Thoughts on End Game Collapse? Good and bad

a megathread attempt btw


  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Its ok but will see alot of killers will camp the doors like trapper using the traps under the door to open or billy they must put the door on a long distance and not near them then the end game will be perfect

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited April 2019

    Finally that hatch is no longer survivor sided.

  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280

    How does endgame work if a survivor uses key on hatch with 2 gens left, leaves the other guy on the map and killer closes the hatch. The gens will be blocked and hatch is already closed so what happens?

  • Dwight_Main
    Dwight_Main Member Posts: 69

    not really a problem since deactivating the trap is just one click away. and we can also rotate unlocking both doors. but we'll see

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Hatch is finally balanced and Collapse stops games from being held hostage. What could possibly be bad about this? It's an amazing change.

  • Dwight_Main
    Dwight_Main Member Posts: 69

    if the hatch closes all the gens will be automatically repaired and both exit gates will be powered.

  • Dwight_Main
    Dwight_Main Member Posts: 69

    Exactly. as far as the video has shown its pretty good(job) so far but seeing the comment section on facebook hurts my eyes, almost 60% of the people there are complaining about something that the video already discussed. but theres too many of them so i didnt bother explaining,

    the only thing im concerned about this update is how will it affect my fps? im playing at 30-40fps but seeing as the screen shakes and the colorful colors on the floor, it got me "Worried" hopefully itll have no effect on performance.