Basement needs fixed to stop hostage situations
I'm all good on the end game and helping stop Survivors from stalling out games for toxic reasons. But why no fixes towards Killer's standing on the stairs and body blocking Survivors? I even brought up the exploit of standing in the stairs to prevent saves/escape with the new end game and yet it gets ignored in the Q&A.
Make it a little wider so people can press through. It's still dangerous and a one way out. But a Killer can't take games hostage by body blocking people into the basement. You fixed one side and ignored the other.
The Collapse will stop hostage situations. Problem fixed.
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I really hate that as well. There's zero chance for a save or escape when they just block the stairs so you can't even physically get down there. At least a normal hook can be rescued from on the side or something.
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But in what world is body blocking someone looting the chest in the basement at the start of the game for a troll sacrifice ever a good addition to the game?
It needs fixed.
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Yeah it's not a hostage situation during the endgame. Just a slow execution.
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The basement is meant to be dangerous. Widening the stairs or any other such change would destroy that identity. For now, if people are holding the game hostage, you can report them. There's no need to butcher the game just for those edge cases.
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But it's still wrong and horrible game play. All trolls have to do is run the basement aura perk and there is one free salty kill right there. Catch two in there trying for a rescue and you just killed half the team.
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So don't feed the troll.
I don't like it either, but I rather die then be held hostage in the basement.
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Yeah, but how many times does that happen, in reality? Not nearly enough to justify butchering the basement.
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Not much different from being insidious camped by leatherface really.
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It's still a one way in and out. Trapper, Leatherface, Myers, Huntress, Billy, and Hag would all still be highly dangerous there with OHKO's, Traps, and Hatchet/M1 in the narrow passage. It's not safe, it just wouldn't allow people to grief.
Not many Survivors hid in a corner of the map to troll the Killer. Not many Killers body block the stairs for long periods of time. But if one got fixed, the other should as well.
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With sprint survivos have no place to fear and its not enough for you. Basement bodyblock is intented.
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Those two things have been fixed with the same solution. Now, survivors can no longer hold the game hostage not be held hostage themselves.
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You're saying Survivors need to run 1 perk to counter a exploitable mechanic that takes 0 input after putting one's butt on the stairs is good and intended? Also certain Killers can get back faster than a SB. Nurse and Mint Rag Hag say "Hi."
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@VexTheHex I've had SEVERAL games as killer where survivors ######### around and crouched around the map hiding after the exit gates were opened. I have never ONCE as a survivor seen someone get body blocked in the basement to be griefed just for lulz. The survivor thing didn't happen OFTEN, but it was still an issue. The killer thing almost never happens, so is MUCH less of an issue. The game still ends. You still die.
Don't wanna get stuck down there because you were looting a chest at the beginning of the match? DON'T LOOT THE BASEMENT CHEST AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MATCH.
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Dude I get survivors hiding in the corner to prolong a game all the time. The reason why they added the endgame collapse was because survivors doing that wasn't TECHNICALLY holding the game hostage. Not in a way that was bannable.
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That's laughable. So the "fix" for Survivors is they'll die after all the Gens are done, exits are opened, and the timer runs out with the Killer idle in the stairs.
And the fix for the other side if Sacrifices/Free Kills for Survivors attempting to grief.
Legit fairness.
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Yes, actually, and I'll explain why. The killer is supposed to be dangerous. The basement is supposed to be dangerous. It makes no sense, from a design perspective, to have either of those be nullified just because there's half of the numbers role present.
Don't corner yourself and expect free handouts.
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Yes, @VexTheHex it's fair, because now you don't have to d/c to leave the match. You don't have to lose all of your points to get to the next match. You just die. That's fair. Stop whining about something that isn't even close to a problem with the game.
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Exploitable lol .
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Quoting is all messed up now, so I can'y quote.
@Orion The Basment shouldn't be free kills though. It can be dangerous and still would be. You shouldn't expect free kills just cause you hook or find someone there.
@incirion You really need to get better at Killer. You already told me the whole reason you're against this is cause it hurts you camping people in the basement cause of BT. Don't rely on basement camping and your skills will improve.
@Slayer More exploitable than a camo Claud UE in a corner with the gates open.
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This content has been removed.
The basement isn't free kills though. It's kills you're a) getting by capitalizing on a survivor going close to/into the most dangerous area of a map and b) if you're bodyblocking someone in there all game you're getting no points, no Emblems, and no other kills.
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They're not free kills. In one of your examples, the killer dedicated a perk slot that is designed to warn them of when survivors go into the basement. In the rest of your examples, the killer always hooked someone in the basement, which requires at least some effort.
The only free thing in this thread is the free basement escapes you're demanding, because you expect to corner yourself and still be exempt from any real consequences.
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@VexTheHex I'm against this because THE BASEMENT ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE A SAFE PLACE.
Which part of that do you not understand? Stop being so whiny because someone body blocked you down there one time. It just makes you look stupid.
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He always does.
Just ignore him.
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It is. Run Agitation and IG. Run the Territory perk. Hook anyone in there. At least one Kill. Hide nearby, maybe run Insidious if you're low mobility. Wait for another to go in. Walk and stand in stairs. You're done. People will do it. Hiding in a corner for 10 minutes after the gates are opened isn't point gathering or interesting. But people still do it.
If something was this broken dumb on the Survivor side, I'm sure it would of been changed by now. Unless you basement camp, this change wouldn't hurt you AT ALL.
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Holding the game hostage means there's no way for the round to end unless someone disconnects. Collapse will prevent that, since if even three survivors are trapped in the basement, there's one that will be able to repair the generators and trigger the Collapse.
Just because you don't like the truth doesn't make it bait.
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@adamn except the collapse WILL stop basement hostage games unless FOUR PEOPLE are stupid enough to get trapped in the basement. If the killer is doing nothing except standing at the basement then the gens are going to get completed, and the door is going to get opened, and the collapse is going to begin. So no matter how many generators are done, the collapse solves this problem.
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Add a ladder in the corner of the basement that can be climbed (but is very slow) as an alternate escape if the stairs are blocked
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"If something was this broken on the survivor side."
You mean like the old DS that took 3 years to get changed and was immediately replaced with MoM which is even better?
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If you dedicate a full build to it its not free
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How is it at all fair or thrilling game play for someone to literally be body blocked for the match? Again people crouch in corners to make a Killer salty with no gain to themselves. People will also use the new end game to make Survivors salty as well.
It's wrong and needs addressed. Make a basement hatch that shoots you right outside the building but damages you in the Injured state. There's possible fixes.
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it's not a free kill , the killer chased and downed someone and took them to the basement which means the survivor ran too close to the basement
and a killer on the stairs is absolutely not more exploitable than survivors refusing to leave, survivors chose to go into the basement and wait there as the terror radius approached... the killer had no choice in the survivors being able to just stealth around while the gates are open
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No you don't get it! Using all four of your perk slots specifically to do this IS "free" because..... Well... Oh heck, I don't know. I tried.
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Premonition, Spine Chill, terror radius. Don't corner yourself.
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No it's worse. Killers could always find, move, and attack. A Survivor in the basement is literally stuck. They have NO OPTIONS if the Killer choose to idle there. Despite the end game Survivors holding the game hostage situation... the Killer ALWAYS had potential to end the match. A Survivor being body blocked for the match is worse as they have no input for the match to end.
They fixed one. Fix the other.
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Any survivor who wants to remain undetected will remain undetected. The killer cannot find a survivor in a large map with tons of LoS blockers.
Both are being fixed with Collapse.
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And survivors wanted to do nothing besides genrush so they didnt even know that there s a basement down there. Stupid play gets punished by basement. Devs even said that bodyblocking in basement to counter BT is not bannable and is a legit strategy. Hence bodyblocking is not bannable unless someone is doing it to take game hostaged but that s fixed already. End game collapse doesnt allow games to get hostaged . Done!
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The point still stand the Killer can and still can interact and have a outcome. A Survivor body blocked in the stairs has no options anymore and can't do anything. That is flawed game play. As much as you want to argue you can simply never be near or hooked in the basement, one could easily point to Whisperers for the other issue. (Spies is still a hot mess right?)
Both needed fixed. One has, one hasn't.
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@VexTheHex the collapse HAS fixed it. You can no longer be body blocked indefinitely. The game still ends. No matter what.
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Definitely a problem but I don't think it's a major issue because this is a reportable offense. No need to change gameplay when it's already against the rules.
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And survivors wanted to do nothing besides genrush so they didnt even know that there s a basement down there. Stupid play gets punished by basement. Devs even said that bodyblocking in basement to counter BT is not bannable and is a legit strategy. Hence bodyblocking is not bannable unless someone is doing it to take game hostaged but that s fixed already. End game collapse doesnt allow games to get hostaged // INTENTED FEATURE
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But the killer can't interact with what he can't find.
I was hoping you'd mention Whispers. You can use Premonition, Spine Chill, Distortion (in case of Territorial Imperative), Alert, and probably more perks I'm not even remembering to keep an eye on the killer's location and avoid being cornered in the basement.
Collapse fixes both situations.
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It helped as it will not be never ending. But in what world is getting to sit in the basement for the rest of the match cause you literally have no options but to idle or DC in any shape, ways, or form good for the game?
Ignoring BT or Toxic Survivors you just really want to see die. Can't you understand how the ability to shut down a player's ability to perform ANYTHING else for an entire match by standing still isn't a good thing? Killer unless they get stuck in the scenery never are in the situation they literally can't do anything at all.
I'd easily trade insta heals for no more stair case body block. Hell even throw in a Adrenaline nerf cause I know that grinds many Killer main's gears!
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It's only bannable because it is holding the game hostage. It will no longer be holding the game hostage since the game will end. "Not fun" is not an argument for changing the game's balance.
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gonna try this again
in those games where the killer was held hostage by survivors , there was NO ABILITY FOR THE KILLER TO END because he would never find the survivors , since they had nothing that would alert the killer to their crouched position
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Make stairs more big.
Problem fixed
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I don't know if this will be addressed by the devs; but at the moment, I'm certain that it'll stay as is. Sorry.
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It's already been addressed. Collapse will kill the survivors so they're no longer being held hostage.