Dark Devotion

Auron471 Member Posts: 1,310

Hello, Dirty Survivor Main here,

I haven't seen this perk even once since it came out. I think it needs a buff.

Remove the obsession restriction.

Reduce terror radius by 75% instead of 100%

Terror radius is transferred for 30s instead of 20s

Can only be activated every 50s

Dims the brightness of the red stain by 25% when the terror radius is transfered


  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    There no reason to use Dark Devotion in its current form, it just has too many conditions with too little benefit. Monitor & Abuse is just more universally usefull and even Tinkerer is more reliable than Dark Devotion.

    Its also one of thoses sad cases of a Perk that has no synergy with the killer it belong to. Dark Devotion require that you hit a survivor with a basic attack, the idea being that you let them go to pursue another target while you don't have a terror radius. But the way Plague work, she only want to use her basic attack once on Broken survivors to down them.

    I've said this before but it need to either no longer be an obsession perk or last much, much longer on the obsession.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The problem is that the killer needs other perks more (to help with finding or chasing survivors). There are only 4 perk slots, and 1 is taken by Ruin. I can't see Dark Devotion being more than a fun perk.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I have tried to warn them before and devs just don't listen to.

    They are making a mistake when they are creating perks. You should not compare perks with themselves, you should compare it with other perks like BBQ, ruin, NOED, bamboozle, enduring, spirit fury, brutal strength, MYC etc.

    One of the mistakes people do is that they think if they create perks as powerful as these perks, the other side will become overpowered which is completely false. When you don't create perks as powerful as these are, then people will simply not use it. This is especially true for killers since they almost always need ruin + a tracking perk like BBQ or whisperer. Their options are limited and there is no room for fun perks.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Delfador Correct. Your average M1 killer has to use Ruin + Enduring + Spirit Fury + one tracking perk and that's it.

  • PunL
    PunL Member Posts: 136

    @NoShinyPony i would disagree on the ruin part. This perk is just to easily removed from the game. It usually last less than a mintue.

    And yeah, Dark Devotion is a quite useless perk, maybe some day it will be changed. The Devs changed alot of former useless perks to somewhat ok-ish state some time ago (i am speaking of the changes to Calm Spirit, Bitter Murmur, etc.).

    @Delfador I guess its quite hard to predict what people can do with certain perks. You can see it in many games where the players find ways and synergies not predicted by game developers.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @PunL Yes, Ruin is easily destroyed and too often doesn't last long enough. That doesn't mean that a killer can afford to not bring Ruin.

    When Ruin is destroyed in the beginning of the game (or not used at all), it usually means that the killer will get genrushed. You just can't down good survivors fast enough with the average M1 killer.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The issue with DD is that it's 20 seconds on hit and then a cooldown.

    So you hit and injure the obsession then you either:

    A. Keep chasing them, generally lasts more than 20 seconds and your TR never moves more than about 10m from where it would be anyway. Perk does nothing.

    B. Ditch the chase, hope you find someone else within 20 seconds. Hope they don't see you coming. Hope they aren't SWF. Hope that you get more than just injuring them because otherwise you basically just traded a down on the obsession for a down on someone else for no real net gain.

    The only case it does much is if you find the obsession already injured, down them to apply DD then slug them and all rely on all the same things as B anyway.

    If you want to hide your TR, Tinkerer is infinitely better. It isn't reliant on finding the right survivor to use it. It doesn't only work while already in a chase making you question what you're meant to do when you're half-stealthy mid chase. It gives you information at a critical time and can help you prevent gens going off.