Do you remember your first survivor and killer (played as and against?)

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

I started playing in August after the game hit ps plus.

I first played Nea because she seemed the most stealthy. The first killer I played against was a Huntress. I remember being terrified of her lullaby and I got to the end of the game and couldn’t find the exit and I just ran under her armpit (according to my friend.)

I first played Hag because her strategic style was very reminiscent of Symmetra for me.


  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780


    Played as Claudette.

    Played as Trapper against a Meg, that is about as much as I remember from my first game.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    My first killer was Myers and my first survivor was Laurie. I played them when they came out.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I only know it was as Dwight.

    Who against? No idea

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Against, Wraith I was so scared. As, Myers I used to do really well.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    Oh of course.

    First killer I faced as far as I remember was the Doctor on thompson's house. I was a meg.

    Doctor as he is may not seem like a good killer and all but boy was it horrifying to see doc's illusions in the corn. I was legit freaking out. Keep in mind that I blindly started to play this game without watching any kind of youtube videos and streams etc. so it was a shock to me.

    IIRC, my first killer game was with wraith on Grim pantry. I got bullied hard because all of the survivors knew how to play the game and I didn't even know that killers were able to lunge (I had to be on top of the survivor to hit them with that quick attack).

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I started during howling grounds. I first played as Meg ‘cause I thought she ran fastest. As a killer I first played as huntress, I think the first killer I faced was the Trapper.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Trapper & Dwight.

    Not much choice in the beta.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited April 2019

    First choices? This was back in Dec 2017 but I'm pretty sure it was Jake with his flame boots and bedazzled pants and Trapper bc first killer? and I didn't get the dlcs instantly. First killer I faced is beyond memory, I spent a lot of my first matches learning all the mechanics (not knowing what scratch marks were until I played killer was funny, before that I ran everywhere) so the individual killer, no idea. I remember a doctor pretty early on though.

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    First survivor, Meg, I thought she was pretty and I didn't have Kate (so would've chosen Kate had I had her). I was against, I wanna say Wraith. I hid in a locker and he got me :(.

    First killer, probably Nurse or Doctor because I thought they were cool. I didn't like her blink so I used it once the entire game.

  • ggallinftw
    ggallinftw Member Posts: 351

    First game was as wraith. Same with second and third lol. First time as survivor i picked ace cuz he looked funny and went against a huntress.... with only 2 teammates. A sign of things to come, i suppose.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269

    First game was huntress and I had 4 dwights survivor was jake I love running calm on people it's great for doc juking lol

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Played as Claudette for her Selfcare, i wanted to unlock that first and her camouflage was a nice bonus for a beginner. For killers it was Billy. I read "Automatically puts into the dying state" and my gamer instincts kicked in and knew this guy is gonna be the #########. Also he was the underdog back then.

    Played against... hm.. probably Wraith because everyone was bing bong. And lots of default r20 lvl 1 dwights. Good times

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited April 2019

    My first game ever was as Jake against a Wraith in Haddonfield. We all died with 4 generators left, but at least I was the last one left. I gave up as soon as the 3rd person died. As for Killer, I dont remember. I believe it was Rotten Fields, because I thought to myself "#########, I got a crap map".

    I do remember more clearly my first matches after my extended break. It was also in Haddonfield, also against a Wraith, but me as Quentin. And same result. But, to be fair, it was during the Hallowed Blight event.

    Killer match was as Pig in The Game (no offerings, just luck). No generators done, and killed all four.

  • Jarsix
    Jarsix Member Posts: 12

    My first survivor played was definitely Jake back in the days of the OP Sabo.

    First killer.....I think it was Trapper till I got the Myer's DLC and then I played him non-stop.

    First faced idea.

    Killer I can't remember either.

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392

    I first played with Claudette against the Spirit, she never saws me and she dc in the middle of the game. I remember it was on The Game map, I remember because I'm a big fan of Saw franchise and I notice that was the same bathroom from the movie. I bought the game in January this year, with Halloween Chapter.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    I first played shortly after the game was released when there was just trapper, wraith and billy.

    When I first played killer, my first kill was an afk meg.

    When I first played survivor, the first killer was a billy who kept doing long range chainsaws and had trouble turning

  • Zanely89
    Zanely89 Member Posts: 134

    My first killer game should be nurse.

    I watched some youtube video and from there, I know nurse is the best killer if you have skill. I always like playing characters that require skill and of course i get bullied hard and give up playing killer. I played very little killer now.

    My first survivor game is with Claudette against Freddy. Very boring game as I didn't even get pulled in dream once, they had a sleepover party all the way across the map while I genrush like crazy. Still remember the sweaty palm and racing heartbeat though.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Yeah I remember how every killer in the game was nerfed :) Thanks to the survivors ranks 20.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    First killer was Huntress. They way the menu was set up I honestly didn't even realize there were other Killer's available for the first day. Either way I did terrible with her, and then started doing meh with her, and then I got spirit and never looked back.

  • IAmFlownominal
    IAmFlownominal Member Posts: 16

    I grabbed this as a PS+ freebie at the butt end of August before it rotated out of being free. I was recommended Claudette or Nea as good starters and I went with Nea. Cant say for certain what I ran against but I got DESTROYED for several hours and loved every minute of it. First Killer was Trapper since i was in it for trophies and figured i should start at the beginning.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I remember when my girlfriend bought dbd for my birthday. She originally wanted to buy me friday the 13th and thought dbd was like a special version of f13 so basically I got the game by accident.

    When I opened the present I was like:

    "You can play as a killer and hunt down survivors? Sounds cool! Why would anybody want to play a survivor if you can be the killer, though?!"

    Boy did I know little about the game at that time haha.

    Anyways the very first game I played I was Wraith because I thought it would be scary as hell to run around invisible and ambush survivors out of nowhere. I remember I thought the map was a graveyard. I wonder what map I played on back then.

    Anyone know what map could possibly look like a graveyard for new players?

    My first game was against SWF I think. All of them played as Meg with the same clothings and all of them insulted me after the game and called me a camper. I didn't even know what camping or tunneling was back then.

    I told them "relax it's my first time playing this game". That's when they stopped messaging me.

  • TimeMonster
    TimeMonster Member Posts: 152

    that was early beta... i was playing dwight


  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    Dwight on IronWorks against a trapper.

    Wraith on Coldwind.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    First killer I played was Wraith, first killer I played against was Doctor (Ouch, as a noob that hurt at the time. First survivor I played as was Claudette