff the timer for DS but not fixing the bug till years later right. @Bongbingbing

    Hold up wait wait wait.... I haven't been keeping up with this game as much as I used to. I was under the assumption spirits audio bugs were only on windows? No wonder every survivor was t bagging me on the other side of the pallet last night. 🤦‍♂️

    So my fav killer is ruined, awesome! Mind games were what made her so damn fun to play. Back to billy then VVVRROOOOM VROOOMMMM

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    Yea fam, it's unfortunate that its a bug and apparently the devs confirmed and are aware of it. They insisted on buffing the timer for DS instead of fixing that audio bug of an abnormal crackling when u are phase walking out of the spirits body. Look how long it took to hide the killers perks tho...Common BHVR

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269
    edited April 2019

    Legion is exactly the way they should be.

    You did good, Bhvr.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Damn it thats disappointing, I did notice a few times the loud cracking while phasing but I just assumed only I could hear it.

    So basically from a survivors POV you can hear that loud ass crack immediately when I start phase or when jumping thru a window?

    I just want to make sure I'm following this right lol

    If that's the case then ######### this game till spirit gets fixed again..... I still remember December

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    I can imagine you being one of those rage quitters when you see the mending bar appear when the match starts. But that's good feedback mate!

    So the abnormal crackling when moving out of the body while phasing, the survivors can hear that and know you are phase walking. That's the huge bug. As for the window, If im not mistaken, they can hear that too. So don't bother playing mind games with the survivors till they fix it.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Does anybody know when this patch is? Caz I've got a shoe box full of Frank's mix tapes and some new moon walking shoes I need to use before the party is over 😎

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    @F5arTheB5ard Yeah it's been like that since the Plauge Update, Anytime you leave a husk and go invisible you give a sound notification that nobody's heard in the game before. So survivors can tell when shes using her power.

    People noticed right away and the Devs said it was not a nerf but a bug and it'll be patched.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    Well on the 23rd of April, the mid chapter patch hits the PTB. Most likely 2 weeks after it will go live (Assuming they keep what they intend to put out)

    Thank me later and enjoy the salt with them mixtapes. I will surely use all before the changes.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Thanks for the reply. I've played a ton of games online at a high level and been competitive for years man and I've never EVER seen a group of developers cater so hard to one side or take so llllllooooonnnnnnggggggg to fix, update, or patch anything into the game. Especially if its killer side.

    I'm going to have to start treating this game like whiskey. It's only fun for a little while and only every now and then lol

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    If they don’t fix the bug by the mid chapter patch then the devs are incompetent. Sorry but the trend of having killers destroyed seems to be building.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    wanna hear a fun fact? They brought an idea and want to help killers combat SWFs right. So they want to start with bloodpoints compensation and they still haven’t. Lols

    going forward mate, take everything you hear from the devs with a grain of salt.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    This is why you use shards whenever possible not gonna give bhvr money when they do this instead of providing a good rework for both sides they provide a one sided rework clearly most likely rushed with little thought into it so no one would play him. Glad I didn't buy Ash I'll wait for the shrine if I need MoM.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    What like give killers extra BP if you're up against a SWF lobby? I mean sure cool yay still doesnt help with all the annoying bullshit that a COORDINATED SWF team can do to you in you're lousy 6 minute match haha

    Lemme guess they brought up this idea like 7 months ago?

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    See, you are wise. I am not, but hey, you live and learn right? Going forward, shards only. No money for them till they prove they care to take killer matters seriously, and also helping aid killers to combat against SWFs. Simply starting with a lousy indicator in the lobby to know how many you are dealing with.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    You see, you are catching on already! Like, they know its an issue. Like do you know how much a lousy indicator can be helpful info to the killer? To know how many are in the lobby and more than likely on voice coms. "Hey bro, his totum is behind the shack"

    "Hey bro, he's on me go get that gen"

    Meanwhile killers can make certain builds to help themselves out.


  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Lol I started playing during last years summer bbq event when the game was a free download. I've seen a lot of these dumb decisions these devs have made but that and this new legion "rework" take the cake man.

    If they keep this up and/or make the next killer trash then survivors are going to have long que times

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    You would think in a game where Survivors are almost like powerless to a monstrous killer, that Killers would be like feared in a sense.

    But it's backwards where some killers fear going against these SWFs that play in such a toxic way like a certain content creators.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    See that's where you went wrong man..... that logic word

    Not too much of that at BVHR

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    Let us Legions rejoice and use our remaining broken Franks Mixtapes and dcs before legion is gutted in half worse than Freddy.


  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    @HeHeBoii I've got some moonwalking to do 😎

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Definitely seems like they listened to nothing but Survivors on this one. The movement speed increase might have been something complained about by Killers, but everything in the "Feral Frenzy" category is 100% Survivor based. Especially the mending timer nerf removal. They've buffed this so far in favor of Survivors...

    Frenzy was already terrible at it's one purpose: Spreading damage across multiple purpose. No other killers have this "one purpose" problem. Legions were forced to tunnel with it because people would scatter quickly and easily.

    They'll see you coming miles away, scatter, and make it impossible to land a second or third hit. You can also run the exact same loop and actually RUN OUT OF FRENZY, even if you follow the exact same steps as the Survivor. Let that sink in.

    They should have just reworked or increased the rarity of Frank's Mixtape, patched out moonwalk and the blade exploit, and give Frenzy a speed increase (and possible duration increase plus refresh) for every Survivor Deep Wounded during a single use of it.

    Legion needs a buff, despite what Survivor mains like Noob3 who don't WANT to use basic counterplay (He's preemptively told people to "######### off" when commenting on his videos about Legion counterplay. It's obvious he just wants to rage.) think.

    Ironically enough, the very same streamers who would say "if you think Legion is balanced, you refuse to see the other side", etc... now refuse to see the Killer side. It's hypocritical.

    They need to remove half of what they're suggesting, it's 100% a attempt to appeal to Survivor FUN. Not basic balance.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    They should at least give them some mobility. Like come on, their power no longer do anything to the survivors, so they can already have an infinite feral frezy with increased movement speed in it.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    This nerf basically just destroyed Legion's strengths and gave him a movement speed boost that I don't even think is on the same level as any other killers.

    Survivor mains are just mad they can't group up and genrush against Legion or they'll be Deep Wounded. Of course, now they can.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Frenzy power is looking like glorified bloodlust with an effect that has no repercussions.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    The only way to fix the changes is to not have a stun from FF if you don't hit anyone, this way you can hop over windows and pallets and cancel the FF to get in a normal hit.

    If they keep the stun then he has no anti-loop capabilities, he'll hop over, get stunned and keep chasing as if nothing happened and no skill with his power will ever result in any momentum because it's been gutted into a husk.

    Sure he can pinball but then he's got nothing, his power will be no good for anything. DW is a laughable band-aid away from Mending so why apply DW? Pig's traps kill people and slow the game down, Legion's DW do nothing if they're anywhere near you and nothing while they Mend. It's like RBT stop ticking when Pig is close or when they are trying to take it off.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507
    edited April 2019

    The survivor tears. How dare you play a character in the game! It’s against our imaginary rule book we created!

    we can’t bully Franks mixtape!!

    love it. Gonna miss u legion been a good one.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @ricardo I just bought Legion about three weeks ago after returning from a hiatus, I can say with confidence that I am extremely unlikely to ever purchase a DLC from Behavior again.

    It's one thing when a game like Overwatch or Paladins completely nerfs a character since I get those for free. Nothing spent, nothing lost. But when I spend real money on a character, even had I purchased it back in December, and it's gutted a mere four months later, and this isn't the first time a company has done this is with a real-money DLC character (see: Freddy), I'm done.

    Just remember how the saying goes, for those that got hit with both Freddy and Legion: Fool we once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.

    And I'd strongly recommend not opening your wallet and giving them a third opportunity.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Yeah the stun is a massive problem after the update. Because if they kill Legion's power with Feral Frenzy, making it completely useless.

    why even nerf Legion with requiring full charge, fully depletes charge on missed etc. Those nerfs combined with that seems overkill

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Not to mention that Legion is even weaker at spreading damage across multiple Survivors, who is supposed to intentionally not tunnel to do so.

    These devs know nothing. Then again, Survivor mains are among their number, it's to be expected.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @bubbascal Even on paper these design changes make me wonder how much experience whoever did them has with the game. I can't believe some of these made it past the initial brainstorming sessions, to be honest.

    I don't know what else to say except that speaking as someone with game design experience, and given so many decisions in the past year or so from the team, that I've pretty much lost all confidence in them as a customer.

    I have to honestly consider whether or not I really want to continue investing time in this game. Which is a shame, because it had so much potential.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    Love the way all of you are thinking. This is what BHVR needs to see and stop catering to the crying survivors and start making decisions for the better of the game.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    I've heard Survivor mains are on their team. But that I can't prove.

    What I DO know and CAN prove is that the game director is bad at the game.

    The match in this video is the reason why insta blind flashlights were removed by the way.

    They should not be the face of the dev team, handling the streams along with not_Queen, much less the director.

    Legion had potential. I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    If they reworked or increased the rarity tier of Frank's, removed moonwalking and the blade exploit, and buffed Legion's ability to spread damage across Survivors by having Legion gain a speed boost and possibly a power extension every time Legion successfully Deep Wounds a Survivor until their Frenzy ends. This would encourage Legion to pursue other Survivors. Which was the main purpose of Frenzy to begin with: Damage all Survivors easily and quickly, but not down them.

    But I have a feeling that's going to change. Making Frenzy movement speed SLOWER is nerfing Legion's intended purpose. That needs to go. Unless the devs either don't care about the original purpose anymore and just want to appease the majority of the playerbase, or are trying to change the purpose of Legion to appease Survivors. Or both.

    Fix the exploits, buff Frenzy, deal with Frank's Mixtape. Done.

    Remove half of these nerfs, they aren't necessary. Legion would be more encouraged to target other Survivors as a result of my proposed changes, stopping tunneling and causing Survivor complaints to go down as a result.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2019

    @bubbascal Yeah, I saw his stream back in September 2018 and was far from impressed how the Game Director played the game, and the lack of understanding he showed even about core mechanics.

    That was the final straw back then that helped me decide to just take a hiatus from the game until three weeks ago. I expected it to be a permanent hiatus. I'd even uninstalled it and moved it into Hidden games on Steam. But boredom with Overwatch and Apex Legends got the better of me.

    Three weeks after returning to this mess, and I'm already seriously considering if I want to bother anymore. I should have just watched a Netflix show (I don't normally watch much TV) or read my Marvel Unlimited comics (I'm currently nearing the end of reading the entire Ultimate Marvel Universe run). But coming back to DbD and Behavior is starting to feel like a wasted three weeks.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    @bubbascal I didn't think we'd agree today but here we are. They just needed to fix a few things and remove exploits as you said but they went overboard. If they just did those I don't even think I'd care about movement speed. This is why I've been saying I'll be interested to see how all of these things stack, seems like that wasn't considered much.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    Powerful how survivors are is an understatement.

    do you know they become THANOS when being SWF.

    like where is our indicator to see how many SWF are in a lobby? Just a lousy indicator so killers can Ben better prepared? But they go ahead and add mettle of man. Like they simply don’t care about the killers all that much. To anyone who would say like “oh killers will doge” OFC THEY WILL THEY DO IT ANYWAY. Like to the people who stay, they can create better builds and expect voice coms.

    LOOK how long it took to hide the killers perks? shoulda been a thing a long time ago. Again the team is questionable.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    Powerful how survivors are is an understatement.

    do you know they become THANOS when being SWF.

    like where is our indicator to see how many SWF are in a lobby? Just a lousy indicator so killers can Ben better prepared? But they go ahead and add mettle of man. Like they simply don’t care about the killers all that much. To anyone who would say like “oh killers will doge” OFC THEY WILL THEY DO IT ANYWAY. Like to the people who stay, they can create better builds and expect voice coms.

    LOOK how long it took to hide the killers perks? shoulda been a thing a long time ago. Again the team is questionable.

This discussion has been closed.