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Hex perks

KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
everyone come up with the funniest hex perks possible I’ll start 

Hex 2.0.0: drawing on its power to take really long if you are playing as Freddy dream transition is increased 9999 secs The pigs stealth ambush now lasts 9999 secs and the cloak or uncloak of the wraith takes 9999 secs now


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Hex : Friendly Gift
    Make the hex perks to spawn at a 15 meters range (maximum) of all survivors.

    Owait, it's already the case

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Hex: You're Going Nowhere - Calls for the entity to trap a survivor in a locker once they remain inside it for 5 seconds. Lasts until the final generator is complete or until 2 survivors are simultaneously hooked. Killer has no visual notification as to the location of survivor. Crows ignore closed locker.
    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex I think we’ve a good job here 2:

    drawn once again on its power of really ######### bugs when a survivor gets in a locker they are automatically teleported to the locker nearest to you and you will receive a notification 
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    The hex totem is disguised as a dull totem but cannot be deactivated once activated
    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex swf: drawing on its power of lobby dodging this perk activates after a killer dodges a swf lobby they will get nothing but swf groups for the next 48 days
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    Hex: Shades

    For as long as the hex is active, the killer wheres sunglasses. Grants immunity to blindness.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Hex:More Than Wounds
    Healing actions not allowed, apart from snap out of it. Moderately increases blood stains.
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Hex: Ma Balls
    Gives killer the ability to stun male survivors by launching a kick at them. Stun lasts 3/4/5 seconds and provides +10%haste bonus for 30 seconds.
    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex Everyone escapes death: drawing on its power of escape once all generators have been repaired and a exit gate has been opened all survivors are automatically teleported to the exit gate that was opened and they automatically escape gaining a bonus 100k bp 
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Hex: Homerun
    When you hit the obsession for the first time, they ragdoll and fly up into the air and across the map. If the survivor is hit outside of the map the kill is registered.
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Hex: You'll See
    Whenever survivors make eye contact with the killer for 3 consecutive seconds, the survivors head pops and a random survivors aura is revealed for 30 seconds
    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex I think we’ve did a good job here 3:
    drawing on its power of really ######### bugs again this hex activates at the end of the match if you manage to kill a survivor all other remaining survivors automatically die
    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex: I think we’ve did a good job here

    drawing on its power of really ######### bugs whenever a gen is repaired it is not repaired and instead a extra gen is added to gens that need to be repaired and the person who repaired the first gen loses 100k bp: This is the first one in the series I made
  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Hex: The Third Seal

    A Hex that hinders one's Aura reading ability. Hitting a Survivor while the Hex Totem is active reduces the effectiveness of their Aura reading ability by 100 %. This effect applies to the last 2/3/4 Survivors hit.
    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex I think we’ve did a good job here 4:
    drawing on the power of ultra ######### bugs all survivors spawn in the trial outside the exit gates before they are open to escape and gain 500k bp 
  • BlackHack
    BlackHack Member Posts: 71

    Hex, change of heart , once this perk is active all the survivor will begin slap each other this will notfiy the killer about the slapping postion so he can make Intervenes and end there misery

    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Amanda55 said:

    Hex: T-bagged- once a survivor teabaggs for any reason they break their legs and can only crawl for rest of the match.

    Perfect hex
  • DrKnockers05
    DrKnockers05 Member Posts: 137
    Hex: Whacky Races - Whenever you get into a chase with a survivor, the Benny Hill chase music plays. If you hit the survivor, a random funny noise plays instead of the usual hit noise, and you receive a token when you down them that increases movement speed by 1/2/3% up to a max of 4 tokens. Losing the chase results in a token being removed, and a 'Waa waa waaaaaaaaaa' sound effect to play...
    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex: Whacky Races - Whenever you get into a chase with a survivor, the Benny Hill chase music plays. If you hit the survivor, a random funny noise plays instead of the usual hit noise, and you receive a token when you down them that increases movement speed by 1/2/3% up to a max of 4 tokens. Losing the chase results in a token being removed, and a 'Waa waa waaaaaaaaaa' sound effect to play...
    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex The darkest map: drawing on its power of light this perk will make the map so dark it’s almost unplayable 
  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    Hex: The nightmare - The nightmares power is now tied to a hex totem, this totem takes 7 seconds to destroy and once destroyed removes the nightmares ability to pull survivors into the dream world.

  • JP_Cloud
    JP_Cloud Member Posts: 173
    edited July 2018
    KING_DEDE said:
    everyone come up with the funniest hex perks possible I’ll start 

    Hex 2.0.0: drawing on its power to take really long if you are playing as Freddy dream transition is increased 9999 secs The pigs stealth ambush now lasts 9999 secs and the cloak or uncloak of the wraith takes 9999 secs now
    🤣 damnnn. Poor Fredster! He will just be flicking his finger knives all match (no change really) 

    HEX: FECKIN DIZZY - If you run around the pallet too long, it gets peed off and falls and hits the survivor in the head causing the dying state! 
  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    Hex PS4 - So long as this hex remains active, your DLC and updates take a 4 week speed penalty.

    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Hex Communication: drawing on its power of bad communication as long as this hex is active Bvhr will have bad communication with everyone 
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hex: Let's have some fun - Once a survivor has been hit once they can't be healed the entire match past injured state. Their repair, cleansing and searching speed decreased by 50%. Hex remains as long as totem stays together.

    Hex: Enjoy the view: once a survivor is hooked when they are getting took down the rescuer has skill checks.
  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    Hex: high five the face - while the totem is active everyone get high five in the face with a pallet out of nowhere

  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316
    Hex: Touch my hex now - No other hex totem can be destroyed until this hex is destroyed. If other hexes are getting destroyed survivor gets put in injured or dying state. 50/50 chance of either.
  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Hex: Brutal Metal - When a Survivor is hooked for the first time, Iron Man is played for 7/10/15 seconds. When a Survivor is hooked for the second time, The Number of the Beast is played for 7/10/15 seconds. When a Survivor is hooked for the third, and final, time Ronny James Dio screams and Holy Diver plays until the Survivor disappears into the Entity's grasp. This does not work when progressing hook stages. They must be fresh hooks each time. Music is heard mapwide.

    This should work to alleviate some Camping since Killers will want to hear all the lovely music.

    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402
    Mringasa said:

    Hex: Brutal Metal - When a Survivor is hooked for the first time, Iron Man is played for 7/10/15 seconds. When a Survivor is hooked for the second time, The Number of the Beast is played for 7/10/15 seconds. When a Survivor is hooked for the third, and final, time Ronny James Dio screams and Holy Diver plays until the Survivor disappears into the Entity's grasp. This does not work when progressing hook stages. They must be fresh hooks each time. Music is heard mapwide.

    This should work to alleviate some Camping since Killers will want to hear all the lovely music.

    Lol this seems more like a survivor hex perk