Ok yes, genrush is a joke as Plague

I had a game with rly bad survivors.
In the first 8 minutes they just get downed, injured and hooked.
I was like:"Ok, I could slug but meeeeeeh. I want give them some fun,too".
They instaheal by fountains, then I just get some bloody water for my power.
And after 1,5 min, I killed 1 person.
Aaaand 3 Gens are done.
I win the game, but it was not funny in the end.
I dont want a 4k.
I want plan as Killer.
I want scare them as Killer.
And I want have fun.
But I cant have fun, because many killer abilities have a skill limit and
the games are just too fast.
And remove the instaheal effect by Plague
and let me hit 1 survivor multiple times with my ability.
Aaand I should need more skill to play Plague.
Rly, I get bored by this simple abilities with skill limit.
Its like:
"Oh the game start".
*3 gens get active*
"#########, I just watch Plagues Boobs for 1 second.
What happened?"
Hopefully the “End Game Collapse” will help counter the gen rush. It will be funny if you do the gens really fast, it ends up being a negative for your team. I think that’s what’s going to end up happening, so it balances out solos and SWF, since SWF are able to do gens really fast and solos work slower. Imagine not wanting to slow the game down as a killer (ruin)? Imagine not having to focus on gens so much? Survivors can do totems for NOED! Killers don’t have to be so stressed anymore! Ahh, but ‘tis just a prayer.
EDIT: Grammatical Errors
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Use infinite tier 3 Myers if you want survivors to ######### their pants
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I'm a killer main. I never understood why people are so mad about the "gen rush." Isn't the whole point of the game to do the gens and get out? If the gens are getting done too fast you're probably facing a team better than you or need to adjust your strategy.
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is anyone scared of the Plague? she doesnt look scary, and her power is pretty comical. If you wanna put fear in survivor's, play Spirit or Michael.
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There is no gen rush. Gitgud
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There is gen rush and gitgud doesn't solve the problem at all.
Prove? Me (Prove Thyself + Bond + Toolbox on random chest)
Just you wait i get Stake Out and I'm perfect
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I mean a plague that knows how to use their power will often have their corrupt plague up. To that, there's almost counterplay if you find a survivor, it is pretty terrifying to go up against and hilarious to use yourself.
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Maybe the plague will also be nerfed, because it's no fun to play against her 😉
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You just need 1 idiot to give you the red vomit and you should be able to snowball the match in your favor after that. At least that's how it is when I'm Plague
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The Plague can make survivors Broken in record time, putting them at one-hit-downs. She can also vomit a hooked person to make the savior sick as well, which is unfair that the hooked victim remains sick afterward (no way to avoid). This in turn feeds her ranged damage, and it's difficult to avoid. She's pretty strong but you have to keep the pressure on them for either healing, cleansing, or unhooking, to keep them off of the generators.
*Oh I'm not saying the Plague is OP or anything, just that all of these things work together to slow the game down.
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I've had games go both ways with Plague. A player who knows how to work her is a pain in the backside esp towards the end just going back and forth horking on the gens so you have to work then run to the fountains to heal.
Then I've had games where we were lucky to get one gen done :(
If you powered through them, maybe you were just that good? Iunno?
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Not really, anyone can take the broken state and still gen rush. Rather that than deal with corrupted
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so you let us have a free escape for doing our only objective?
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I agree with you.
She cant slow the game down.
And thats sad, because you need time as killer.
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They arent better.
Like I said it.
They only need 1,5 min for 3 gens.
I could slug and win the game.
But that not fun for both sides.
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If you get genrushed as the Plague, then the problem are not survivors.
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Do you realize your anectode is the perfect example that says gen rush is possible if the killer allows it?
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In the 1,5 min,
I killed 1 person and they made 3 gens.
I just give them 1 min.
Because I dont want slug them.
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Run tombstone for increased results @Speshul_Kitten
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You think survivors care about points/pips? It's just boring for them, nothing more. You are wasting your time aswell. Don't think you win anything with that. Just keep playing, take the practice at least (I know it's easier to say than to do).
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Plauge really has to make use of the corrupt purge to not be gen rushed into the ground.
There's not much you can really do against gen rush in general but for plauge since there's no time spent healing that's more time for survivors to be on gens. If you don't make use of the corrupt purge your going to have a real hard time.
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8 minutes?! Jesus, I pray at night to have 8 mins games...
My games usually last about 3-4 mins...
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In the first 8 min all 4 survivors group.
And yes, thats a dumb idea vs Plague(Range Leatherface).
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It makes no sense, that survivors are immortel after 1 ability hit.
And yes, not use the fountains would be a great counterplay.
Everyone would be broken.
And thats rly powerful.