Legion Financial Compensation?

So you're gonna change Legion. By a whole lot. This isn't the same Legion people payed money or shards for. Will we get some sort of refund or currency to compensate for these changes? I know you can't refund cash, but you could give players who own him some blood points, shards, or even some Cosmetic Currency, right? Its whats fair, right? Even Hearthstone gives players refunds if anything is changed, good or bad. Cause its whats fair and isn't what we signed up for initially. If not it kinda does show the absolute greed and how out of touch you are with your player base in my opinion.


  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @brokedownpalace I don't think I've ever played a single multiplayer game where they changed something so drastically and didn't give you some sort of compensation. Its just a form of courtesy. Since it definitely isn't the same initial thing you purchased. Any consumer shouldn't be required to take a risk when purchasing said object is unknowingly prone to changes afterwards. Its a bad business practice and discourages consumers from using real cash as their purchase could be changed without them being able to stop it.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    Won't happen

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    This is actually an excellent point. Too bad Behavior will likely do nothing to compensate those they lied to about the content they paid for.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited April 2019

    As far as I remember Behaviour reserved themselves the right to change anything without any or no reason at all in the Terms of Service (the long wall of text you agree to before playing). So legally you cant do anything about it. You agreed to it. You took the risk. Welcome to online gaming of the 21st century. Glad to have you here.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @DuckApproved the compensation you get is the Double Blood Point event next weekend.

  • GenSim12345
    GenSim12345 Member Posts: 182

    The only thing you can do to not get duped is to not buy the damn dlc chars you can only get with cells and just invest a ######### ton of time for the shards. Least you won't be gambling IRL money.

    Oh wait. You want your money/shards back? Oh. Well no. It is not going to happen.

    Well ######### me then. Guess I am not going to get my money back for the upcoming Freddy changes after all. That, is gonna suck when they change him, am too used to current Freddy adapting will be a pain for me.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    A refund is extreme. I got the last 2 chapters with shards. 36,000 shards.

    Saved me 16 dollars. When the game gets in a state of power for the killer, I'll be happy to buy some Auric Cells. Until then, not happening.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824

    They’ll cite the user agreement most likely, most companies have language in them that protects them from this sort of incompetence.

  • MysticalMagic92
    MysticalMagic92 Member Posts: 123

    That's the risk you take when purchasing any multiplayer game or add on. Things are bound to change. Things are always being balanced and fixed. You can't expect to be compensated for every change to a game that progressively adds on more content. Otherwise, players would be receiving compensation for every patch in the game, but that's not true with other games. You don't see players getting compensated when a DLC drops in any game that changes it. This won't be different with Legion. You bought The legion knowing it would get changed, as do all other DLCs in Dead By Daylight. You do not need or deserve compensation for a change you didn't like. I mean, I bet survivors didn't like when their perks like Decisive Strike got changed, but, you don't see them asking for compensation. What happens happens, multiplayer games are always changing, especially these where things must be changed for balance.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    I don't think anybody is questioning the legality. Anybody who's intelligent knows Behavior is in their full right to do nothing to compensate players who feel ripped off by the content they paid for being massively changed.

    The issue here is about the morality. It's completely legal for me to go around time screaming racial insults at random strangers of different ethnicities. But just because it's legal doesn't mean I'm not a massive jerk for doing it. I don't do that because I want to be a decent person. We just wish Behavior wanted to be a decent company rather than put the almighty dollar in front of product protection.

  • GenSim12345
    GenSim12345 Member Posts: 182

    So it is highly unlikely me or anyone else who bought Legion/Pig or any other dlc killer and are in disagreement with the changes you have made too them are going to be getting their money back for your updates changing the product into basically something very different then what you marketed them as?

    Unless its something big like say for example (of something that never happened to me btw): I have 1,000 shard or Cells and suddenly all of them are gone even though i did not spend any of the shards/cells on anything?

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Compensation for a killer that was poorly designed and only ended in abusive gameplays and now actually get changed to what it should have been since release? Makes no sense at all.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234

    This thread is a flamebait and typical Killah Main "LOOK-@-ME!"

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    Legion's in a better spot now, just watch the dev stream. Or do you want to see constant disconnects when you start a match? The devs make changes based on feedback.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933

    He is not in a better spot. He might be a bit better if they buff a few things before the update goes live.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    This isn't the same Legion people payed money or shards for. 

    Actually it is. Legion was advertized as a killer whose focus was to injure as many survivor as possible in a smal time fram, with the added benefit of vaulting pallets. That didn't change.

  • Figurin
    Figurin Member Posts: 24

    Dont worry. I know how you feel, but take my advice: stop play this game, and make you sure to NEVER BUY ANYTHING OF BHVR IN THE FUTURE. Since almost a week, i stop playing this and i feel bad for the money i spend on his game, but this is a good reason for never trust in devs without proper criterion.

    Let the fanboys still say "oh, wow! Your are the best, thank you and bring more cosmetics and still (bad word) killers, we need balance because we not know how to play"

    That kids make me sick.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Dude you outright agree to it when you accepted user agreements for the game.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    The fact that you posting in this forum is very questionable then.

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    So by a lot of peoples logic in the comments "Its a risk" by that logic you could purchase some of the cosmetic currency, maybe hold onto it for a little until you see a cosmetic you like. Then the devs hotfix your currency making it work only .1 of what it was formerly worth, while keeping the same prices for the cosmetics. You would be ######### livid. This same logic applies to Legion. Please think before you spout idiotic nonsense.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Except that's not the case. He's still as advertised and he's still useable. He just isn't as abuseable as before.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457


    That’s life, no one is saying that you’re going to like the change.

  • bradys44
    bradys44 Member Posts: 105

    Please stop complaining and give it a try first.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Yet, even after these changes, its power doesnt allow you that much.

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    lol cute

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Myers had his perks gutted and was changed so he can't stalk multiple people in one go anymore.

    Leatherface had bbq nerfed so you can avoid the aura easier.

    DS has been nerfed 4 times even though its still strong.

    Many things have changed chars and perks people purchased.

    I never once saw someone complain about a refund when they got changed even with Freddy being nerfed one week after.

    Legion was designed to hit multiple survivors while in ff but the players quickly found a way to use that power instead to down a single one more effectively.

    That is why they are being changed, the original concept is what they plan to make him into, just because you can't down with FF anymore without add-ons does not make the killer something they did not advertise as on the contrary what they are becoming is closer to what they actually advertised they would be.

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    It would be cool but it's not gonna happen sadly.

    PTB legion sucks and is a shadow of it's former self but is in a good base to be balanced, we just need to wait for now.

  • MystiKasT
    MystiKasT Member Posts: 289

    The smartest thing to do would be to give BHVR no $$ til they get their act together

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Stop being a crybaby.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Thing is when you nerf a killer worse than freddy, then there is a serious problem. People wanted a rework not a nerf, and instead BHVR did the opposite, we didn't pay to see a killer worse than freddy

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Thing is when you make a killer worse than freddy then there is a serious problem. People paid to play a fun and enjoyable killer, not a killer that would be nerfed and become worse than freddy. People wanted a rework on legion, instead BHVR nerfed him, and people feel like they wasted money on devs that don't listen and just nerf things.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Compensation in the face of changes like this is not something that should be demanded, nor something that should be (and often isn't) required.

    That said, it goes a long way to restoring goodwill. Its often most positively received when done in more creative ways, as refunds are just an act of attempting to reverse a transaction, rather than alternate compensation being a way to help the consumer regain faith in the developer/publisher's visions for the future of the game.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    Well, I'm glad queen pulled out the ol' User License Agreement on your ass. Very satisfying to see.

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764
    edited April 2019

    Legion was supposed to be 4 people, not 2. The other two were locked behind cosmetics, so that's a strike there. Also, Legion got gutted so bad they might as well just be a survivor. This is $4 to play a killer who loses his power from almost every interaction, and even if you do use it, it doesn't do anything outside of a hit. Then you're just pressing W, and M1. He's so basic at this point it is painful to even consider Legion is anything but a cosmetics dummy.

    There is nerfing something, changing something, then utterly gutting them and making them a basic #########. That's what Legion is. Last I checked you don't have to pay for Billy, Trapper, Wraith, all 115% killers that can just M1 if needed. You're buying a killer to m1 and that's about it. That's why people want refunds. Cuz he is NOT what people want, or asked for.

    Not only did they gut him, but they just doubled down, and continue to nerf him without any regard for what people may think cuz it appeases the masses who for whatever ######### reason don't realize you can play the PTB Legion on live. M2, then chase M1. Only difference is you're 110, but you'l get them eventually! It's the most basic function in the game, and you paid $4 but you'll get them!

    God people need to stop pretending like this is somehow an acceptable change. All this talk of, "Well now they can buff him." Yup, in a few years after no one plays him, and even then it'll take multiple "reworks", and he'll end up just getting nerfed throughout those anyway. Wraith Cube anyone?

    Also, everyone was ticked off at Miguel's changes. They still bring up shadownerfs, bugs, and other issues/nerfs he got. To this day people still ask why he can't multi-stalk. Why DS was left so strong for 2 years, but Mikey's perks got utterly demolished the minute a new build became popular.

  • moonlunn
    moonlunn Member Posts: 170

    Some of y’all are to much lmao

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    Yea, me too. Thanks for posting the ULA instead of addressing the outrage. You go girl.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    It's literally to be expected with multiplayer games and we all know it.