Hag or Spirit?

Which is easier to play? I P3'd Spirit because I really like her design but I realize I wasn't really good as her especially with the mind game aspect.
I really like the anti-loop potential of the hag though.
Do you have PB? If so Spirit. It depends on how you play honestly but I’m not that good with either of them so I can’t tell you.
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I'd say hag is easier, but requires more practice to be really good with.
WIth spirit, until you get how to chase with her power, it can be a pretty defeating experience. If you do understand how, you're all set. There's more nuance of course.
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Hag has far more strengths than Spirit and is pretty much a Nurse when mastered but she has one gigantic weakness, and that's SWF, you can overcome SWF as Hag but it takes a lot of skill. I can beat a SWF with Hag but it's so difficult.
Spirit is much more fun though.
But Hag is way stronger.
But I place Spirit above Hag because Hag is weak to SWF. So if you face a lot of SWF, then Spirit unless you're ready to take a beating, and improve a LOT with Hag.
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Spirit's more fun for me but she does take a lot to master like Nurse to get to know when to mind game and when not to and when to phase during a chase.
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With Hag you’re gonna have to chase on foot unless you are good at pushing survivors into your traps. You also have to know where survivors like to loop and trap those areas. It’s basically cutting off loops and pushing survivors into your traps. Hag is DEADLY with the Mint Rag/Rusty Shackles/Make Your Choice trio.
Spirit takes much more skill to use her ability. You have to follow scratch marks and sounds (footsteps, injured moans, grass and corn moving) very well. Iron Will can be a pain. Spirit however is MUCH better at dealing with SWF groups and is much better at ending chases quickly. Prayer Beads or any double purple add-on is better than Hag’s best combo.
Both easily cut off loops if you know what you’re doing.
Spirit is the second best killer in the game but takes much more to learn than Hag. Both are great killers but if you have trouble with Spirit than Hag is another top tier killer to try.
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Neither. Just go Billy/Nurse.
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For me Hag is easier to play because I enjoy her power. Her traps can apply such good map pressure and disable loops much more. Spirits can be good if they mindgame the survivors really well though, but it's hard to become very good with Spirit I feel.
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I don't have hag yet. But if I would pick one I would have to go with spirit but she hard to master but is worth the risk cause you can sneak up on survivors and get an esay grab:) but she takes skill to learn from her.
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Or you can pick hag and place traps every were:D
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Spirit is higher tier than hag, but somewhat addon reliant.
Hag is lower tier but still very strong, she has much less of a need for addons than Spirit but is also much more map dependent and gets shrekt by survive with friends.
I hear that on consoles hag teleports kill her framerate making it hard to get phantasm attacks, so if thats true i'd stick with spirit.
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From experience, Hag is easier to pick up but Spirit is more rewarding.
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Nurse > Spirit > Billy > Hag
Spirit is better than Billy. A good Billy can be looped easily. A good Spirit cannot. A Spirit that can follow scratch marks and sounds is better than a Billy
Spirit at her strongest > Billy at his strongest
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I am a Spirit main myself but I would rank her first. The reason why Billy is so good is that he can quickly get across the map using his chainsaw. This is faster than Spirit because Phase Walking has a cooldown, while the chainsaw does not. But, I can't play Billy so I still prefer Spirit lol.
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Spirit is much more difficult to play but has the higher ceiling in my opinion. Spirit is capable of 4k 5 gen games every now and then if that tells you anything. Spirit's map pressure and anti-looping isn't dependent on survivors stepping in traps, but it's not instantaneous like Hag.
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Hag if you want to play tactically and strategically.
Spirit if you want to play mindgamey and aggressively.
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Billy certainly has better map pressure AND has an instadown but if you get Lery’s or a map with tons of line of sight breakers then Billy is gonna turn into an M1 killer. He is just as loopable as any other killer.
Spirit on the other hand does not have to loop with a survivor when she can fake it out with her power and make survivors leave loops. If you have good headphones then you won’t lose a survivor. She still has good map pressure.
I’m not very great with Billy either but I do know that he is not as great as Spirit.
Not to mention that Spirit has much better add-ons which turn her into an even more deadly killer. Using double purple add-ons will easily get you a 4K.
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@MegMain98 I strongly disagree with Hag being below Billy because Hag can spread pain when the survivors are across the map quicker than any other killer in the game, not even Nurse can. She is way better than Billy in chase. She can dominate with Thanatophobia, she can control 1/2 of the map without addons 3/4 with her green range addon alone. She is ridiculously mobile with her traps, joint with Billy. Her map pressure is off the chart and she's everywhere. With STBFL, she's unstoppable. She can control 5 gens at once. That's massive considering Doctor is limited to 3 or maybe 4. She's unpredictable. If you're good enough with Hag, you can even take on SWF, as I do, and still win (Yes I'm that good with her). She's unloopable and amazing at mindgames. She can snowball WAYYY better than any other killer, even better than Billy. I don't need to expand on that, it's common knowledge how good she is at snowballing. She can injure 3 survivors and down 1 in the space of 20 seconds, and with STBFL, maybe even 14 seconds. She can pressure survivors into healing and gets a major advantage if they do. She can sometimes bring the game to a crawl, if they are pressured into healing.
Yeah Billy can't even begin to compare to that. Neither can Spirit. But I consider Spirit stronger because of her insane chasing.
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The Spirit is a trash tier scrubstomper. Period. Assuming you're not playing against potatoes, she has both horrible map pressure and non existent chase utility. The first because of the stupid timer the devs slapped on her power for whatever reason, the latter because she can't see survivors and she cannot even hear them properly because of the hairdryer-like sound she emits, while survivors can know exactly where she is at any given time by simply listening to her footsteps. She is a horrible killer. If you 4K with her, the survivors you were facing would have been 4Ked even by a perkless speed limiter Leatherkek. She is nothing near the Hillbilly. She does not compare in the slightest.
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^ Which Spirit hurt you? Also I refuse to play Billy. Most uninteresting killer in the roster in my honest opinion (next to Legion).
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Agreed and if he thinks she's such trash he should go watch Marth curbstomp with her in less than 4 minutes. If you actually know how to play her she's a beast but if you're TRASH she sucks like some claim.
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On any tier list, you’ll see Spirit at the top. She’s nowhere near the bottom. Can you imagine if Spirit COULD see survivors while phasing? It would be way too easy. Sure Nurse can see survivors while blinking but you actually have to be good and know how to blink. You don’t always connect and you have a fatigue afterward.
I don’t know what Spirit hurt you or if you just don’t know how to play her but Spirit at her best is miles ahead of Billy in ever aspect besides map mobility.
Damn I guess 90% of the players I’ve gone against as Spirit are just awful potatoes, even at Rank 1.
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Lol, keep dreaming.
PS: I have yet to be even downed by a Spirit.
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When you actually face a decent Spirit then you can brag about it, in fact go ask @marth88gaming to do a kyf so you can face an actual skilled one.
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Brag about it when you face one that knows what they’re doing.
I’ve been killed by very few Nurses compared to other players because I play on PS4...but you don’t see me bragging about that do you?
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This has to be bait, or you're playing against rank 15 killers that just picked up Spirit. No map pressure? On what planet? She can cross 3/4 of the map in one phase with a Mother Daughter ring. I don't even break pallets with her, even shack pallet because her anti-looping is that good. Non-existent chase? With 8 Save The Best For Last stacks, if a good Spirit touches you once, you won't even make it to a loop before she phases and hits you again.
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Personally, I'd say Spirit would be more worth it to take the time and learn. Watch videos of others playing her and learn how to use her power effectively
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Sometimes the bragging goes too far lol, I wouldn’t venture to guess that even the best players have been downed and even killed by every killer.
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This 100% tells me you played her for awhile, really couldn't get her power down and now you think this. Why does this tell me that? I was absolutely the same way with her for a long time. Now, I main her due to how fun she is and the potential she holds.
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I love both. They're the most strategically satisfying killers in the game imo.
With Hag, you only need to learn how to set up a healthy web of traps and completely control one side of the map. If you don't mind conceding the early game a bit, she is the mid game queen imo. When there are like 3 gens left to repair, if you did your job right, your chases should be ending very quickly, and in my opinion she is one of the best killers at snowballing after you get momentum.
Spirit, on the other hand, is strong for the entire duration of the game. I don't think she spikes or falls off particularly at any time in the match. And she's 100% about chase mindgames. The mindgames are generally stacked in her favor though, if you use sounds and collision for your advantage. And she has tons and tons of fun addons, I don't think any of her addons are bad or useless, pretty much all of them can be viable. She is a bit more addon dependant than Hag though.
Just play both. They're the most strategic-heavy killers in very different ways, probably my favorite killers along with Huntress. And they're both high tier (I place Spirit at top 3 and Hag at somewhere between 4 and 6, they're both at least viable at all ranks).
EDIT: and bodyblock Hag is the best troll build in the game, change my mind. SO satisfying when it works.
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Spirit is fun and absolutely strong, but you have to know maps, survivor PoV, and mindgames so you can predict pathing/know where to go.
I've been wanting to play Spirit but I am holding off as I have under 100 hours in this game. Hagging it up for now.
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Would you say that MYC is mandatory for the hag?
I’ve singled out the perks I want on her to MYC, BBQ, M&A, Nurse’s, and Ruin. Not sure which one I should leave out. Maybe Ruin?
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It’s not a necessity but it fits very well with her build especially if you have Mint Rag and Rusty Shackles.
It’s great on Spirit as well
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I appreciate everyone’s input so far.
Is it better to keep MYC at rank 1 for the lower cooldown on the hag since she can instantly teleport to the unhooker?
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I'd normally say Spirit. But with the recent sound bugs she has when phasing it takes out the mindgame potential. Also, chase music is ######### right now and footsteps are too quiet again.
Hag is way more tactical and is my 2nd Killer in fun potential.
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Gonna keep an eye out on this thread. I got some shards to spend and I wanna get the Hag or the Spirit. Can't decide which one. (I don't need them for the perks they offer as I already got the good ones)
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They both require a lot of practice but are also both high tier killers. I prefer Hag because once you have traps spread out on the map you’re able to down multiple survivors much auicker than most killers.
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Imo, the Hag is the stronger killer, but they're both pretty fun to play.
You can get hilarious mind games out of both, such as Spirit just standing at a pallet, and sometimes survivors panicking and jumping back over to you because you can't tell the phase at point blank.
Hag can also do basically the same thing with traps near pallets. But she's more reliably powerful, especially if you choose to control a quadrant of the map with traps, and then hunt in another (my preferred strategy).
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With Hag you have to learn how to set up your traps. Not placing them in obvious spots or on pallets, rather on choke points (spots where a lot of people run trough, or paths which go to a pallet. It's about practice, she is very hard. Most people chase with her normally and you can't do that with Hag, what you normally do when hitting someone: Leaving them, setting up more traps and let them run into your traps.
Spirit is very good but not that good since the sound issues. You can't see as her and you can barely hear sometimes. You can just hope that the chase music disappears after you phasewalk chase someone. I personally have more fun as Hag but both are pretty close. Spirit can definitely be stronger when sounds are fixed because she has mobility. Hag is mobile but she relies on Survivors running into her traps