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A question to our survivor mains

Zefier Member Posts: 23

So, I just got done a match. Only two of the four survivors loaded in, and one guy D/C'd the moment later. I found the last survivor and, well, we just chilled. I let him do gens, we farmed pallets, let him nuke my totems, complete all the gens, etc. etc. He eventually let me hook him too. And he broke off to set off my Hag traps to give me even more BP. Was really kind of him, cool fellow.

So it was a nice meeting of understanding. After chat we chatted some, and he told me he was relieved I was a friendly killer, because he hates playing against Hag.

That got me thinking, I stopped playing Legion until their nerf goes live because... Well... We all know Legions rep.

I hear a lot of crap about Nurse and Billy, so I kinda want to ask.

What killer do you *enjoy* playing against most? I don't mean "Oh man this guys going to be ez to farm", but, what killer do you find enjoyable to play against? And why? Not being cynical here, I'm honestly curious.

Is it, say, Piggy because of hide and go seek?

Or perhaps Clown?

Huntress for axe-throwing mind games?

Who do you honestly enjoy being in a chase with / playing against?


  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    I loveee playing against a Michael

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    I like them all. But I can't do Michael >_<

    I have growing up PTSD as a child of the 80s

  • NoodleLegs
    NoodleLegs Member Posts: 317

    I love Michael, Legion, Huntress, and Spirit.

  • Jaarthan
    Jaarthan Member Posts: 47

    I love playing Michael because it brings that creepy horror/suspense to this game that is supposed to be a horror game. Now I don't enjoy everything about Michael(Tombstone is ######### stupid), but probably one of the most iconic killers in the genre, and I don't feel he disappoints in the game.

    Also my gratitude for not going 100% on one single survivor left to fend for himself. BP for everyone is a great time when the game fails to deliver quality.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,137
    edited April 2019

    Definitely Michael Myers. Always a fun match with the bogeyman. He brings the horror to the game. I am constantly looking over my shoulder when I'm facing Michael. Never know where he might pop out or be stalking you from afar.

    He's also my favorite killer to play as.

    Also give a shout out to Clown and Huntress. Both very enjoyable to face against. I wish we saw more of Clown.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Hahaha I play Mikey and he's not actually my favourite to face, EW3 spammers are a little overrated plus most of the ones I face are mori addicts and the chase is lacking, I think I actually really like billies (or some LF players when they don't camp and play like gods), they're very intense and fun to play against for me.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    Huntress. The mind games with the hatchets, the constant threat of hatchets and having to be on alert when running, the long range artillery hatchets etc. They make the match interesting.

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    Myers and Pig. Most killers in the game seemed designed to be annoying. These 2 feel like they were legit made to be fun from both perspectives

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I actually really like facing pig, I just like her playstyle most of the time. I also like facing Plague and surprisingly Legion. They're pretty challenging to face, especially Plague when your teammates get her corrupt purge and Legion is just a chaotic match, I love it! Especially when no one DC's.

  • HighQualityDonut
    HighQualityDonut Member Posts: 126

    Michael is really fun, as he fits his character really well. Huntress and Billy are also really fun to face at high levels, leads to interesting games. Clown, wraith, Trapper, all the m1 killers are fun too.

    I dislike spirit and Nurse. Spirit is doable but Nurse is usually unfun. Legion is changed so Ill have to fight them later when I can get on PTB.

  • JakeMainForLife
    JakeMainForLife Member Posts: 29

    Huntress mains. A lot of them (not all) are fun to play against and are usually nice.


  • TheAngryPickle
    TheAngryPickle Member Posts: 73

    Trapper and Freddy are the only balanced killers in the game.

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    I love playing against Plague and Leatherface.

  • truchamp28
    truchamp28 Member Posts: 8

    I also love Michael Myers. He still gives me the creeps after playing DBD for 2 years.😄

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I don't like Michael, because his kit seems far too easy to use and abuse. You play stealthy all match only to get hit with an insta-T3 down the moment he spots you. He didn't charge up on me, why should he get that hit? Anyway, I like fighting the Pig, because the trap concept is really cool provided she doesn't tunnel while you're trying to get it off. Part of the thrill is running around with a lethal device hooked into your mouth, you just want to get it off (and sometimes it's fun to die too). But if she just chases you all over there's no point in the trap, is there?

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    Michael - unpredictable, you never know what add on he could be suing. And it feels satisfying why you dodge his one hit.

    Huntress - I enjoy dodging the hatchets

    Spirit - It’s fun trying to throw her off when phasing.

    Nurse - It feels great to be able to dodge her attacks, and it’s only fun when the player is good with her.

    Pig - I like the race against time and not knowing where she could be at any moment.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I like facing nurse. Even though I’m a console player it isn’t an easy win thing, I like being chased by her and attempting to juke her blinks.

  • Auron471
    Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

    Oddly enough, I really enjoy going up against nurses so long as they aren’t esports pro level players.

    myres is pretty fun to vs too

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited April 2019

    I like playing against killers that are incapable of one-shots baseline, and have to hunt. I *would* enjoy Freddy if he wasn't invisible, and his mechanics weren't completely dictated by RNG.

    So, Huntress, Pig, Plague, Hag, and Spirit are fun to verse. I'll usually try against a Nurse because their skill and luck is variable, but most people won't. I find Legion to be weak in most cases, and though he sucks to play against, he's usually a loss or leave because other people bail as soon as they see him for some reason.

    Myers is entirely addon dependent. Most won't stick around for infinite T3, or T3 mori. I mean, it completely lopsides his power. The Clown also varies, but it's primarily by map. He's virtually impossible to juke because his power is a guaranteed hit on a lot of maps. Once you're seen, it's a time limit.

    The Doctor is entirely dependent on how good the rest of your team is, as he can be decently manageable, or the worst killer to face. Part of this is whether he has Iridescent King and 75% range addons (most of them, sadly). I don't blame people for leaving against him, as can setup of a 3-gen and deliberately drag the match into an automatic win. It sucks, and his design is dog-s*** awful to play against, especially for newer players. Without Calm Spirit, good luck.

    I usually suicide or leave immediately against Hillbilly. He's just a completely unfair killer, and why they bothered bringing Leatherface into the game is beyond me. His mobility surpasses all other killers, including the Nurse. Really, the only way to compete is Hag range addons (still requires setup), Spirit with ultra + rare stacked speed addons, and 4-5 blink Nurse. All of those come with drawbacks, but not Hillbilly's chainsaw. He can hit something and is barely stunned for a second. Meanwhile, Leatherface misses his chainsaw and he's screwed for several seconds. Hillbilly also has that huge cleave on the end of his chainsaw and absolutely ridiculous base turning. My friend won't even come back to the game until he's nerfed, and I don't blame him. With him ignoring MoM, it's even more GG that this is the lovechild of the devs. And, of course, Barbeque and Chili OP as hell for him.

    I'll play out against a Nurse. They tend to be a lot more interesting to play against due to luck and object interaction with blinks, and the wild swing in skill. The real issue with her is the proxy camping, and inability to reasonably heal due to A Nurse's Calling being virtually busted on her. Combine it with M&A and you're pretty doomed before the terror radius even registers for you.

    Trapper is fine, except if he's using his ultra rares. While the 30s auto-arm isn't SO bad, Bloody Coil is broken as tits. I quit as soon as I realize that addon is in play.

    I greatly dislike playing against Wraiths nowadays. He's just annoying in general, and ends up being a more obnoxious Freddy (provided Freddy isn't abusing the 0 lullaby/terror radius crap).

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I have a soft spot for Piggy and Susie. They're both really cute. Michael is a lot of fun to face and I can have fun against Billy, too. I like Wraith, too. ^^ He's who I main, generally. A lot of them end up camping, though.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    I love playing against Hillbilly. He makes the best sounds.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I love to play against Legion, Billy and Nurse. For me these are the most interesting Killers that make the game exciting.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,385

    Pig and Michael games are the most fun for me because of the jumpscares.

    Hillbillies are the least fun because they can down the other three team members in the first minute and there is no counterplay when you are on your own so often.

  • Lamia
    Lamia Member Posts: 25
  • frozen_in_shadow
    frozen_in_shadow Member Posts: 50

    I like the Hag for the jump scares; Michael for the "dang i dodnt see you a second ago" scares; and Piggy for her cute sneak attacks.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    Huntress, because you do more than just looping, you need to work on being hard to hit and dodging hatchets.

    Trapper, not because he's weak, but if i get caught into a trap, it's my fault for not checking that spot earlier.

    Michael, because he's very stressful to play against with his low terror radius.

    Legion, and i mean the legit ones, not the ones that moonwalk or use Frank's tape, the one that switch targets alot and play him as intended, because to me it's fun somehow.

    Billy, unless he uses instasaws of course, otherwise i like it because you need to try and bait him into messing up his chainsaw hit.