New Chapter: Lab Experiment

CHARMED69TAURUS Member Posts: 34
edited April 2019 in Creations

NEW MAP: Ruined Botany Lab. Many odd things were done to plants over at the Botanic Experiment Building. Plants from all over Earth were taken, to see what odd things the plants were, to see if they could do something special. One day, a scientist made an unstable formula, and poured it onto a peculiar vine plant. The concoction mutated the plant into a humanoid form, and struck down 10 of the 50 scientists in the building. The building was abandoned, left to have plants rot and die, but some of the plants that were experimented had somehow survived. The new killer is The Creature. No one knows what thing it is, or specifically its cause, but some survivors of that crazed test monkey have reported it to have long, sharp vines. Its ability it called Root. The Creature sends a root through the ground across the map. Once blood enters the killer's system (injures/downs survivor), the vine will attack any survivor in range, forcing them to mend, or if they are injured, downs them. The Creature will see the survivors aura when they are hit by the root for 5 seconds. The root can be destroyed at your own risk of getting hit. (I have not thought of perks for anyone. I just have this idea.) The new survivor is Ruby Sanchez. She was one of the scientists that was attacked, but she was only wounded, and she managed to flee. She attempted to remember what odd things the mutated plant could do, and studied with what she knew. After some studies, she was stumped, unable to find out more, as her experience was limited. She contacted one of the security people and asked for a tablet that led to the camera that spectated the horror. After watching the fiend, she gathered the courage to investigate the building, armed with the camera, and some weed killer bottles. She never came out. The security guard had a feeling that she made it, she just is stuck in there, still constructing and escape plan.

Pls contact me back and tell me wat u think!


  • MissyD
    MissyD Member Posts: 23

    I like the idea so far. But follow the killer concept model that people use. Look at other killer chapters and see how people wrote it out and follow that!

    CHARMED69TAURUS Member Posts: 34

    That is good. Thank you for your opinion.