Craziest survivor DC

The example I'm going to give wasn't a DC but they did kill themselves on the hook so it's basically the same.
I played a game as Doctor, on Thompson House, with Ruin in the corn and they had Mettle Of Man. Killer is op definitely lol
Oh yea I brought BPS as well.
So what is the craziest DC/Kill themselves moment everyone has had?
I played Doctor and Got a 4-Man DC for shock-spamming
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i literally chased after a Jake as the Hag, we had a good run....i hit him once! just once and he DC'd....i got a message calling me a c**t lol!
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literally for seeing me with P3 Myers. I'm not even that good of a killer anymore.
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I hit an Ace that had been hooked and I had a mori but then I cut chase ‘cause I saw people on a gen but he dced. Wasn’t even still chasing him. XD
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I had a similar scenario where I loaded into a game with unlimited tier 3 and tombstone and a build to slow down gens. Went straight to shack saw two people at a chest and one DC.
I dont think he saw me but he was my obsession which screwed their team with dying light lol
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People really do DC over anything. I'm not shocked by this. People really hate getting out played.
But when people are running really strong perks, against a weak killer on an amazing map then your baffled.
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Wow lol
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As Hag, I crushed a sweaty SWF (I'm one of the few Hags who can) and they insta DC'd 🤣😂🤣
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I've had that as well. Would love to know their rank and map.
I've played clown on Fractured Cowshed against a swf and they didn't even get a gen half way done. 2 DC before I could hook them for the 3rd time.
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Yeh but once you're caught by hag, you're as good as dead lets be honest
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Someone DCed vs me (i was playing nurse) because I was 'always blinking'
Hahahahahaha #########
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Maybe they were afraid of a 5 blink nurse lol
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The craziest DC situation I've been in so far was when Legion just came out, and three people disconnected after one of the people got hit with Frenzy mode. Turned out they were 3 friends playing SWF. Too bad the killer had no mercy for me :P
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That's weird because when legion came out I loved playing survivor. For the first 2 days he only got 1 kill max any game
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I literally entered a chase as legion, hit them once (beginning) and 3 dc'd
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I always have these wannabes-toxic people that try to bother/distract me for the rest of the game only to literally DC as soon as I down them regardless of what killer I play.
People have DCed against me while I was playing Trapper too and it’s just? Why?
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Lol yeah potentially
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i know! just for a one
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well not really, what did he wish me to do, chase and not hit him? o.O i don't tunnel or camp etc...but calling me that, he very much was feeling the butt hurt
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Not DC, but killing on first Hook:
Playing Myers, stalking one guy on a Gen (2 guys in total on it, one on the other side, so I cannot see him). He did not move at all, so I got as much stalk as possible from him AND was able to grab him.
Killed himself immediatly on Hook. Yeah, you were a big help to your team.
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This has to be a low rank lol I can't remember the last time I've ever got full stalk off someone on a gen. That doesn't even include the grab after.
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Hit someone with Feral Frenzy, three people DC. No add-ons, no offerings, and low-tier perks.
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H9w about knocking 2 people down outside the basement both dc or another guy dc because he coualdant loop me as huntress 2 times I downed him with a hatchet while he pallet dropped me then he tried to have my psn banned turned it around and he got a warning
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My favorite dcs is when some guy teabagged me if front of the god pallet, and I was playing myers with tombstone piece, and myers memorial, and I hit teir 3, and faked going around and I grabbed him. He proceeds to dc mid animation, and then another two survivors dced. I was lmao and disappointed. Me and the last survivor just farmed all the rest of the game.
I love the amount of dcs when I use tombstone and myers memorial.
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People really don't like getting outplayed, especially early game.
You'd think they all have YouTube channels and they need to get "good" content. If they play bad then they must leave because they look bad lol
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I tried having fun the other day by running dark devotion on Myers with tombstone. I also made sure I brought us to Lerys everygame.
The idea was to down the obsession while in tier 3, and get a jump scare mori on another survivor. Unfortunately my obsession in one of the games dc the second I downed them so the build was ruined.
The moral of this thread is people really hate getting out played lol
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Clickbait title. I want my money back
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I'll pay you in screenshots. You want ######### hitboxes or survivors that DC?
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Wow. why are ppl even surpsrised that ppl dc when they face legion. thats the reason why you even play him, because you know how much hes hated *shrug* dont get me wrong that i would dc. but if you know that fact and you are still playing him, you kinda force it even more and i mean survs dc atm for everything. getting downed first, getting camped, getting tunneled, or killers dc just because they couldnt get one and 2 gens are done, etc etc etc. As long as DC's wont get punished, it will get worse
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It's hard to tell. When this happened Legion got just introduced to the game and people disconnected more than ever :')
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Yea a few people said that. I'm shocked because the first few days he was out I was loving it as survivor.
He couldn't kill no one and it was 20,000 BP games everygame lol
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I leave if I see someone go down in 10-20 seconds of the match starting due to Hillbilly just sawing across the map at lightspeed.
I can get a new match faster than him, so it's no points loss.
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I’ve only DCd once as a survivor. It was in protest to the pig camping the basement. No use in sticking around.
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So you leave your team in a 3v1 against a top tier killer when one is already down.
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Also the last few comments haven't been your funniest DC moments. Try and keep it to the title please :)
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As Freddy after hooking a noobish Billy, first down of the game, I got a 4 man SWF DC.
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I think I'm missing something here lol please tell me how to hook Billy because I'd love to do this
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Grabbed someone off a gen and we both got stuck, then they dc'd and I was still stuck in the same place. Love this game :)
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This has been in the game for a long time. Basically they dc while on the gen and you grabbed them. Even though they had dc the game still let's them continue to work on the gen for a short time before their in game character leaves.
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Im realy going to miss the 4 DC I get sometimes playing as Legion. They don't even give me the chance to use any of those tactics survivors hate so much :-)
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someone DC'ed because they got downed
jump to 0:50 --- party at the Killer Shack
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If it counts, I had a survivor DC in the loading screen. Someone (not me) had used a Jigsaw Piece, so I figured that must've been the reason. Once the trial was over, I realized that the person who used the Jigsaw Piece was the same one who DC'd.
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I had a Nea DC when I found her first and started stalking her. Walked over to the nearest generator where a Jake was and he did the same thing. Weirdest thing ever. I didn't even have to down them to make them DC lol
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I have two. First I still cannot understand. I had problem the worse I game I ran as a killer ever. I was running the Clown. Got one hook, maybe a total of 5 hits. 3 of the 4 survivors already out the gate. Last survivor sitting at the game t-bagging me, then suddenly he DCs. Player never responded why he DCed.
The second I had was playing jump scare Michael. Pulled first survivor right off the gen. Suddenly 3 survivors DC. Jump scare Michael was too intense for them so they refused to continue I was informed. So I let the last survivor get all 5 gens, both exit gates.
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Remember hitting obssesion with Make your choice. Even when he had old DS he just dc'd and then wrote on my profile something like "consider hanging yourself ######### as kid". And then i realized how braindead survivors can be
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Yesterday I was playing killer and got Grim Pantry. I'm not really in the mood to get looped by survivors so I just sort of let them do what they want. They do 4 gens by the I get one kill. Person dcs because their friend is dead leaving 2 guys. They've 3 gen'd themselves perfectly near the killer shack. They can't do the gens because I've gone into constant patrol. One wants me to chase them to a loop I know sucks for the Plague so I don't do it. He keeps trying to bait me and I don't go for it. His friend can't do a gen because every time he touches one I'm on him. After a while one of them dcs and the other insta hatches out of the game.
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I get a lot of Survivors who'll DC due to a loss in chase, especially a Pig or Michael, but I've had people who'd DC so I wouldn't get Barbecue and Chili stacks, jokes on them, they got no BP and lost their items and add ons, offering as well.
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Must have froze or something. Annoying when that happens after using an offering.