MoM is so unfun to play against.
This perk is horrible, it's a DS 2.0. any killer that doesn't have a one shot (majority of the killers) will get screwed over by this perk. I've had it countless times where survivors escape/ loop me even longer until more gens get completed because they have not gone down when they should've.
This perks design is flawed - why do killers get punished for doing what they must to progress in hit survivors?
You may use the argument of noed is horrible etc etc. This perk is easy to counter. There is no counter to MoM unless you have a one shot killer. You all complain about legion, nurse, noed but don't think of the problems for the survivors like MoM. Look how long it took for DS to be changed. We now have another perk doing the exact same thing but easier to use.
Agreed. Even the poor piggy can't do anything against this perk to not work.
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Piggy ambush dash is not count for Mom. And end game collapse already buff piggy
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You clearly don't play this game. Pig ambush does count as the basic attack.
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It's not supposed to be.
Same as it's unfun to play against many many killer perks/addons.
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The perk is one of the worst perks they've ever created, I really hope they fix their mistake and nerf it because anyone with any idea of balance in this game will tell you It's horribly designed.
The only reason i can see for it being made go live the way it is was because it's sold with Ash and having a very OP perk would be a selling point for the DLC. I refuse to believe the Devs are that uninformed about their own game that they thought it was balanced.
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(Killers get like 30 buffs in the past year)
Killer mains: ........
(Survivor gets their first buff in like 6 months)
Killer mains: "RAAAAAGEEE"
Seriously. MoM is something that will realistically pop up once per match (more if multiple survivors run it). And I'll still argue that it's similar to the effect of Spirit Fury. You think you're about to get this stun and have time to run and the pallet breaks and you go down two or three seconds later. Inversely with MoM, you think the chase is about to end and it gets extended instead.
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Its massive bullshit that if it procs on a unhook, it does not interrupt the survivor like hitting them normally would.
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@RakimSockem name one buff that killers got equivalent to an extra hit the majority of the killer roster can't tech against.
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The problem is that survivors have too many clutch perks:
Adrenaline, DS (not as much anymore), Metal Of Man (as you said), Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, Deliverance and there's probably more I can't think of right now. It's like a free escape and the killer has no way to counter any of them except DS and Unbreakable. (Deliverance kind of but you'd have to camp to counter it, but then you don't know they have it sooo).
Yeah, Killers have NOED, but survivors have all of this. Like, they CANNOT complain about our NOED. At least they can prevent NOED, we can't prevent most of theirs.
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I already mentioned one that's been in the game for a while that is basically or ALMOST an equivalent. While MoM extends a chase, Spirit Fury basically ENDS it within 3-4 seconds, especially when combined with Enduring.
But on top of that, killers have been getting little buffs here and there for the past year basically. Those little buffs add up.
Mind you, I still think the survivor side is playable, but it's gotten to a point where the majority of matches end with a 3k or 4k for the killer which if the game was "balanced", it would be more like 2 dying and 2 surviving.
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Noed all tiers giving the one hit down.....ruin all tiers effecting everyone just to name 2
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Well no, for me it ends in 3-4 people surviving lmao. I wish I lived in whatever world you're playing in, on PS4 middle-ranks killers get gen rushed to death. 3 gens in the time to hook one person is fairly unbalanced lol.
And the game is designed for there to only be 1 survivor. That would be the perfect game because of statistics and what not.
Also, I don't think Spirit Fury ends chases that quickly. Maybe with Enduring they can get an extra hit but then survivors can just run to the next pallet. If you were a very good survivor, Spirit Fury would result in injured unless the killer has one-shot potential. Most of the time, survivors make it to the next vault/pallet anyway.
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Spirit Fury needs Enduring to do anything, can be countered by dropping the pallet early, and can even be predicted by noticing the Killer has Enduring. MoM can't be predicted or prevented by many killers.
Making perks playable for new players is the equivalent of getting another crutch perk? OMEGALUL
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Ruin destroyed in first minute of match, NOED never see air due to all totems destroyed. Name counterplay for MoM for M1 Killer?
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LOL. The fact that you're calling Unbreakable (just don't slug, 4Head), Deliverance (seriously???), and Borrowed Time (Necessary for anti-tunneling/camping) "crutch perks" makes me almost want to dismiss your whole comment.
If those are crutch perks, let's talk about Ruin, BBQ & Chili, Nurses Calling, NOED, Make Your Choice, Whispers, and Spirit Fury. (Yes, I threw in a couple of extra perks just to make a point). All of those aren't OP, but if you want to talk about crutches, both sides have them.
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The thing is, there's no counterplay for a LOT of things until you know it's there. What's the counterplay for a Plague running Corrupt Intervention to block the 3 furthest gens and just walking back and forth between the remaining gens and puking on them?
You can't counterplay against Spirit Fury until you get that stun and the pallet breaks in your face and you get wrecked.
You can't counterplay against Nurse's Calling (unless you constantly waste a perk slot running distortion), until a killer mysteriously finds you feeling in a place they should've had no idea where you were.
What's the counterplay for hearing a faint heartbeat and thinking you have time to hide, but then you see a Leatherface and he's running Monitor and Abuse and he's breathing down your neck.
My whole point is that in order for you to have a counterplay to something, you have to learn they have it first. And like I stated earlier, with MoM, by the time you figure out they have it, that person should be about to go down on their second hook and won't get it again for the rest of the match.
NOW, with all that said, I would support a nerf of the perk where they have to take 4 hits instead of 3. That way, they basically won't get the perk until they're on their death hook (assuming they never escaped a chase).
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bbq you can counter at least 2 ways hide behind gen enter in closet not clutch.Noed destroy all totems before game end ez.Nurse calling one time use next time you alredy know killer got nc and no one heal in killer terror radius.Make you choice is bad i can counter on obe hand fingers how many times this perk work for me as killer.Never find person who got myc.Whispers is not a sonar i know survs is near but i dont know in what direction but survs got premonition.Spirit fury not big deal i must break 2 palets before i can use this so no clutch.
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You clearly didn't read my whole comment but that's okay. I acknowledged that all of those things have counters and my point was that you CAN'T counter most of those things until AFTER you've figured out they have it.
MoM doesn't necessarily NEED a counter because it's likely you'll only get it once per match anyway. Maybe a nerf to 4 hits instead of 3, but that's all it needs.
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The only comparable killer perk is Rancor. It also punishes you for doing the objective but it has downsides all match in the aura. Plus you still have to catch that survivor.
MoM has no counter outside of using a small selection of killers and only attack a certain way. Plus Rancor only affects the Obsession... I’ve had killer matches where three survivor shows had MoM 😐
It all goes back to how unbalanced the chases are in the game. It’s too easy to run the non-meta killers for long periods of time, which is an issue because of how short the games can go.
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1) well wait 2 min if you are bad survivors.
2) This happen mid game. If you stun the killer you have one idea or you see how the other survivors run the killer at the time.
3) Or you don't heal yourself inside the terror radio.
4) Well you still have time to do things and besides why don't you just hide ?
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Seems that you dont play survivor im an ash main and it dosent stack stop lying
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Yup it really is, no idea why devs didn't bother to put it on PTB and ask if we were fine with it, LIKE DEVS SHOULD DO ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS THE USUAL PROCEDURE
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Because they knew it's a DS 2.0 and killers would reject it. Also, all the threads that were made explaining why It should be completely removed or at least reworked were completely ignored... Devs havebt said anything about the perk since It was teased, most likely they want everyone to forget about it so that it stays broken for the same time as DS did...
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The absolute radio silence on it from the Devs speaks volumes.
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I really do hate the lack of communication for things like this, they put things out on a PTB for us to test, we test it and give our feedback as to why it shouldn't be changed/ why it shouldn't happen , our comments get ignored and here we are. DS 2.0
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So umm how's BBQ &chilli a crutch for someone who plays wraith and leatherface please enlighten me
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Honestly if any perk was going to make me say "F it" and play Hillbilly, my most hated killer in the game, and the one killer I hate more than current Legion, it'd be MoM. Since Billy can prevent it from activating, there's no reason *not* to play him now.
It's a shame really, I really prefer other killers that are typically the M1 variety, but with MoM existing, well there's no real point to them until they change it.
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LOL First: I was listing all the top tier perks for killers since someone else listed all the top tier (and some mid to bottom tier survivor) perks as "clutch"
Second: BBQ & Chili on ANY perk tier list is either AT or NEAR the top, regardless of the killer. Yes, it is still a crutch.
- It tells you someone's exact location if they are far away.
- If you can't see them, you can more than likely decipher that they are close to you and use that info as well.
- It gives you hella bloodpoints.
So you're trying to say that it's NOT a crutch that I have a perk that can show me two people across the map, I know one is on hook, and I can probably find the last one close to me. But you're going to ignore the fact that someone (and I'm too lazy to see if it was you) called Unbreakable, Borrowed Time, and Deliverance "crutch perks"? LOL, ok sure.
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Literally this
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@RakimSockem Since those are meta perks you with the possible exception of NOED just assume they have it and do the counter in every game you play to the extent that you can without giving up too many advantages. So one at a time:
Ruin - You will find out if the Killer has this before it really matters too much. Just work on it like normal until you get a skill check
BBQ - If you are working on a generator then walk behind the generator. Otherwise hop in a locker for 4 seconds. Again always do this even if you know specifically know they have BBQ
Nurses Calling - Don't heal in the Killers terror radius. You probably shouldn't do that anyway.
Whispers - Not impactful enough to require a dedicated counter. Just avoid them like normal.
Spirit Furry - Try and stun the Killer early in your chase before SF would have been built up. If the Killer has enduring continue stunning them like normal. Otherwise drop your pallets early since even if he doesn't the stun isn't worth it.
Make your chose - You are told if the Killer has this in time. Go immersed when it procs.
M&A - Use your eyes. You can see them before you get in their terror radius when it is small enough.
NOED: Cleanse any totems you come across. If you identify 4 Killer perks that are not NOED then you can stop.
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lol okay so First: I was listing some top tier killer perks (which everyone will agree BBQ is) because someone else mentioned some high tier (and mid to low tier) perks.
Second: Are we really gonna sit here at pretend that there's an issue with calling BBQ a crutch perk when it:
- Gives you the exact location of someone far away.
- Lets you know that someone is LIKELY to be close if you DON'T see them and
- Is capable of doubling the bloodpoints you get at the end of a match
But you aren't going to address the comment above that I was addressing where someone called "Unbreakable, Deliverance, and Borrowed Time" crutch? Lok okay, sure.
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Naturally, that's how I tend to play. But then you could also make that same argument for playing against MoM. Assume that someone has it, and deal with it as it occurs. Certain killers get screwed, but Nurse isn't affected by it, there's two chainsaw killers who can avoid it, Myers has his tier 3 which means he'll hit people less than most killers would have to. I just don't think it's that big of a deal that people can't adapt to it.
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MoM is poorly designed, It hurts weak killers while strong killers are unaffected (except spirit). I have proposed it should counter 1 shots instead, ie upon getting hooked this perk becomes active and if you take damage that would put you in dying from healthy instead become injured, perk deactivates. When the exit gates become powered the perk becomes active again. This would give survs a counter to MYC, NOED, and billy without being too strong against normal killers
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MoM is another free second chance perk and once its bugs are fixed and it works in more situations it gets even worse!
They should just rework it to the suggestion in this post:
If they do that i will buy Ash eventhough i dont really play survivor to support them doing good changes for the game. If they dont balance MoM well no extra money from me...
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No better feeling than phase walking as Spirit, predicting the window vault, completely outplaying the survivor...and the survivor gets rewarded with a free hit. Super duper fun. What I really don't understand is that the stated logic for the DS rework was something along the lines of "punishes killers for completing their objective with little counterplay opportunity." So how in the world does MoM get approved by the same devs? That's insane to me.
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I disagree with OP.
First off I main Wraith (probably the most affected and not the strongest killer there is) MoM is very strong for survivors,yes, especially against tunneling killers, but it also comes at a high cost, and it doesn't immediately activate like DS.
I'm speaking from my own experience because I was worried how much it would affect someone like Wraith whose main ability is literally to be cloaked otherwise he's just an M1 killer. I haven't really seen anything that would make me think that perk is broken, if anything it only became useful when that person was caught as being the last survivor which is situational and doesn't happen all the time.
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at least all these perks have counterplay / counterperks.
MoM has literally no counters and can not be avoided, which makes it very unfun to play against. it really needs to be reworked. (huh... i feel like i wrote the exact same text about legion... funny...)
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I use this perk to my advantage, once activated I let the survivor escape.
And if they 99, I chase them again and force them to heal. Then, I leave them again. Now I can see their aura through out the whole game until I hook them again 😈
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I fully agree, why the hell do you nerf Dstrike only to bring in Dstrike 2.0? It makes absolutely no sense at all to do this, its like "Hey killers we're nerfing Dstrike, but the bad news is we're bringing in a far worse perk, enjoy!"
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Its cause they charge money for it. And most people already have D strike so they can earn a lot of new money with the Ash DLC.
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Broken pallets where you can hit the survivor through them
The DS nerf
The latest Endgame phase
The healing nerf
Various individual killer buffs
What the hell you on about pal
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That's not a problem with the perk, that's a problem with killers being unbalanced
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Sorry are you stupid? When have survivors been buffed, it's killer killer killer every time, and i play both roles so i think i have a pretty good view on the matter
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I actually like going against it so that I can better learn mind games.
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This perk is fine I haven't had any problems playing against it yet
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Mending against Legion would not count because the survivor need to fully heal. And mending isn’t consider healing for some reason. However, the plague will definitely force survivors to heal from fountains. Therefore you will get the aura reading.
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The Endgame Collapse heavily favors Survivors.
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This. Its literally that simple. I don't know why there isnt more outrage about them putting in p2w #########. God I miss the old DS. At least that perk could be countered by more than 2 killers (one killer when they make it so nurse's blink hit counts as a MoM stack). These devs are greedy.