Make it so when someone dc's they die by the new entity kill animation

Title, I think that the new sacrifice animation for dc's would be a much better fit than a survivor just falling asleep. We will also be able to see this sweet death a lot more.


  • Nehalennia
    Nehalennia Member Posts: 8

    And by a lot more, i mean... a LOT more!

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    Yes, and not only that, but it would also be so satisfying to see the Entity brutally kill rage quitters 😈

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    Also make the DCer have to sit and watch the entire animation. Let them stew for a couple seconds over what they've done.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I would really like this! The new animation is so cool.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119
    edited April 2019

    Yes, this is a definite QoL change for people, especially killer.

    *Not sarcasm, I really do support this idea.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192

    Great idea. Entity gets some extra snacks, and the great animation gets to be put to use more often as well.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Yes please.

  • WatchBloodRain
    WatchBloodRain Member Posts: 175

    This does sound much needed, sounds more fitting

  • Caretaker
    Caretaker Member Posts: 764

    Got my vote.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    People would DC the first days just to see the animation lol

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    +1 this

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited April 2019

    Yup, way better than them just going BLEGH *lies down*

    God, Entity's gonna rack up so many more kills...

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    This would give more reason to play legion

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Killers should get more points and their bbq stacks for a dc but survivors should get something also.

    I mostly play solo survivor and these little nobs dcing are screwing me and my game over.

    I should be compensated with bonus points as i hang on the hook while the killer sweats a 2-3 man because 1 or 2 little salty survivors cant take getting hit or downed.

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    This idea is brilliant!

    I always doubted killers would see the auto-sacrifice at all (3 mins is a long time), but if the sacrifice triggers on a DC, that animation won't be "wasted". As a further bonus, all remaining players get a jab at selfish DCers.

    It's rare that an idea on these forums gets this much support.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Super cool idea!

    They also have to make it count as full sacrificse for Killers (3 hooks) otherwise those DCs actually make it impossible to pip in high rank.

  • drekin
    drekin Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2019

    The quitting survivor should fall in to an unconscious state from which they can't be healed or rescued from hooks. The killer can see their aura from any distance. This gives the option for the killer to hook or mori them (obviously they become conscious once hooked or when a mori has started).

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,523

    That would be very cool to have, though I feel like it would be a jumpscare when I'm playing killer. (Not like that's a bad thing.)

  • knell
    knell Member Posts: 595
    edited April 2019

    I agree with you.

    Although the Entity eating up disconnected players would *look* cool and very deserving, it would only be for a cosmetic purpose, and not a functional one. For example, a killer relying on hooking that survivor to use the BBQ aura reading would not benefit from it. So personally, I would prefer changes that would affect actual gameplays instead of its appearance.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213


    Killer's already get jumpscared every other game by Claudette so it wouldn't really be any different. lol

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    Definitely NO. That wouldnt do anything for the DC issue.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    @MegsAreEvil Actually, this will give you the "Times Up!" and "Rage Quitter" points, and this is not supposed to solve it, its to mock the survivor who DC'D

  • DarkFox85
    DarkFox85 Member Posts: 74

    Lol. This is fair enough. Survs are supposed to have the jumpscares not killers! XD

    Also, most surv DCs [in my experience] happen while you're *carrying* them. So to have the entity instantly burst up *right next to you* might be a bit earrapy.

    So okay. How about this: DCing puts the surv in the dying state for 2 seconds - and then - splat. Killers will know it's coming.

    I can now forsee killers watching that glorious animation and wasting some time. But then again, the remaining survs have just lost a teammate, so the possibility of a few seconds repree might even help the situation.

    This idea just gets better and better the more I think about it!

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    Wonderful idea! :)