Survey: "The pig changes" u are agree or disagree? (ptb)

Vote "YES" or "NO" and tell me if u are against or in favor to the PTB changes.
can expose ur reasons.
Changes in general for the EGC? Not sure, but possibly.
These changes specifically? No, and I am against them.
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The pig changes only
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NO, I understand Pig potentially needing tweaks for EGC, but making her traps work like Deep Wounds and removing the Endgame playstyle is not the way to do that.
EDIT: Also sadboi hours if this goes through, 'cause it'll massacre the Box Master playstyle and the Endgame playstyle.
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Changes for Pig - No
I understand the thought process behind them but their solution to potential problems are harmful to Pig and doesn't seem to actually solve their concerns.
They should really communicate more specifically about these Pig changes because if we need to tailor our feedback to what they are trying to accomplish we'll do so better if we understand their thought process.
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No, by nerfing her for EGC I can understand but doing so also nerfed her in general even when ECG isnโt used.
Why not just make it so that no changes are applied to the pig until EGC timer starts.
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Sorry, I wasn't clear with what I meant. With "Changes in general for the EGC," I was referring to the idea that Pig needed some change to prevent her from being overwhelming during the EGC.
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Pig changes: No
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Obsolutely no.
Pig's strenght comes from her RBT and apply preassure to survivors with that.
Now that the RBT doesnt kill survivors if they leave they can just Gen Rush and not worry at all about totems or end-game and it's gonna really hurt her gameplay. I've literally saved games against survivors with Adrenaline thanks to NOED + Bloodwarden combo as those allow me to put RBT on everyone once I down the first guy on the end-game.
The Tr thing is also completely unnecessary because a Pig that wants to follow you or bodyblock you will just crouch so I dont see why they made this change + I've never used this tactic and I've never seen It either.
Devs literally threw her potential to be top tier out the window.
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"Dear Miss Piggy;
Do you like your new home at the bottom of the list?
Don't worry Pig, I still got lots of mud for you to stick that dirty snout in.
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You're stuck with the one play style of using all your traps within the first 4 gens popping. I know pigs who don't play for end game wont really be all that effected by it but at least before you could have the choice of playing differently.
Traps stopping in terror radius as opposed to chases has made them slightly less threatening too.
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I enjoy playing a late game killer since it's very rare to end in that situation. Either the team dies or escapes easily, i really like when the game "starts" as the last gen is poped. I would enjoy the current pig with the End-game collapse. I would like killers to have the option to have a strong end-game build. I don't get the nerfs to avoid that.
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No. Maybe the end game timer could slow down when someone has a trap on. But to completely nullify a major aspect of her power at the end isn't fair.
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The TR change might be tested on ptb, but every other change was unnesseary.
Also "gates powering" needs to be a trigger for axtivating rbt.
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No. But it doesn't matter. It will be put in the game whether we like it or not. I don't even get the point of EGC. What is the exact objective of that update? How many times have you guys gotten people who hide around after opening the gates just to waste time? It has happened maybe once or twice to me in a thousand hours. At least it looks cool, but what am I missing?
Remember the moon crashing on the town in Majora's mask? That game had the feeling of urgency and imminent collapse captured perfectly. The new EGC has absolutely no sense of urgency. 3 minutes to open a 15 second gate and walk out is nothing. If the survivors actually have to stay to save a teamate, it boosts up to 6 minutes. Only newbie rank 20s will die to it due to lack of knowledge. Only way to get kills with the endgame is to slug and keep pulling the survivor away from the gates.
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######### NO.
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It was given due to the trailer as high pressure end game like a thrill ride I am failing to see this
Pig doesn't need changes only think her trap should slow the timer of the EGC
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whether you run endgame Pig or not, it still makes all RBTs that weren't used during the trial USELESS.
Her terror radius also shouldn't affect the timers and I honestly don't even know why they felt that it was needed.
Like stated above, if a Survivor has an RBT on during the endgame, the endgame timer should go slower.
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here is a total rejection for the community about the changes the Pig, enough reasons to don't change nothing for now
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No, I think it's a kneejerk reaction nerf out of fear that it could make Pig a stronger killer but it wouldn't have been that bad. Instead she loses all endgame leverage and is forced to try and win before endgame when she becomes a basic M1 killer.
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Pig doesn't needs a nerfs like this. Her traps are already not challenge for survivors.
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To be fair, a few posts in a thread is hardly "the community."
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Thank you for supporting us pigs during which is a horrible time for the legion also much love my stabby friend ๐๐ท
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You're joking right, the community didn't totally reject this, just a minority that responded to your post. For the community to reject it you'd have to have gotten responses from over 2.5 million + players.
Now if we think logically about this most of the pig complaints aren't coming from actual Pig players but the fly by nighters. Those who even said they were going to start playing her just so they could exploit EGC.
The devs proved a lot smarter and if you're going to fix one exploit you can't leave another one that's been going on just as long alive.
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I disagree with the Pig's nerf; it was not necessary. If the timer stops for the headtrap when the survivor is in my terror radius, I won't be able to listen for the beeping in order to find them. If I am in a chase with another survivor near the survivor with a headtrap, then that survivor has nothing to worry about. The headtrap was intended to waste the survivors' time by forcing them to halt gen repair, so they would spend time removing their trap(s). Now, it just doesn't feel as useful as before.
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Even with some people not being pig mains and complaining. That does immeditaley make their point invalid some of their opinions are right and aline with what certain pig mains like the streamer ardetha belive this patch has destroyed to the pig.
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@powerbats Can you respond to my reply on your post where you listed survivor "nerfs"? Id like to see your mental gymnastics in action.
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True, but if you look a lot of the complaining is coming from people that planned to play ehr to exploit her RBTs. These were people that said she was trash and would never play her or she was low tier etc.
The changes aren't permanent yet and stuff will likely get changed but the knee jerk reactions and histrionics from those that didn't like her before is hilarious.
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Oh you mean where I refute you with facts and logic like always, yeah this won't take long.
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No..... highly unnecessary.... how RNG is in this game the traps are already little threat..... the devs said it themselves that they are meant to waste time and they dont even do that!.... this goes against lore to the character! And the saw series... its WRONG!
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I'm a pig main so I don't get your attack on this heart warming thread @powerbats it's highly rude I'm sure people that said no also main pig but most probably understand how unjust this is and love pig regardless ๐
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NO for pig. RBT should not be some sort of deep wound
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I dont agree with the trap stopping in the terror radious it was fine how it was imo.
The trap after the egc started now that's a harder one, while it was how it was designed originally things have changed with the timer so to give one killer something no other one does specifically at end game seems wrong.
Maybe if trapped you get a longer time or the killer can't close the hatch on you. Something to make it possible to escape and kill as it should never be guaranteed.l for either side.
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The pig changes are awful & I think the endgame collapse overall made it easier for survivors. You can now open the exit gates in 15 sec or even have the killer open them for you and walk you out. The lava effects make tracking scratch marks difficult as well. Oh and the free open hatch for the last survivor even if no gens were done is BS and encourages slugging even more.
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The problem it's the same as always Devs change some mechanics in game from a killer (legion) but last destroy the power to another killer (Pig) generating new problems
In my country this is called "CHAPUZA"
3 years with updates and the game is far from balanced, later don't cry if nobody wants to play killer, for now are few killers in this game, we'll see what happens in the future.
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I think mostly everyone who played Pig, at least once, will agree that these changes are extreme without any buffs to compensate. Crouching faster is nice and all but it's not enough for her to lose her massive benefit.
So that's a 'No' for me..
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there's a difference between heartwarming like this picture of a 1 year old Prince Louis
and a thread of people complaining about something.
My point is that quite a few people that don't play her or had only planned on playing her so they could exploit EGC are posting.
With the changes to EDC RBT's couldn't be left alone and considering the changes it can't stay the way it is.
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@powerbats I understand she might needed to be changed for EGC, but the fact remains she lost a massive benefit with nothing to compensate for it.
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I understand your point, but its better to have an over power and slowly tweak the killer. Onethis would force devs to show they are fix killers while also show the community they care. Im agrue a lot because im a pig main. I think thepig mains have an legitmate reason to be mad.
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The Pig changes are not done right. It's a sugar coat effort for survivors. Also, Remember Me getting nerfed is a joke. big time.
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The issue with leaving her as is would be she'd be Legion on steroids end game and you'd have a dc epidemic or Pig's simply exploiting it like currently. By doing this they can test it out and see what they need to do to buff her up some.
One of the issues is that so many Pig players try and use her RBT'S to secure kills, that's not what they're their for. You're using them to slow the game down to help you secure kills not cheese them to ensure a kill.
It's never really been addressed since so few Pig do it there wasn't a lot of need to address it but with the EGC it had to be addressed same as Legions exploiting the mechanics did.
Also don't forget that just as with Spirit she'll probably get some qol buffs to help her out some without making her brokenly op. But in order to do that they need data and people need to play her for that to happen.
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Im still going to play her, if it goes live because of dedication but your asking for people have fun with a now low tier kill . Also the spirit was still okay before she got the buffs. The pig has lost a whole playstyle no more end game and straetgy there is a huge difference.
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You seem to be overlooking that the pig has needed quality of life changes for a while and got one change with a nurf with TR
Unlike the spirit her power hinders her pressure I'm talking crouching and dashing yeah it's OK at some pallets but to be crouching all the time is not good as it doesn't apply map pressure.
Only pressure she has is her traps which ain't strong you can normally get those sucker off at the second box unless your an very unlucky person but that's not the traps that's rng for you. But now you got that nice bonus if your TR which is much bigger due to those nice nurfs a while back traps do nothing so people can abuse that.... just like they abuse the sound issues that spirit has currently.
If they never changed spirit then added extra nurfs down the line yould appericate people supporting and understanding you.
Regardless if they main her or not.
We need to be better to each other.
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I agree i just want her back in mid tier
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Yeah I just want her as she was to ๐ yeah if she's being abused us pig mains will glady help ideas to help stop this because we love her!! hard nurfs are not a solution here. As we know they never listen to ptb feedback and change much of anything that impacts much
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Dont be dont full unless they just ignore question tommorow about the pig.