Collapse needs fixing

Crythor Member Posts: 296

First let me start with the good things about Endgame collapse: The kill animation and world changes look awesome and it reduces the time your game can be held hostage. That’s it now to the bad things:

1: The hatch now spawns whenever there is only 1 survivor remaining no matter how many gens have been done

This is dumb because it rewards players for doing absolutely NOTHING. Even if the survivors fail to do any gens, the last one still has a chance of getting the hatch. It gets even worse. Not only does it give you an undeserved chance to escape but even if the killer finds the hatch before you and closes it (the survivor’s second failure) you don’t get killed. Instead, the survivor gets a third chance since he can now open the exit gates.

It is ridiculous that the survivors could utterly fail at doing generators, then fail at finding the hatch, and yet still have a chance to escape. 

How to fix this?

Simple, don’t let the Hatch spawn on the last survivor. Keep it how it is so that it doesn’t spawn unless 2 gens have been done.

Further change it so that killers can open the gates at any time to start the endgame collapse. This prevents the game from being taken hostage.

These proposals not only prevents rewarding total failure, but also removes situations where the game could still otherwise be taken hostage (for example killing 2 survivors and the other 2 just hiding indefinitely). If killers can open the gates at any time then these problems could never occur.

2: Timer

The current timer is 3 min after the gates get opened or the hatch gets closed. This is way too long. In addition, if someone is downed or hooked then the timer slows down even further.

There are 2 ways of fixing the endgame collapse. The first addresses the issue whilst the other makes the endgame more intense.

a). Make the Endgame collapse timer start once all gens are done/hatch is closed/gates powered (if you implement my earlier suggestion). If this is done then the 3 minute timer and slowing effects may be kept (though i think you could also remove the slowing effect).

b). Keep the start at opening the gates/closing the hatch and reduce the timer to 2 min. Moreover, remove the slowing effects completely (but I could also live with just a reduction to 2 min).

3: Exit gates getting opened faster and remember me nerf

This was not needed! The gates already open fast and the timer doesn’t even start before the gates are opened unless you close the hatch (see issues above). There is absolutely no reason for this change.

Same goes for remember me. Why nerf this perk? It was only an ok perk before. Now its so weak that no one will ever take it. A maximum of 16 seconds is terrible; it is only 11 sec longer than the base opening time.

Just revert these changes.

4: Endgame Collapse effects and blood/scratch marks

The red lava/fire effects on the ground (especially during the later phases) make it very hard to see blood and scratch marks. 

To fix this, make scratch marks/blood glow or be more visible during the endgame or remove the animation for killers only.

5: Pig

I won’t go into details here since a lot of people will do that for me. Instead, I ask why an already weak killer (which could use a buff) should be nerfed further.

6: MoM

Instead of fixing it you should rework it. Also it doesn’t work vs normal m1 hits as soon as you have deep wound so good job.

Sry had to put this in eventhough it dosent really belong here xD

Rework it like this and we are good again BHVR:


  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    1.- youre idea of fixing the hatch its bad it give more benefit for killers and some survivor suicide on hooks so no

    2.- b) fine by me could work

    3.-remember me should stay the same or even gets a buff

    4. - nah

    5.-reason its that she can be a overkill killer in the endgame with the trap thats why

    6.-really.... I can smell a baby killer main

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    Its not even here yet.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    I completely agree with all of these statements. I personally have stopped playing Killer. I did ONE killer game on the PTB to test the Legion nerf. I will do killer dailies in the regular game but then just stop trying after the daily is done, or focus on only getting the daily. Besides that, I've not played a killer game since Ash released. Killers are in a really bad place right now, and the devs just seem intent on making it worse.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Tru3Lemon MoM is a better D-Strike, it replaces the old D-Strike and everyone knows it.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019

    So... It has alot of counter and i dont even use it for me its useless since im playing against billy and nurse every match

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I feel we could do without the time slow effect since escape is already possible. Even if killer starts it by closing the hatch they will probably arrive to an open gate unless it spawns in sight.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    What exactly IS the counter to MoM then? @Tru3Lemon

    Since it has 'alot of counter' you should be able to at least provide one valid counter. How can I, as a Spirit main, counter this perk?

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358
    edited April 2019

    You have noed devour hope hunted ground rancor camping until struggle mori insta down addons hatchets billy chainsaw piggy ambush attack plague using vomit until broken status or her other power(cant remember) and as a spirit main its ez make struggle the guy or have perks insta downs rancor its good

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612
    edited April 2019

    You're right. I'll use Pig's Ambush attack on my spirit. Billy's Chainsaw sounds fun on Spirit actually. Why not? And my Spirit puking on people? Why not? GREAT ideas. Those will definitely work for spirit.

    As for your perk suggestions : three hex perks that are almost useless. Rancor which I actually already like as a perk. Rancor is sort of a counter, if you make it all the way to the end game. I guess?

    Camping : Because every survivor loves camping, you're right, i'll start doing that.

    Moris : because what survivor doesnt love moris? I'll use those too, so i won't have to camp the first hook.

    10/10 suggestions my friend. The only one which actually even comes CLOSE to being a valid counter to the perk, is Rancor, and that's ONLY a counter if there's only ONE person running MoM.

    What if all four people are running MoM? Do you even realize how stupid you sound suggesting CAMPING as a counter? My God.

    Edit : Forgot to point out that one hit downs don't even work against MoM if you're injured. You can tank a chainsaw hit with MoM as long as you're injured.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    NOED: requires waiting til endgame, only works on healthy survivors

    Haunted Ground: brief window, requires a survivor to break it, usually doesn't snowball too much

    Devour Hope: already hard enough to get the 3 hooks for this without it breaking

    Rancor: see NOED, only works on one

    Camping: obvious bad strategy already, worse than letting the perk proc

    Mori: inconsistent, not something you'll usually have

    Instadown add-ons: killer dependant

    Billy: killer dependant

    Pig ambush: killer dependant

    Plague: killer dependant

    There's no solid counter, only situational ones that a majority of players can't consistently use.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    Thank you @ClogWench This is much more detailed than i was going to bother going for someone who seems to be too ignorant to understand that the perk actually has no valid counter.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    The 3 minute timer should start right at the beginning of the match. If the survivors can't gen rush and escspe in 3 minutes, killers deserve the 4k.

    Finally 4k under 3 minute can be the balance standard

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    That scenario is not an issue. The Collapse is meant to keep the game from lingering when one or both sides want it to be over to move onto the next match. The last guy isn't always a potato who doesn't deserve an escape. In that situation alone, you're suggesting 3 other survivors have been sacrificed. Why would anyone be mad the last guy might escape? It's thrilling from a gameplay point of view where everyone else is dead, and it's just you and the unstoppable killer, and just maybe you'll squeeze out and live. It still isn't a win, it's a neutral failure that gave you a few more points than usual.

    I die occasionally as the 4th (just today, in fact) when it was my first hook. I'm the only one completing gens through Ruin and making a few saves as well. I'm terrible at chases, which is why I have to slip away from the heartbeat, but other than that I'm working hard to make sure everyone else leaves and I don't even take exhaustion perks. Sometimes, a little bonus in a game you might or might not have earned is a neat little gift and you'll take them where you can get them.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    The change to gate times has the collapse starting before the killer can walk to them. I feel like after gen 5 I'm practically strolling to a guaranteed exit. Killer can't even interrupt gate interactions now because patrol from one to the other is all the time it takes to open. Egc has effectively removed the endgame tension of can we make it.

  • Crythor
    Crythor Member Posts: 296

    The gate opening time with 20 sec. was allright if anything they should have increased it for non mobility killers but instead they nerved it for everyone now even Billy and Nurse can struggel with it not to speak of the slower killers...